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So here I am lying on the floor exhausted from crying all night. Let me catch you guys up, hi my name is Eden and I am going to tell you why I'm in tears right now. I'm fresh out of middle school and my boyfriend decided that it was a good idea to break up with me right before my first day of high school. We have been together throughout all my years of middle school (off and on) but never the less together. Oh yeah, he is also one year older than me so he'll be a sophomore, like my brother, this year. Did I mention I thought that we were going to be together forever and then he just came and broke my heart. Now back to the present I am now in ninth grade and I am about to start my journey at Masterson High School. I am fourteen years old and I basically like to read and sleep. I also enjoy walks around the park (normally with my boyfriend) but I guess now it'll be by myself. It's almost time for school and I'm laying here in a black tank top and red shorts. "Eden get up, it's almost time for school" I sighed and just continued to lay there while the tears welled up in my eyes. Oh and that was my older brother Neil, but everyone in the house calls him Nellie. Any who how am I supposed just walk into a brand new school with no boyfriend or friends to talk to?! "Eden honey, you alright in there?" Oh shit, that was my dad and if he knew what I was crying about then he'd kill Cameron. I sighed, "Yeah dad I'm fine I'm just putting on a little make up I'll be out soon" Great, now I have to actually get up and start getting ready and also manage to put a little make up on so he doesn't know that I was lying. I got up and went to the bathroom and looked at the bags under my eyes as well as red and tear stained face. After I washed my face I started to apply some eyeliner followed by mascara and I also decided to put on a little bit of light blue eye shadow. After my face was done I decided to put on black shorts and a blue tank top. I wasn't really caring about my appearance but I actually didn't look too bad for someone who stayed up all night crying. I finally went to put on my black Jordan's and I was all set for the day. Oh wait my hair...I just decided to put it all up in a messy bun. Now that I was fully dressed I grabbed my backpack and opened my door, not knowing I would soon regret doing so. "Tag you're it! Ha ha Noah can't catch me!" Noah started to cry because Sophie was literally running circles around him. Why can't we just be a normal family? I sighed and walked passed my two annoying siblings and went down stairs to try and grab a quick bite to eat. "Eden what took you so long, mom made us a huge breakfast for our first day of school but me and dad kind of ate most of it" I pouted at my big brother but it was my own fault, I was the one who wanted to sit and mope in my room all morning over a stupid boy. Nellie saw and analyzed my face. "You okay, E?" I gave him a soft smile, "Yes, I'm fine I just wasn't feeling too great this morning" which technically wasn't a lie but I wasn't about to tell him what the actual problem was he was just as bad as dad. He nodded and then handed me an apple I politely thanked him and put the apple in my bag since we were running late and we didn't want to miss our bus. My mom walked down the stairs while my dad made sure she didn't fall, I believe she was trying get down the stairs as fast as she could to see us off. Of course we waited for them, and when she got downstairs she started crying, I sighed, Ah here we go. "My eldest girl is going to high school now, my baby girl is growing up so fast" I let out a sigh, "Aw mom it's going to be okay it's not like I'm going to college or anything" She smiled, "I know but you two have to leave soon so come give your mom and dad a hug" both me and my brother gave our parents a quick hug goodbye and with that we were out the door and on our way to the bus stop. All I could think about was how I was going to be able to face Cameron when I got there and how I would handle it. I hope I don't break down again, I honestly don't think I have anymore tears left in me so it'd just be the ugly silent cry that most girls do. Once we had made it to the bus stop my brother immediately started talking to me, "Cut the bullshit, what the hell is wrong with you" Since my brother insisted on knowing I decided to tell him, "Me and Cameron broke up last night" I could see my brother tense up out of the corner of my eye and he wonders why I don't tell him stuff. "Okay, so the break up was mutual" I could see he was trying to be understanding but I was tired of lying to my brother he needed to know the truth I just hope that he was in a forgiving mood for Cameron's sake. "Actually, Cameron is the one who broke it off he said it'd be better if we