Ch 9 - Bat Shit Crazy

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There was no complaining from Michael on the way down the driveway. It was actually a quiet walk. I got to thinking about what was actually happening and asked myself, "How did we end up here?" Some random run-in led Alexis and I to these boys, and we were quickly becoming friends. I was already becoming attached to their playful, adorable, somewhat immature, yet caring personalities. I silently prayed that they wouldn't forget us when they had to leave. My heart hurt at the thought.

"You're being awfully quiet," Calum pointed out as we approached the end of the driveway.

"So are you. And everyone else, too."

"Yeah, but you were frowning. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. As a matter of fact, I'm having the best time ever. I was just thinking how crazy it is that we just met, and it seems like we've always been friends. I'll be sad when you guys have to leave." I probably sounded desperate with my confession, but I always was honest to a fault.

Calum put his arm around my waist and squeezed. "I couldn't forget about you even if I wanted to, Tori. Don't you worry about that." The pain in my heart was replaced by pure joy.

As we walked down the road, Michael said, "Someone say something! Anything! It's too damn quiet."

Ashton gave a smartass reply of "Something. Anything."

Michael was not amused. "Haha. You're hilarious, asshole."

"Hey, that's not nice," Ashton remarked with a chuckle.

Luke took the bottle of alcohol from Calum and took a swig. "Anyone else?" he asked, holding it out.

"Me!" Alexis said, a little too loudly.

Michael intercepted the bottle before Luke could hand it off to her. She huffed and tried to take it from Michael. He took a hefty drink and then held it up to Lex's lips. She barely got any, and he pulled it away. "Sorry, love, but you might want to remember this night."

"Wow, cocky much?" she asked, but with a smile on her face.

"I don't mean it like that. I'm just saying. We're having a good time. Am I right, or am I right?"

"You are right, Mr. Clifford," she answered, booping his nose. My friend was wasted.

Michael passed the bottle to Ashton, then it came back to Calum, who placed his lips on the bottle. Damn, those lips. I was still staring at them, lost in inappropriate thought, when he pulled the bottle away and offered it to me.

"Um, hello? Tori?"

I was so embarrassed when I realized that I had become mesmerized by his lips. Lips! Who does that?! Apparently, me. "Oh, sorry," I shook the thoughts out of my head and took a drink, hoping he didn't think I was bat shit crazy.

Luckily, Alexis interrupted the awkwardness. She squealed and whisper shouted to me, "Tori! We have to take them there!" She pointed to a tall brick wall we were approaching, set several feet off the road. The wall stretched for as far as we could see in the dim moonlight. It surrounded the entire property, to ward off people who had no business being there. People like us.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Looks like we're about to make our first stop, boys. This will be a fun one." But I knew the only way in was to scale that wall.

"Okay, but where's the entrance?" asked Ashton, furrowing his brow.

"Well... it's on the opposite side of the property. But I can tell you, the only way we're getting in is to climb over the wall," I explained apologetically.

"Then let's move on to something else," Michael suggested.

Calum scolded Michael, "I believe these ladies are the ones giving us this tour. If they want to stop here, we'll stop."

Michael argued, "If this wall is meant to keep people out, maybe we should stay out. What if we get caught? It'll be all over social media. We'd be screwed."

Luke shook his head. "Since when are you the responsible one, Michael?"

"Okay, fine. Let's vote. Everyone in favor of skipping this, raise your hand." Michael said, raising his hand. He looked around, waiting for someone else to join his side of the argument. It didn't happen. There were several moans and curse words muttered, but he gave in.

"Okay, let's do this," Ashton said, walking up to the wall. "Ladies first." He squatted and laced his fingers together, forming a place for Alexis or me to put our foot so he could boost us over.

Alexis volunteered to go first. But Luke gently pulled her back. "I think someone better be on the other side to help you," he said with a sly grin. He made it over the wall effortlessly.

Then Alexis placed her foot in Ashton's hands. Calum held on to her hips to steady her. Surprisingly, she did much better than I had anticipated in her intoxicated state. She landed on the other side with a grunt and giggled, "Thanks, Lukey." Michael shook his head and rolled his eyes.

I was going to go next, but Michael stepped in front of me. Ashton looked at him, puzzled. "What?"

"I need help."

Ashton, as well as the other guys, went into a fit of laughter while I tried my best to stifle my laugh. "Come on, Mikey, I'm sorry. Up you go."

"Shut up," Michael directed at all of us.

I went next. As I struggled to throw my leg over the top of the wall (hey, I'm only 5' 1", on a good day), Ashton put a hand on my butt to help me out. "Hey! Watch it, mister!" I fussed at him. Though I wasn't really fussing.

"Just trying to help a girl out, Tori!" he chuckled.

Calum cleared his throat. "Okay, I'm coming over." He scaled the wall easily by himself.

Once Ashton made his way over, we all turned around to check out our new surroundings. In the distance, you could barely make out our destination.

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