Ch 23 - Sunrise

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It didn't take long for us to dry in the heat of the summer night air. Noticing this, Alexis suggested we start getting dressed. It was just as well because the mood had grown somber, and I was ready to move on to something else.

Ashton noticed Alexis checking the time on her phone. "Not to sound like I want to leave, but what time is it, Lex?"

She made a sad face and said, "It's almost five o'clock. Can you believe that?"

"Damn, it's past my bedtime," Michael stated, yawning.

We were all pretty much sobered up at this point. And I was starting to feel the post-drinking tiredness creeping in, as I'm sure we all were.

Alexis announced, "It's been one hell of a night, boys. And I know we need to be heading back. But it's not quite over yet." They looked at her curiously. I, too, wondered what she had up her sleeve. "I have the perfect last stop for your tour. Follow me." She linked her arms through Ashton's and Michael's, and away we went.

We were mostly quiet on the walk to wherever we were going. But now and then one of us would point out a place where we had a memory associated. We still had plenty of laughs, as well as a few sentimental moments along the way.

As we got closer, I realized where Lex was leading us. I thought it was weird that she would take them to our apartment. There was certainly nothing special there. But that's exactly what she did.

"We have arrived!" She announced, opening the main entrance door and waving them in. One by one they entered the building.

"Where are we, exactly?" Michael asked.

"We're home. This is where Tori and I live. Now, don't get jealous of our extravagant lifestyle. I know super rich musicians don't get the privilege of living this luxuriously," she told them with a wink.

They filed into the tiny space we called home. Michael went immediately for the couch and stretched out. Luke went for the fridge. He was disappointed, to say the least.

Alexis ruffled Michael's hair as she walked by him. "Don't get too comfy, sleepyhead."

Michael grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him. "Nighty night. Let's cuddle."

She removed herself, saying, "Not right now. We're leaving."

Ashton questioned, "Wait. What? I thought this was our last stop?"

"Well, it is, technically. I just wanted to stop in here because I have to pee. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back."

"So, this is where you sleep, huh?" Calum asked, observing the surroundings.

"Yep. Alone," I said, with an exaggerated sigh.

I barely heard Luke sing quietly, "She sleeps alone. My heart wants to come home." Then he hummed a couple more lines. It was something I hadn't heard before. But his voice was beautiful, even at five thirty in the morning after being out drinking and acting a fool all night.

Alexis was back in record time. "Okay, you guys ready?"

Michael answered, "Depends on where we're going. I'm kind of comfortable."

"Oh, hush, boy. Come on, you'll like this." She literally pulled him up from the couch and pushed him out the door. When she headed up the stairs, I knew exactly where we were going. The roof. We were no strangers to the place. But it was odd not seeing the city lights in the darkness. It was a whole new experience for us.

"This is cool," Ashton stated, looking around. "Any special stories or memories to go along with this stop, or...?"

"No. Not this time. But we're getting ready to make one." Her comment was met with blank stares. Even I was stumped. "Have you all ever watched the sun rise?"

They all shook their heads. "Well, boys, you haven't been living right. Have a seat. I promise you'll remember this forever."

We sat in a semi-circle, facing the east. You could already see the pinkish-purple glow from the sun peeking over the horizon. We chit chatted a bit until the sun finally showed itself. The boys quietly verbalized their awe. Ashton took a picture, posting in on Instagram with the simple hashtag "#sunrise."

Luke muttered, "This is what it's all about, lads. The little things."

We sat in silence a little while longer, just enjoying each other's presence. That is, until Calum's phone buzzed. He quietly sighed when he saw who was calling. "Hola, Dave... Yeah, we're all up, actually... No... Okay... Hold on." He turned to me and asked the address. My heart sunk because I knew what that meant. He repeated the address to Dave and hung up. "Well, guys, Dave is sending a car to pick us up."

The boys groaned, and Alexis dropped her head. I tried my best to sound cheerful when I said, "Well, you have places to go and people to see, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. He said they weren't sure if the show is going to work out. It just depends on if this blackout situation gets fixed in the next couple of hours or not. In the meantime, I guess we really should get back to the hotel and rest up, just in case."

The boys acknowledged him with a nod. I noticed my friend trying to be discreet while wiping away tears. I scooted closer to give her a hug. She said, "I'm sorry. I get way too emotional about shit. It's just that I've had the time of my life and I'm going to miss you all so much. I hardly know you, but I love you guys." All together, the boys joined us in a group hug. I'm pretty sure I saw Calum blinking away tears, the same as me.

We said our goodbyes for the time being. Calum promised that no matter if the concert was canceled or not, we'd meet up again before they left Chicago. "I pinky swear," he said, linking his little finger with mine, then using it to pull me to him for some last-minute hugs. I knew he'd hold true to his promise.

Alexis had a request before they left. "Can we take a picture? Pretty please?" she asked, holding out her phone. "Tori and I do all this fun stuff, and we always forget to take pictures, so we're just left with our memories. I need a picture this time." We got into position, squeezing everyone into the frame for a group selfie, which was no easy task. And because of the stories our newfound friends had told us, she promised, "This will never find its way onto social media, I swear."

Luke replied, "That may not, but no one said my video of Ashton capturing the duck won't!"


Guys, I'm sure you can tell, it's nearing the end. :( Traci & I went through a little depression wrapping this up because we had so much fun writing it. But all good things must come to an end. A couple more to go... -A

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