The fight

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Neil's pov
E hasn't came out of her room since yesterday and I'm starting to worry. I heard some talk around the school, hopefully rumors but they keep saying E fucked Evan in a closet and turned around and fucked Ace on the same day. I can't stand to see her like this, but I have to pretend like she's just sick because mom and dad have no idea what's going on.
"Hey Nellie is your sister still throwing up?" She's lucky I covered for her ass or she'd be in deep shit right now. "Yea, want me to stay with her today?" "Yea go ahead but only for today, make sure you get her some medicine I'm off to take the kids to school and then I'm going to work. I'll see you later sweetheart, tell E to get some rest" As soon as I saw mom pull off I ran upstairs to see how E was doing, I softly knocked on the door, "Hey E, can I come in?" "Yea" I slowly opened the door to see E sitting on her bed staring at the floor. Her eyes were puffy and red (I assume from crying), also she looks like she hasn't moved from that spot since yesterday. I sighed, "I'm just going to ask a couple of questions okay?" She nodded which was good that means the real E is in there somewhere and it's not just a hollow shell of who she used to be. "I know the rumors they've been spreading about you aren't true but what I don't know is what really happened that day. Do you think you can tell me? I can't help if I don't know anything" she sighed. "Basically this all started because Evan scared me. He grabbed me and literally yanked me into an empty classroom during lunch because he wanted to talk to me. Apparently my powers activate when I'm scared or think I'm in danger but instead of making me disappear it made my clothes disappear. So that's where they're getting the half naked together thing and long story short we were arguing and I was trying to avoid telling him the truth then the bell rang. Which meant people were about to start coming in the classroom (I was still half naked) so Evan pushed us in a closet. So we were now in the closet arguing but then he kissed me...on the side of my lips and my neck so I um....responded. Then I realized that what we were doing was wrong and tried to back up as far as I could and knocked over a broom, the teacher came up and opened the closet door only to find nothing (I had Evan grab me so he could disappear too). So I tried to get him to let go but he didn't want to risk being he sat there and held me until the class ended. After the class left I argued with him some more, told him the truth and he laughed-" "I'm sorry you told him what?!" E started tearing up so I sighed and nodded letting her know it was okay to continue. "Yeah I told him the truth and asked if he had feelings for me he basically said he only showed interest in me because I was practically naked so after that I made both of our clothes reappear and left" she was full on crying now which made me immediately wrap my arms around her. "It's going to be okay E. Now can you explain what happened with Ace, in the car before I came up and whatever happened two days ago" her sobs started to subside(probably so she could tell me the rest of the story), it pains me to see her so hurt. "After that whole situation with Evan  school had ended so I went to meet up with Ace. He said he could drop me off at home but he couldn't stay because him and Joan had a science project they had to work on together. Anyways we pulled up to the house and I was about to say good bye but Ace closed the distance and he um er kissed me. We kissed for a while and it was starting to get a bit intense...any who he grabbed me and put me on his lap. We continued kissing then he gestured for me to take my shirt off, I hesitated but I did it. Then he began to get more aggressive and forceful. He was tugging at my bra but that's when you came and started banging on the window like a maniac" I was already glaring at her but she's had a rough go of it so I'll leave her alone about that. I already griped at her once about it, all I could do was shake my head. "E never let a guy take advantage of you like that again okay?" She nodded in agreement, "Did you want to know the last half of the story?" She looked like she was about to cry again so I just shook my head no, "that's okay let's go get something to eat". She smiled in what looked like relief, "lets go get some breakfast!" "It's 2pm but you want breakfast? My sister is a weirdo and I have come to accept it"
Eden's pov
It was super awkward telling my older brother about my "encounters". I feel so dirty but maybe I should just start with a clean slate when I get back on Monday. No more boys, no more distractions, I need to focus on perfecting my newfound powers. "Let's go to this new breakfast place I just found out about it's called rise and shine, I hear the French toast is amazing" I smiled up at my brother I appreciated him staying with me, "sounds good". "When do you think all the rumors will die down" we walked in silence for a while. "I don't know E, but I'm going to try and protect you as best as I can, okay?" I nodded, I feel like such a burden. I glanced down at my phone to see if I had any messages, I had 30 notifications from facebook(that can't be good), 15 text messages and 10 missed calls from Evan. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket not wanting to deal with any of this drama right now. "Hey E" "Yea?" "It's going to be okay, rumors come and go, soon this will all be old news" he smiled reassuring me that it's not the end of the world. I smiled back and we had finally made it to the break fast place so we sat down and ate together.
