Ch 20 - Park Bench

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After we were laughed out from Ashton's great duck adventure, we all settled down on the bank of the lake. Ashton and Michael were stretched out on their backs on the ground, staring up into the clear night sky. Luke and Alexis were sitting next to a tree and were currently attempting to toss pieces of popcorn into each other's mouths. Calum and I sat on a nearby park bench, his arm resting lazily around my shoulders.

"I'm bored," Michael moaned.

Ashton responded by lightly punching him in the stomach. "Seriously? I just captured a duck! We've been on playgrounds and carnival rides all night. How in the hell could you be bored?"

Michael just shrugged. "I don't know, but I am. Someone tell me a story."

"Dude, I've already told my turtle story, but I can tell it again if you want," Calum offered.

"No! Not one of you guys. I've heard all of you losers' stories. I want a story from one of the girls."

I spoke up then. "What kind of story do you want, Michael? Scary? Funny?"

"It doesn't matter," he answered. "Tell us another story about when you guys were growing up or something."

"I've got one," Alexis told him. "See that bench Tori and Cal are sitting on?" She waited for the group to nod their assent before continuing. "Well, that just so happens to be the bench where I gave my very first blowjob."

I immediately burst into laughter. I, of course, had heard this story before. But the boys' reactions were amazing. Luke and Ashton looked to be in disbelief, while Michael sat straight up and was sporting a very impressed smile for my friend. Calum, on the other hand, seemed to be disgusted.

"Eww! Seriously? Right here?"

"Yep," she confirmed, nodding her head. "Right in the very spot you're sitting."

"No offense, Lex, but... eww." He scooted a little closer to me as if he was going to catch something from sitting in that spot. I just laughed harder.

"Now this is my kind of story!" Michael exclaimed. "Tell us more!"

"Well, I was 16. It was a summer night much like this one. I'd been crushing on this guy named Drew for months but was too scared to make a move. One night, he finally texted me and asked if there was somewhere we could meet up. So, I snuck out of my bedroom window, and..."

"Hold up," Ashton interrupted. "He texted you to meet in the middle of the night? It was obviously a booty call!"

"Yeah, well, my 16 year old self didn't realize that! All I was focused on was the fact that this super hot guy that I liked wanted to meet me."

"You should have known better!" Luke interjected this time. "He was trying to take advantage of you!"

"Are you two gonna let me finish the story or not?" Once she was sure there would be no more interruptions, she continued. "So, anyway, I snuck out to meet him and found him sitting there on that bench. He spewed some shit about really liking me and about how beautiful I was. Of course, I ate it up. Eventually, we started making out, and one thing led to another. And, well, I don't think you want me to go into much more detail. Let's just say it was awful. Worst experience of my life."

I let out a loud snort at this comment, knowing exactly why she felt that way. If looks could kill, I would have died on the spot from the one she shot me in return. Unfortunately for Lex, Michael picked up on our little exchange.

"Wait, why are you laughing? What aren't you telling us?"

"Nothing!" Alexis shouted. "She's not laughing at anything. Let's just change the subject, okay?"

"Oh, no way! Finish the story! Why was it so terrible? Did he have a small dick or something?"

Lex couldn't help but laugh at that one. "No, that's not it. Well, he did, but that's not why she laughed." She paused for a second, hoping Michael would let her off the hook. No chance of that happening. "Fine. It was awful because... because I may have accidentally bitten him, okay?!"

The reaction from the boys was priceless. In perfect synchronicity, all four boys immediately covered their junk with their hands and let out a painful groan. As much of a jerk as they thought Drew was, they couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for the guy in that moment.

"Fucking hell, dude," Michael moaned. "Are you serious?"

"No, Michael, I lied. Yes, I'm serious! I was a 16 year old BABY sucking off a guy on a park bench in the middle of the damn night! I think I had a right to be nervous."

"Still, though. Damn. Ouch."

Calum got over his sympathy pain the quickest. "Oh, well. The jackass deserved it anyway. I'm assuming he didn't finish, right?"

"Nope," Alexis told him proudly. "He actually ran off, practically crying."

"Atta girl." He reached over to give her a high five which she returned with a grin.

Ashton spoke up then. "While we're on the subject of things that happened in this park, I believe it's my turn to pick a victim in the game." He locked eyes with me, and I suddenly felt nervous. This wasn't going to be good. "Tori. Sweet, precious Tori. Truth or dare? And if you pick truth, I'm tossing you in the lake."

Fuck. "Well, since it doesn't seem like I have much choice, I guess I'll pick dare."

"Perfect!" Ashton clapped his hands together in celebration, grinning evilly. "I'm not sure if you remember, dear one, but we made a deal earlier tonight."

"We did?" I racked my brain to remember what he was talking about.

"Yes, we most certainly did. And your dare is to fulfill that promise."

I was still trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Calum, on the other hand, sat up a little straighter.

"Dude, what are you doing? No." Was he angry? What the hell?

"Calm down, man. A deal's a deal."

I finally spoke up. "Okay, you're going to have to help me out a little here because I have no clue what you're talking about."

Ashton's smile seemed to get even larger. "You made a deal to take me skinny dipping, and seeing as this is the place where you went last time, I think this is the perfect opportunity to cash in. So. Tori? I dare you to go skinny dipping with me."

Oh, shit.

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