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Eden's intro
I honestly needed some time to myself it's been about five days since Evan texted me he didn't like me back. I thought I'd be miserable but I actually feel a sense of relief. Being single and not having responsibilities towards a guy I am just "talking" to feels great. I have also started paying more attention in class which is also a good thing. Maybe today won't be so bad its a Wednesday and I usually get to see my best friend on Wednesday's. Oh wait I don't think you guys have met her yet, her name is-
I know damn well you better introduce me better than that! Anyways, Hi I'm Kaylene, but my friends call me Kay, Eden and I have been best friends since kindergarten. And it took her seven chapters to realize she hadn't mentioned me! How rude of her right? Any who just remember that I am more important than Cameron, Evan, and who ever else decides to mess with my best friend's head! Ok I'm done goodbye! Oh wait here is a picture of me by the way don't be shocked by the hotness of this picture!

 And it took her seven chapters to realize she hadn't mentioned me! How rude of her right? Any who just remember that I am more important than Cameron, Evan, and who ever else decides to mess with my best friend's head! Ok I'm done goodbye! Oh wai...

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Back to Eden
Thanks for interrupting me! Alright, back to the story.
*alarm goes off*
Ugh! I don't want to get up today I just want to stay in bed I put the pillow over my face and try to tune out the blaring, loud sound of my alarm.
*Bang bang!*
"Go away"
"Get up before I break your door down, we both know I can E"
"Fine I'll get up just go away"
Evan knows me way too well. I dozed back off into a peaceful sleep.
Neil's pov
She thinks I'm just kidding but I need to start getting to school on time before I get detention. And I do not want to feel mom's wrath again for not being on time to school. I got a bucket from the garage and started filling it up with water, after that I walked back upstairs and peeked into Eden's room. As I suspected Eden had fallen back asleep. I slowly walked over to her bed and without warning I poured the bucket of water on her head. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard her scream and see her squirm around in her bed.
"Ugh, Neil! What the heck did you do that for?!"
I was still laughing at her reaction but as soon as I composed myself I answered. "Because I needed you to wake up, I can't be late to school again"
"Get out!" I laughed again.
"Well at least now I know you're awake" that response got a pillow thrown at me. I was about to leave the room but just to add on to the fun I decided to say one more thing just to tick her off.
"Oh and you have 10 minutes to get dressed" since I was already out the door when I said it that caused me to get the door slammed in my face. I just chuckled and went to get my backpack so I could head downstairs and wait for Eden.
Eden's pov
Ugh! My brother is so dead when I get downstairs. I blow dried my hair and now it's a curly mess so I just put up in a bun and proceeded to get dressed. Since I was low on time I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a hot pink tank top since it was hot outside. I put on some old black Jordan's and I had my outfit for the day. As for make up, again since I'm low on time I just put on mascara, eye liner, and light pink lip stick. Since I was satisfied with my look I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to greet my mom, dad, younger siblings and my annoying older brother.
"How'd your shower go" Neil busted out laughing which only made me more upset. "Shut up Neil, are you ready to go?" He kept laughing which made me more upset, he is so stupid.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go to the bus stop. Bye Mom, dad, Noah, and Sophie!"
"Bye you guys see you later after school!" And we were off to the bus stop, I really hope things aren't going to be awkward between me and Evan. I wish I could just forget about him and move on but the thought of that makes my heart ache. Why are boys so confusing?!
"Hey E, are you ok?" I guess my brother could sense my discomfort. The last thing I needed was him trying to kill Evan today.
"Yea I'm fine" I smiled at him and he gave me the look. The look I'm talking about is the "bullshit" look, he knows I'm lying but I'll tell him about Evan later.
"It's nothing you need to worry about, ok?"
"Ok" the bus pulled up and I was so glad it did because our conversation ended with an awkward silence that I did not want to stick around for. I sat in the middle of the bus because I didn't want to be bothered today but I didn't know that all the seats would be taken and that I'd be the only person left to sit next to on the bus. Lucky me. I put my headphones in my ear and just stared out the window hoping Evan would catch the hint, but guys are stupid so of course he didn't get it. I felt him tapping on my shoulder and I just kept hoping that he would eventually stop, but he kept going. After about five minutes I was pissed and just wanted nothing more than to get off the bus. After a few more pokes I took out my earphones.
"What the hell do you want?!" It wasn't loud because I was gritting my teeth when I did it.
"Are we ok?" I sighed.
"Yeah Evan we're good" he stared at me curiously, like he didn't believe me. He was right to do that but I can't help that the message he sent hurt me.
"How are you doing?" This dude does not know when to quit.
"I'm fine" I was being short with him because I was upset and I was trying to get him to understand that I don't want to talk right now.
"Did I do something wrong?" I sighed heavily. "No, it's just that...Cameron texted the other day and I'm still not over him yet" I could see the anger in Evan's face when I mentioned him.
"Forget him, he's with my sister now and I honestly don't think he's good enough for either of you"
"I'm not getting back with him I'm just thinking about being his friend"
"That's good but he's with my sister and I would never forgive you if you started having some kind of sick secret relationship with him" I was shocked that Evan would even think I'd do something like that. What kind of girl does he think I am?
First of all I cannot believe that you think I would do any harm to your sister, and second after everything I have been through you would suggest that I would hurt another female the same way I was hurt. Did you forget that I have already felt that pain? Not only that but I also have respect for myself Evan and if you even have to question how I'd act around Cameron after what he did to me then you don't know me at all" tears were threatening to come from my eyes but I held them back.
"Eden I'm-" luckily the bus was at the school and I got up before he could finish his sentence.
Evan's pov
Damn it, I have to apologize to Eden, in person, and soon. I don't know what came over me, I was just so mad about Cameron having the hearts of two of the girls I loved the most. I envied him because he had captured Eden's heart before me, I wish I could have her, but I can't. I made a stupid mistake and I was going to pay for it. Why couldn't I have just read Eden's message a little earlier? We could possibly be together right now, hopefully in the near future we can become more than friends. Until then I'll just get to know her.
Eden's pov
School hasn't even started yet and Evan has already managed to piss me off. I would never throw myself at some guy whether I loved him or not. Especially if the guy is dating someone because it is not morally right. Someone else's feelings are at stake and that's not something you mess with. I walked to my locker and grabbed a couple of textbooks for the day until I bumped into someone.
"Hey watch where you're goi-Eden!"
How does this douche know my name. Who are-Kay!, I embraced my best friend and we both started laughing because we didn't recognize each other. Hey girl! I haven't seen you around in awhile, how are you with the whole Cameron thing? I sighed, I knew this was coming. I'm slowly getting better but my recent and current conundrum is Evan, he is an ass. Oh! The new hottie?!
Be quiet, damn it do you want the whole school to know?! My bad but when did you two start talking? Well..., so I told Kay about everything from the first day I met him to the kisses he gave me recently. Oh my, he does sound like a total douche but I think he likes you too. I busted out laughing, did she not hear a word I just said?! Man Kay definitely knows how to put me in a good mood. When I looked up she was staring at me with a straight face like she was serious. What? You were kidding right? Kay looked at me like I was stupid. Does she really think that a guy like Evan would actually find me attractive? I sighed , Look as much as I would love for Evan to feel the way I feel, he doesn't and that will never change, okay? It was Kay's turn to sigh but her's was definitely out of frustration. Eden how could you not see that Evan has feelings for you? Think about it , he flirts with you, he gave you a pet name, and for crying out loud he has even kissed you! But-. No butts , that boy likes you too and just because you are too blind to see it does not mean it's not true. I was thinking about everything my best friend had just said and it all somehow makes sense so I decided to humor her as well as myself. So, what should I do? Tell him I like him? Hell no! That boy needs to grow some balls and ask you out until then just act normal, you guys are just friends right? Yeah, I guess your right but I got to head to class so I'll text you okay? Alright see you later Eden and remember do not make it easy for him! I laughed as I was on my way to my first period and Kay actually made my mood a little better which I am definitely thankful for. I sit down and I see Evan walk in I start to wave until I see some skank walk in right behind him. I hate that I get jealous so easily and he isn't even mine. See ya later babe, the skank says as she's giving him the world's longest hug. However what really pisses me off is the kiss that happens after the hug. It wasn't just a peck it was a deep, long kiss, like the kind of kiss you see only when two people are really in love. I am not going to lie it stung, seeing him kiss her so passionately they must have history together and just like that my good mood was ruined for the rest of the day.