Evan's pov
I can't believe Ace humiliated her like that, I hate that guy. Am I really any better? Because of me everyone is calling pretty eyes names. I just wish I could turn back time to fix this huge mess I made, I looked for her again in 3rd period but she was no where to be found. "Hey babe how're you?" Joan leaned in for a kiss but I backed away, I don't have time for this right now. She frowned, "What's your problem you've been avoiding me since your little hoe left the school, are you fucking her? I've had enough of her bullshit I'm ready for this deal to be over. "Don't call her that and no we aren't fucking". "Well you have to be fucking someone because you won't even look at me" I sighed finally having enough of her bullshit I got up, "I'm not fucking anyone, but I know that you are. I heard about you and Ace" with that I got up and left the classroom. I just have to know if pretty eyes is okay. I decided to go visit her(which probably isn't the best idea but I just want to know she's alright). I decide to play a game on my phone while I'm walking to Edens house. Probably not the best idea since there's a good chance I could walk into someone but I do it anyway. Man temple run is getting intense, I really need to- ah shit, I bump into someone and they fall on top of me. "I'm so sor-, pretty eyes?" "Evan? What are you doing so close to my house? I told you to leave me alone". I sighed, "I know I just...I missed you and needed to know you were okay" I turned around to walk away but I was stopped by a hand on my arm. "What are you doing?" She looked up at me, "I'm sorry Evan, I shouldn't have said it was all your fault and I shouldn't have pushed you away" I smiled a genuine smile, "It's okay it was partially my fault and also I need to tell you something" "Okay what is it?" Damn maybe I shouldn't tell her, I feel like it's too soon to tell her about me having feelings for her. "Want to go to the park, if you don't want to be seen with me I understand" She looked puzzled, I know it's because I made it seem like I was going to tell her something serious but she just answered the question. "Sure, but just so you know I will be back at school on Monday. I just really don't want to face all the people and rumors. It would probably be best to not be seen together at school" I nodded, "Also the real thing I needed to tell you was that me and Joan aren't a real couple" She stopped, "Excuse me?" I sighed, "Remember when I said I liked you...and you didn't get my text until later?" She nodded and I continued, "Well I was upset that you hadn't answered, I thought maybe you were grossed out or was laughing at me. I don't know but I called Joan and asked her to come over" Eden is looking at me like, are you going to finish explaining? "Anyways she came and we had sex. Afterwards you texted back you felt the same but I had already made a deal with Joan to pretend to be her boyfriend for a month" Edens mouth has dropped and just as she was about to respond, "Yo E! Is that fool bothering you again!" She snaps out of it and yells "No Neil I'm fine!" She looks back at me, "So you weren't actually like me?" I looked at her dumbfounded because I just admitted to fucking another girl and faking a relationship as well as lying to her in the process. "Yea pretty eyes I like you" she blushes, "I still don't like the fact that you used a woman for her body and got in a fake relationship with her. What if she likes you?" I laughed because Joan basically will fuck anything that breathes, "That's highly unlikely I mean I would know" She shook her head, "I don't think you would, you didn't know I liked you which is why you're in a fake relationship right now. You need to have a conversation with her and ask if she really likes you." I stood there and started to feel guilty about using Joan because what if she's right? "You're right pretty eyes, but I have another confession to make" "What else could you possibly have to tell me? Are you also a serial killer in your spare time?" We both laughed for a little bit but I needed Eden to hear this, "Remember the other night when you were half naked and had me against the wall" She blushes at the memory and answered with a faint, "yes". "Well I really wanted to kiss you that night...and um well other things but I held back because I thought you and Ace were becoming serious. But since you guys aren't a thing anymore..." There was nothing but silence between us for what felt like forever so she started to talk, "what does-" I tilted her head up and kissed her, it was a soft quick kiss. I looked into her eyes trying to read them, "I'm sorry pretty eyes I've just been waiting to-" this time