were best friends instead of boyfriend and girlfriend" he was still tense but I think he was more so worried about how I was doing. That's what I love most about my brother and my dad they're always worried about how their family is doing and forget to worry about themselves. They're so caring and that's all I hope to find whenever the right man comes around. "How're you doing, E?" I smiled, "I'm hanging in there plus I just started high school so maybe this is good. It's like I get a fresh start, a clean slate if you will" he looked at me cautiously, "Well I'm here for you if you need me" I smiled at him. "Thanks bro!" Just as we were finishing our conversation a guy walked up to our bus stop. I was trying not to stare but he looked so damn sexy I couldn't help but to stare. He was tall, with a brown complexion, and he also had light brown eyes. Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome was wearing a blue button down long sleeve shirt with nice some khaki jeans and some blue Jordan's. I think he noticed me checking him out and he smirked at me, "You like what you see?" I blushed and looked away. "Oh sweetie don't stop on my account" he turned my head back towards his direction. Our faces weren't super close to each other but they were close enough and just feeling his warm hand on my cheek made me feel like I was melting. "So what's your name beautiful?" I was about to tell him before I was rudely interrupted. "Her name is Eden, now get your filthy ass hand off of her face!" My brother moved his hand and this guy was now angry with him, "What the hell man?!" Nellie was now beyond pissed, "Get the fuck away from her, haven't you ever heard of personal space!" Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome laughed, "What's it to you? I'm the one that she wants! We all know who's going to get laid tonight and it isn't you" Oh no, brother is going to kill him. I wish this this fine man would shut up before he gets hurt. "What'd you say?" Oh no, he sounds calm as hell right now, oh bus where art thou when I need it. "In other words dipshit, I'm going to hit first" I had to stop this before it started so I said something stupid, "Turn those frowns upside down!" They both looked at me like I was a lunatic, I sighed, "Alright look so I don't want you guys fighting, Mr. Ta-...I mean Mr. Guy this is my brother Neil, Neil meet Mr. Guy. So can we all just get along now?" There was nothing but a dead silence and then the bus pulled up so I decided to just leave it alone and get on the bus. If they kill each other oh well I tried to keep the peace. "Hey do you want me to sit next to you today? Just in case that dude tries to bother you again?" I laughed a little at Nellie, he could be so over protective sometimes, "No Neil I'm fine, go sit with your friends I'm just going to sit in the front" He glared at me but eventually went to the back to sit with his posse while I sat down close to the front door. It's my first time on this bus so I didn't really want to draw any attention to myself. I chose to pull out one of my Mangas and  started reading. I was really getting into my book when suddenly I felt a warm body sit next to me. I glance over and see that it's Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome and he's staring right back at me. I blushed and then continued to read my book. "So that other guy, was that your boyfriend" I immediately started busted out laughing, and he looked so confused. "Hell no! That's my older brother, he's a little over protective." He scoffed, "A little? He looked like he was about to rip my head off of my body and feed it to the wolves while I was talking to you" I sighed, "Alright so maybe more than a little but he's only looking out for me and you were saying that I was an easy lay when I'm not." He looked away, I suppose he felt guilty? "I didn't mean that I was just trying to make him think that you were only interested in me but I didn't realize that he was your brother" I looked at him strangely because I still didn't understand why he said that about me. "Your brother hates me now, doesn't he." "Yes that's probably true but if it makes you feel any better he hates everyone that tries to talk to me." He sighed, "Can we start over?" I smiled at him, "Sure, hi I'm Eden and I'll be going to ninth grade this year and you are?" "I'm Evan, I'll be a sophomore this year and I think you're really pretty." I was blushing hard so I was grateful we were at the school now. Hm, Evan huh I hope I see more of him but I probably won't because we're in different grades. "Thank I'll see you around" and with that I rushed off the bus. So here I am feeling a little bit better since this morning, mostly because I met my sexy potential rebound, then I see Cameron sucking faces with I suppose his new girl. I'm not going to