Ch 6 - Beach Sex and Purity Rings

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We all got settled back into our spots. It didn't go unnoticed that Calum sat closer to me this time. He put his arm behind me, resting it on the table that we were leaning against. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye to see him smiling at me. When I smiled back, he squeezed my shoulder gently and left his hand there.

Alexis was trying to hide her smile as she made eye contact with me, reaching for the bottle of rum. She filled the empty glasses and reminded me that I hadn't had a turn yet.

I already had something in mind. "Michael's potty break gave me a good idea. Okay, never have I ever had sex in a bathroom." I smiled smugly, knowing one of these guys had to have had sex in a bathroom at some point. After all, they were famous band members, right?

"So you've been looking up facts about me while I was taking a piss, huh? Cheater." Michael accused with a grin, then downed a shot.

"Um, noooo. But why is that a publicly known thing?" I asked through my laughter.

"I don't know how people find out this shit. From the fuckee looking for some recognition, I guess. Some of our former friends got a little thirsty after we became famous."

I kind of felt bad for choosing that particular topic. "Oh. I didn't mean to stir up any bad feelings."

"No, it's cool. We know who our real friends are now. So it's kind of a good thing. No big deal."

"Yeah, but want to know what is a big deal?" asked Luke. We looked at him expectantly. "Not only did he have sex in a bathroom... that's when he lost his v-card."

Lex's head snapped around to look back at Michael. "For real?"

"I don't know what the big deal is! What? I was sixteen, and horny, and had the opportunity. You guys didn't lose your virginity in any weird places?"

Alexis answered, "Nope. I was eighteen. It happened the old fashioned way, in a bed. No exciting story here."

I realized everyone had turned their attention to me, waiting on my story. "Wait. How did this get turned around to me having to explain myself?"

Ashton encouraged, "C'mon. We'll tell you our stories, too."

I rolled my eyes at him, but told them anyway. "Fine. I was seventeen, and it was in the back seat of a car. Happy now?"

Calum told his story next. "Same. But fifteen. With an older chick. She was nineteen."

At least then I knew he didn't have a problem with older girls. Not that I was much older.

We continued around the circle. Ashton said, "I was such a dork. I was seventeen before I got laid. It was at her house. We dated forever. Not sure whatever happened to her after we broke up though."

Luke was the last one. "I don't know why you guys are looking at me. I'm a virgin, saving myself for marriage."

The room went completely quiet. Alexis and I looked around at the others to see if he was telling the truth. Their faces were unreadable. Calum nodded and said, "He's serious. That's why he wears that purity ring." Luke held up his hand and wiggled his little finger with the ring on it.

Alexis was clearly in awe. "How? I mean, you could easily have any girl of your choosing. Is it a religious thing?"

"Yep," he said, nodding. Then the nod slowly turned into a side-to-side shake. And all the guys burst into laughter once again. "I'm totally fucking with you!"

I gave him the evil eye, and Alexis grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at him. "Asshole. So what's the real story?"

"I was fifteen and it was with my girlfriend at the time. I tried to be all romantic and shit. We did it on the beach, under the stars. It was really awful, now that I think about it."

"Yeah, sand up the ass is a real bitch, isn't it?" I agreed, nodding my head. This caused the rest of the group to look at me confused. "What? I've had beach sex, too. And Luke's right. It's awful."

"Good to know," Calum noted as he turned back to the group. "Who wants to go next?"

"I'll go again," Ashton answered. "Give me a minute to think of something good..." He paused for a moment, concentrating hard on what his next question would be. After another minute, he clapped his hands together looking triumphant. "Got it! Never have I ever had a threesome."

"Ok, I call bullshit!" I shouted, not believing his statement for a second.

"It's true!" he yelled back, holding his hands up in surrender. "Swear on my life."

I looked to the other boys and waited for someone to take the first shot. When no one did, I became even more outraged. "Oh, come ON! You're fucking famous! There's no way in Hell I'm letting you get away with lying on this one."

"I swear on everything, we're not lying," Luke assured me. "While I can obviously see the appeal, I'm pretty much a one girl type of guy. We all are, even when it's just sex with no feelings. And I'm sure as hell not having sex with another guy in the room."

The rest of the boys nodded their agreement. Alexis, meanwhile, had become especially quiet, and I already knew the reason why. Slowly, she raised her glass to her lips and downed her shot. It seemed to take a minute for everyone to notice her confession, but once the realization sank in, their mouths dropped.

"No. Fucking. Way!" Michael shouted, not believing his eyes. "When? Where? How?!"

I had never seen Alexis this shy. She was doing her best to look everywhere in the room but at him. Her attempts to avoid his questioning were to no avail, though. There was no way Michael was letting this one go.

"Fine, fine," she groaned, finally giving in to his nagging. "It's a funny story, actually..."

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