-lunch bell rings-

Hopefully, I won't have to see Evan and his girlfriend? You know what I am not going to even think about Evan and his new girl, I am going to just focus on me for awhile. After scanning the lunch room I finally find the table where me and Kay sit along with some other close friends of ours and I head there.

Evan's pov

I saw Eden in first period and it looked like she was going to wave at me because I saw her gorgeous smile and her hand go up. For some reason she stopped and turned away, I guess she remembered the conversation we had this morning I really need to apologize to her, I know I will send her a message asking her to meet me during fourth period.

Me: Hey Pretty eyes, I'm sorry about what I said earlier can we talk later? During fourth period? Unless you're too scared to skip meet me at our spot at 3pm, hope to see you then ;)

Hopefully she will meet me so I can apologize in person, I already regret the bet I made with Joan she is extra clingy and expects me to show up to every one of the football games, at my old school, so I can be there to see her cheer. I hate this, I look around the cafeteria and I see Eden with her friends. I can't believe I screwed up so bad, I need to find a way to make this right before some other guy comes in and steals her heart. I hate the thought of any guy kissing her or touching her and I know I don't have the right to feel that way but I do. I go to the lunch line upset because I have put myself in such a horrible mood but on the way there I bump into someone. Hey! Watch i-oh hey Evan. I look down to see Eden and I smile. Hey, sorry I didn't see you there pretty eyes. How've you been? Oh and how're things with your new girlfriend. Damn it! I forgot Joan kissed me before she left aw man....and Eden saw the whole thing she must think I'm a douche. Obviously she's not too hurt though she seems happy, who am I to ruin her happiness. Um hello? Trouble in paradise? I sighed, yeah something like that, but hey did you get my text? What text? I sent you a text asking if you could meet me later after 3rd period, but you'd have to skip class, I smirked at her.
Eden's pov
I was trying so hard to hide my feelings as well as trying not to blush but I had to keep reminding myself of what Kay told me. Just act like you're his friend which shouldn't be hard but it's easier said than done. Yeah, I'm not afraid to skip class so where are we meeting. He looked shocked but I just stood there waiting for an answer. We will meet at our usual spot at the old tree. Alright, well I'm going to go get food now it was nice talking to you Evan, see ya later buddy.
Evan's pov
Ouch. I'm her buddy now? Why am I so pissed off about what she said I technically have a girlfriend now. Ugh, I don't want Joan she's so shallow and so superficial. I like Eden because she's real and isn't afraid to show her true self, which is very attractive in my opinion. Well I guess I'm not going to be able to do anything until I get rid of Joan so that's my first challenge and it isn't going to be easy.

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