I was interrupted. She had closed the distance between us. I was confused at first but started kissing her back while wrapping my arms around her waist hungry for more of her. Her tongue slid in my mouth and I was starting to get hard. So I pulled her closer and I saw her face turn red but she kept kissing me. Soon she realized where we were and pulled away, "Evan" her breathe sounded heavy like she had just got the wind knocked out of her. "Yea?" She looked up at me, "Lets go somewhere private, maybe your house?"I was shocked, this is not the Eden I remember. "I don't think that's a good idea, I may not be able to control myself" Eden looks up at me with those gorgeous innocent eyes then stand on her tippy toes so her lips are close to my ear, "Maybe I don't want you to" she whispers. A man can only take so much, "Let's go now but what about your family and your brother?" "When I tell you to start walking go, I'll tell my brother I'm staying at Kaylene's house and he'll tell my mom for me. We just need to have a meeting spot so I can walk with you to your house" "Uh ok want to meet at the donut shop by the school?" "Sounds good now start walking" who is this girl?
-20 minutes later-
Edens pov
What are you doing Eden?! This is insane, I can't believe I'm going to stay over at a boys house tonight. What the hell am I doing? Am I ready to have sex? What if I'm bad at it? Ugh I'm almost to the donut shop I hope he has a change of heart. I'm almost to the donut shop and I see Evan standing outside the building and I start getting anxious. "Hey" he looks at me, "Hey, I see you have a duffel bag. So you were serious?" I nodded, "I told you I was" he grabs me by my waist and kisses me. I kiss him back and he slowly moves his hand to my butt and I squeal so he stops. "I'm sorry was that too much?" I shook my head no and bring his face back to mine and he puts his hand back on my butt then moves his other hand to my butt as well. He lifts me up and I instantly wrap my legs around him so I don't fall and squeal again. "It's okay pretty eyes I got you" I blush and start kissing him again and he slowly starts lifting up my shirt until he realizes where we are. "Fuck we need to get to my house now" so he puts me down, grabs my hand and duffel bag and we start walking to his house. It's silent the whole way there(which isn't far it was like a 10 minute walk) until we finally reach his door. He let's go of my hand and gets his key to open the door. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, am I really doing this? I have to because I have to keep him interested in me or he'll end up cheating on me, like Ace. He opens the door, pulls me inside and throws my duffel bag on the floor. While he's locking the door back I scan his living room. There are two red couches one long one and one short one and there's a coffee table in the middle of them. They have dark brown carpet and a flat screen tv in front of the couches. I don't have time to look at anything else before Evan is grabbing me by my waist and looking at me like he's trying to guess what I'm thinking, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to have sex with me. I only want to if you do" I stared at him for a long time before I nodded and said, "yes I'm sure, but aren't your parents coming home?" "My mom is a nurse who works overnight and my dad doesn't live with us. It'll just be me and you tonight" Damn it, there are no more excuses. He starts to walk towards me and I start backing up without realizing it until I back onto a couch. He hovers over me, "Why are you running from me" he smirks and bends down to kiss me. It was a soft quick kiss but I wanted more. But at the same time I didn't want it to lead to sex so I found an excuse. He tried to kiss me again but I moved, "I need to um shower first" he shook his head and laughed. "Okay, I'll wait for you in my room" he went to the stairs and started walking so I followed him all the way to his room. He turned around, "I thought you wanted to shower first, why're you following me" I backed up, "I need a towel and a wash cloth" he went to go get them for me and proceeded to hand them to me. I run to the bathroom (because he explained where it was) then closed and locked the door. What. Am. I. Doing?! I sighed, took off my clothes, started the shower, and let my mind wander as I showered. I finally finished, dried off, and went to grab my clothes except they weren't here...they're downstairs! Oh my goodness! I'm so stupid, how am I supposed to get downstairs without being seen. Maybe I'll make it, I wrap the towel around me and then creak the door open I look down the hallway and start walking out.
