Training Day

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Author's pov
~a week later~
Eden hadn't seen or heard from Evan since they kissed that day in the hospital. She missed him and wish she didn't have to distance herself from him but she knew she had to. Today was Friday and it was the day Eden would try to practice on using and controlling her power. She had to so she wouldn't end up in the hospital again. Eden was the dark figure's weak spot because she had the upper hand, he couldn't see her. As for her family, they are preparing for their next encounter with the dark figure. They are all working on their individual powers so they'll be able to protect themselves from the dark figure if they have to face him alone. Cameron has also made numerous attempts to contact Eden but she refuses to answer or even acknowledge him anymore especially since she needs to focus on being able to protect herself from the dark figure.
Eden's pov
I'm at school, hoping that I don't encounter this dark figure because I still don't know how to trigger my power, nor do I know how to control it. I don't want to end up overworking myself(again), or hurting others around me, I got lucky the first couple of times because it was just me and the dark figure but what if he attacks in front of other people...I won't know what to do or how to stop myself from exposing my family and I. I need to get through this school day so I can practice my power. I haven't seen Evan around lately...but I have seen his sister and she's honestly a nice girl but she's dating my ex...and as much as I hate to admit it I'm jealous and hurt. I loved Cameron and I can't even look at him the same honestly still hurts that he didn't want to save our relationship, he couldn't even wait for me. I know I deserve better but I can't help but miss him. I was so deep in thought that I forgot I was in class, until I heard the bell ring. Off to my next class which was algebra...ugh I hated this class it sucked ass. I also have Evan in this class...I can still feel his lips on mine and I feel guilty because I do still have feelings for Cameron...even if I wasn't going through the whole "dark figure" situation I still couldn't be with him until I was completely over Cameron. It wouldn't be fair to him...ugh I actually have to pay attention in this class.
*ring ring*
I sat in my seat waiting for my teacher to begin the lesson until I felt someone fill the empty seat next to me. When I look to my side, I see Evan smiling at me and that literally made my day we sat in a comfortable silence just happy to be able to enjoy each other's company.
Evan's pov
I decided to sit next to Eden today and I'm glad I did I could tell she was happy that I sat next to her. I missed her, I missed her smile, her laugh, her scent, just everything about her. I knew she was going through something and I wanted more than anything to be there for her but she doesn't trust me yet. I can't blame her though she has only known me since the beginning of school. I just wish I could get her to confide in me so I am able to comfort her but I'm willing to wait for her.
Olivia's pov
It's been so wonderful being with Cameron...I think I'm falling for him but we still haven't told my brother yet. Cameron doesn't think it's a good idea and I don't know why I mean we're obviously getting pretty serious about each other I feel like my brother should know. I hate lying to him and pretending that I'm not dating. I think I'm gonna ask Cameron about breaking the news to my brother he deserves to know that his big sister is dating and getting serious with someone. It shouldn't be too bad, I'm a should be fine. I smiled at the thought as I texted Cameron.
Me: Hey meet me by the tree, in the front, after school I need to talk to you :)
Bae<3: Ok <3
Then I texted my little brother.
Me: Hey meet me by the tree, in the front, after school I have to tell you something
Lil bro: Um ok o-o
I smirked to myself knowing that both my boyfriend and my little brother had no idea what I was about to do.
~After School~
Cameron's pov
I wonder what Olivia wants to talk about it can't be bad because she put a smiley face. I wish she wanted to break up I need a plan to get Eden back...or at least earn her trust back. I miss her I know I don't deserve her but I can't help but be selfish and want her all to myself. As I'm walking to the tree I see the guy who is always hanging out with my Eden, Evan. Olivia is laughing and talking with him and now I'm furious at this point like does this dude just like to steal my girlfriends?! Olivia sees me and her face immediately lights up. I get to the tree and by now I'm super pissed and confused.
"Um...babe what's going on?" She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I can tell Evan is beyond pissed at this point, yea that's right she's mine.
"Babe this is my little brother Evan, Evan this is my boyfriend Cameron"
I can't believe this...out of all the girls I could've chosen I chose his sister. Shit, and I could tell that he was furious with me. Olivia looked back and forth between us and frowned, "Well say something".
I decided to speak first.
"Hey it's nice to meet you" I tried to play it cool but if looks could kill I would be say he was upset would be an understatement. Olivia pouted, "Evan don't be rude, say hi!" Evan was going to say something but just walked away in a pit of fury and I froze when I saw the direction he was walking in.
"Sorry about that babe he'll warm up to you" I nodded at Olivia and he was going straight to Eden, what's he doing? As soon as he saw her, she smiled and was about to say something until he grabbed her waist...and kissed her. He fucking kissed her right in front of me she's mine and I refuse to let him have her. My heart clenched when she deepened the kiss and seemed to enjoy it but just as she was beginning to enjoy it she quickly pulled away and looked like she had just made a huge mistake. He looked hurt and she was rambling on about something and then she just ran away. I wonder what was up with her she obviously liked him. Why am I sticking up for him? Olivia interrupted my thoughts.
"Aww she's shy...they are going to be so cute together whenever he actually grows the balls to ask her out" she laughed and kissed me on the cheek.
"I'll see you later babe I gotta go do some homework. Call me later?"
"Will do" I winked at her and she blushed and then went back inside the school. I decided to text Eden.
Me: Hey are you ok?
I know I probably won't get a reply but I have to know if she's doing ok and if not why?
Eden's pov
Ugh why Evan?! Why did you have to kiss me again? I can't handle these emotions right now, I have too much at stake so I did what I always do, run. I don't even remember the excuse I gave Evan for breaking the kiss. I'm sure he didn't buy it though, I think I hurt him. Which wasn't my intention I have to come up with something to tell him. But I don't want to lie to him, I don't know why it's just so damn hard to lie to him but I just can't do it. So I'll have to come up with a part of the truth, which was Cameron. After practice I'll text him, I have to make sure he knows that I like him too and that I am not just stringing him along. Kind of like what Cameron did to me, I could never do that to someone. So I decided to text him.
Me: hey I just wanted to talk about the kiss...I wanted you to know that I really liked kissing you and I like you a lot too but we should talk more in person because I hate explaining my feelings for you through text anyways meet me by the old tree tomorrow?
Xo, Eden ;)
I pressed send and felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
Luckily I hadn't missed the bus yet and I was happy about that because I did not want to walk home...alone.
Evan's pov
How could I be so stupid?! Again?! Damn it! I'm so frustrated because I'm screwing everything up. She obviously doesn't feel the same way about me as I do about her. Why is it so hard to just be her friend? It should be easy, I've never felt so connected to someone.
I look at my phone and I see Eden pop up on the screen, should I look? Should I answer? I can't hide from reality forever, but maybe I'll text and see if one of the girls in my contacts wants to hang out. I need to get Eden out of my head. As I'm flipping through my contacts I see a familiar face, Joan.

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