lie it hurt, I felt like I had just got hit by a bus. I felt the tears threatening to spill from my eyes but I sucked them back up and headed for the counselors office for my schedule. "Hello, I'm Ms. Millie and I'm going to be your counselor for these next four years, what's your name?" I looked around thinking she was talking to someone else but she kept staring at me so I finally said something."Oh I didn't realize you were talking to me, my name is Eden and I cane by for my schedule" "Alrighty then Ms. Eden, I'll get that schedule for you, I'll just be a moment" It felt like she was gone for hours but in reality I knew it'd had only been a few minutes since she left. "What brings you here, gorgeous?" I knew that voice all too well, that was my ex Cameron. What he hell is he doing in here? "I'm getting my schedule, can you please leave me alone" He frowned at me, "I'd be careful of how you talked to me E, I know everything about you and your family." I shivered because I knew he could expose my family's secrets without even giving it a second thought. "You promised you'd keep my secrets even if we broke up" He laughed, "I also promised I'd love you forever but you see that didn't happen, so be prepared to be my slave, I'll leave you to get your schedule but I'll be seeing you around" I started crying as soon as he left and it's like she could sense trouble, Ms. Millie came out of the office with my schedule. "Oh honey are you alright? I can write you a pass if you need to take the first period off." She looked genuinely concerned and I felt bad because I didn't want her in my business but I didn't want to be rude either. So I wiped away my tears, "No thanks, but thank you for the schedule" I grabbed my schedule and ran to the nearest bathroom or tried to before I bumped into someone and fell. This day just gets better and better. "I'm so- oh hey beautiful, twice in one day it must be fate" I look up to see Evan, the view is even better from below. "You need some help?" I reached for his hands and he kind of did the rest. "Thank you" I managed to finally say but he saw my tear stained face and looked worried? "Why are you running around crying?" I sighed, "My ex broke up with me last night, I saw him earlier making out with some new chick oh and let's not forget he threatened to spill all my secrets unless I agreed to be his slave" I tried to keep a straight face but I ending up shedding a few tears and I looked up to see a pissed off Evan. Oh no I don't need another over protective guy, I hope he doesn't try to kill him. "What's his name" it was more of a statement than a question. "Look I already have an over protective dad and brother, I can't add you to the list too, I'll be fine" I started to walk away but he grabbed me, spun me around and hugged me. Now this I was not expecting but his hug was so warm and welcoming I decided to give in and just let it happen. I think he was genuinely worried about me. "Hey no PDA in the hallway! Get to class now before I write both of you up!" Ugh, I hate teachers but he was right. "Um I'll see you around Evan, thanks for um thanks for the hug" I blushed and before I could embarrass myself any further I decided to run to class. Hopefully, my day will only get better from here on out. "You're late, but since you're a freshman and it's your first day I'm going to let you off the hook" I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in. "Than-" "Have a seat and start voting down the notes" I sighed and sat in the back not wanting to cause anymore trouble. I wonder what we're doing because all I see is her writing down a bunch of terms I'm never heard of. I suppose I should focus and not get further behind than I already am. My first two class were finally over and honestly I'm ready to go home now. My head hurts from the equations in my math class and I just didn't understand any of the terms she was writing down in English either. At least it's lunchtime I don't have to think anymore now I can just eat. "Hey E" I hate that I felt powerless around him. "What do you want?" "Is that anyway to talk to your favorite ex?" I sighed, "You're my only ex now what do you want from me I'm trying to get something to eat" He grabbed my arm, "You're coming with me". I was scared because we're now in the hallway by ourselves its just me and him.

Authors note:
I'm gonna end it here and I'll just pick up where I left off. I don't really like this chapter it's just kind of a mini intro into what this book is going to be about and yes it's a romance! With a little bit of action anyways I'll try and update as soon as possible, I'm upset at wattpad right now because they deleted like 4 of my chapters so I'm starting from scratch again, please bear with me. Alright see ya later!

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