Evans pov
I think I'll go make a sandwich while I wait, I start scrolling through Facebook on my phone until I bump into something or should I say someone. "Woah, you're just an eager one aren't you" she was super red, "N-no I forgot my clothes downstairs.." he shook his head, "you won't need clothes for what we're about to do" he smirked and grabbed my waist again searching my eyes almost like he's trying to ask for my permission. I stand on my tippy toes to kiss him and he starts kissing me back and smacks my butt. He pulls away, "go to my room" I blush but do as I'm told. I get in his room and I get on the I really want to do this. There's no going back once I do it that's more being a good little virgin. I didn't even realize that Evan had came into the room, "Do you want me to take off your towel or do you want to?" I closed my eyes, "you can take it off for me" I feel his body heat when he gets closer to me he slowly starts to tug at the towel and then I don't feel the warmth of his body anymore, it's just gone. I open my eyes to see him on the other side of the room shaking his head, "Eden why are you rushing this. I see how uncomfortable you are, I know you don't actually want to do this. And I know I'm a good dude, or I can be but the point is I'm only so strong. It's taking everything I have in me not to tear off your towel and fuck you. Now I'm going to ask one more time are you sure you want to do this?" I stared at the ground and quietly whispered, "no". He sighed, "You're free to go downstairs and get your duffel bag so you can put on some clothes. I'll stay here." I nodded but before I left I gave him a hug, "thank you I don't know what came over me! I'm so glad we didn't do it" his body became stiff and I felt something poke my stomach. "Eden get off me please, you are naked and I want you" I quickly moved, "s-sorry" he sighed in relief and went to go sit on his bed. I went downstairs to put on some clothes. I opened my duffle bad and got out my silk pajama set, it's blue and it's basically a silk tank top and shorts. I put that on and headed upstairs.
Evans POV
Goodness, Eden what are you doing to me? I can't do this I have to spend the night with her and I can't fuck her...I sound so shallow. But it's like I'm drawn to her and she's this addiction that I can't shake. I hear my room door open and I look over and see Eden in her pajamas. For the love of Pete woman are you trying to seduce me?! "I found my duffle bag" I smiled at her, "I see, do you want to explain why you tried to force me to sleep with you?" She came and sat down next to me on the bed and started tearing up. "Aw man I'm sorry pretty eyes I didn't mean to make you cry". She shook her head, "No *sniff* no you're right. But the only reason I did this, or tried to do this is because of what happened with Ace. He cheated on me because I wouldn't have sex with him so I thought maybe if I was ahead of the game and had sex with you, you wouldn't cheat on me". I sighed, "Pretty eyes there's nothing wrong with you and you don't need to rush sex to keep a guy. If that guy doesn't want you for you then you leave him. You don't change for the guy he's supposed to want to wait until you're ready". I tilted her head upwards and wiped her tears, "I don't want to have sex until you're ready, okay? But um I do need to go to the bathroom real quick, you okay here?" She smiled and nodded, "you're a good guy" I nodded, yea I'm trying to be which is why I'm going to go jerk off in the bathroom because she definitely gave me a boner. I get to the bathroom, put my head phones in and turn on some porn.
Eden's POV
I'm so glad he didn't want to have sex I mean he did but I'm glad he didn't. I feel bad for leading him on though I hope he doesn't cheat. I know guys have...needs. Ooo maybe I can make him something to eat I can go ask what he likes. I walk out of the room and knock on the door. Maybe he left out, I twist the door and it opens so I go in- Oh no! I slam the door shut.
Evan's POV
What the fuck! Did Eden just see me?! I took out my head phones, pulled up my pants and opened the door to find a shaken up Eden. "Pretty eyes...what did you see?" She just stood there shaking, I shook my head, "I'm sorry, are you going to be okay?" She finally speaks, "W-why we're you doing that?". "Because I um, I couldn't, ugh I don't know how to explain this without sounded like a dick. But I need to do that because I'm horny and I can't do it with you". She started frowning and I felt so bad, "that's not what I'm trying to say. I'm sorry what did you need?" Eden looks up at me and pulls my face to hers, connecting my lips with hers. I love kissing her but why is she doing this all of a sudden. Then I feel her hand on my dick and she starts to rub it. I grunt and push her up against a wall not breaking the kiss. She yelps but keeps kissing me, I force myself to pull away, "pretty eyes what are you doing? I can't do this with you". She tugs at my pants, "come on I want to, please". I like what she's saying but her facial expression doesn't match her words. I sigh, "I'm going to sleep downstairs" I start walking, she gets in front of me and takes off her shirt, "I don't want you to leave me, let's do it. I'm saying yes". "Eden, stop". She starts crying again, "You don't want me do you? It's because I'm not as pretty as your fake girlfriend isn't it?". I groan in frustration, I grab her and push her against the wall, she jumps(probably scared), "I don't want Joan I definitely want you. But I want you to be ready I don't want you to feel obligated to have sex with me now please will you let me finish what I was doing and then we can watch a movie or something after I'm done ok? There's nothing wrong with you" she smiles and says, "I came to ask if you wanted me to make you a sandwich I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in there doing that..." I shook my head, "I'd love a sandwich I'll be out in a minute".
Edens POV
Wow that was intense I can't believe I walked in on him playing with himself. Why am I so stupid? But at least he took it better than he thought he would. And I need to stop throwing myself at him before one day he doesn't hold back. I need to be sure I'm ready to be with him fully. I walk downstairs and look for the ingredients to make a ham and cheese sandwich. I decide to pull out my phone and text Kaylene to fill her in on what's going on.
Me: Oh my goodness buddy! Guess what?
Kaylene: You do know it's 11:30pm and I'm not supposed to be texting right?
Me: Mybad kay! But this is important I'm currently in Evans house!
Kaylene: Excuse me?
Me: Lol yea I'm at his house and he almost saw me naked!
Kaylene: Too much info! But um did y'all...ya know do it
Me: Nope I didn't want to and he was okay with that so we're going to watch a movie but I need you to cover for me and say I'm there if my mom asks ok?
Kaylene: Okay girl but I need more details tomorrow! I'm going to bed good naga buddy
Me: Alright good naga
I look up and start screaming because I see Evan standing in the walkway of the kitchen, "Oh hey did you finish?" He shook his head, "Yea I did and no more throwing yourself at me or I swear next time I will not be able to hold back" I blushed, "So I didn't get to make you a sandwich" he stepped closer and kissed my forehead. "That's okay do you want to go to sleep or watch a movie?" I look at Evan, "I would like to go upstairs and sleep with you" his mouth dropped, "No no not like that! I mean I want you to hold me until I fall asleep". He sighed and nodded, "Yea we can do that I'm going to go change okay? Come up in like 5 minutes". After about 2 minutes I got impatient and sleepy but to be honest I also wasn't counting the minutes. I decided to walk upstairs and go to his room. I opened the door to see a shirtless Evan, I was in disbelief. He looked hot and when he turned around all I could see was tan skin and a nice 6 pack. "So you couldn't wait huh? You want me to sleep with my shirt off?" He smirked at me. I shook my head and turned around, "Sorry I got impatient and sleepy" I heard him laughing, " it's okay I have a shirt on now". He comes near me to turn off the light and then lies in bed. "Come on pretty eyes let's get some sleep". I slowly get into bed with him and he wraps his arms around me then kisses me on the forehead. " goodnight pretty eyes"

Authors note: I was debating on whether or not to post this chapter I hope you like it I was trying to spice things up a bit!

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