Heartache and Games

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So after the weird encounter with Evan we never talked about it, we've just been hanging out like normal. He's a cool guy but I can never tell if he's into me or not. Anyhoo, I'm going to go shopping for my moms birthday today it's coming up in about two weeks so I want to get her something nice. I'm so glad that I'm out of school, as I'm walking down the street I see Evan and I wave at him. He starts to walk towards me so I meet him halfway, maybe he can help me with picking out a gift for my mom. "Hey pretty eyes how're you?" He have me a hug that seemed longer than a friend hug but I just shrugged it off. I'm great I'm actually about to go to the mall to pick out a gift for my Mom's birthday that's in a couple of weeks. "Sounds cool, can I come?" Sure why not but if you're coming you have to contribute to helping me find the perfect gift for my mom so I can rub it in my brothers face. He laughed, Alright pretty eyes, but one question we are pretty far from the mall so how do you expect to get there before they close?" Damn it he's right I didn't think this through, it sucks that I can't drive nor do I have a car. I guess you're right. He saw my face drop and he immediately responded back to make me feel better. "I can ask my mom to take us there and drop us back off at home, okay?" You're the best! I gave him a hug as he smiled at me.
-10 minutes later-
We're now in the car with his mom and it is super awkward, I don't even know what to say or do at this point.
Evan's POV
I wish I could be of some use to her I mean technically I am because I gave her a ride but as far as gifts go I've got nothing. How in the hell am I supposed to help her with this girly shit. Being a friend is so hard sometimes I just want to skip the friendship part and just become her boyfriend. I know that can't happen though one because of her big brother who will literally kill me with his bear hands and two it's just easier that way. I wouldn't have to try so hard I actually have to get to know her and shit. It's weird though because I don't mind it I am genuinely interested in what she likes to do, what makes her tick, and why she is the way she is. Anyhoo enough with this emotional stuff I'm still thinking about the last time we kissed in her room. We haven't talked about that day since it happened and her brother has actually been keeping an eye on me too which is scary. I can't stop think about her lips on mine and also the thought of her lips on my dick is exhilarating. "So what do you think Evan? Should I go to mothers maternity or get her a necklace?" Oh shit I was supposed to be listening but all I could think about was the heated make out session we had together. Come on man think, alright I think it would be awesome if she just got her mom a custom made necklace (with a special message on it) and something for her little brother/sister that's on the way. Ah ha! She stared at me looking dumbfounded as to why I just shouted randomly in the car. "I still have yet to get an answer" I started laughing, sorry pretty eyes but I said ah ha because I have an answer to your question. I think that you should get your mom a custom made necklace with a special message from you on it and also something for your brother/sister. I feel like that would be the perfect gift for your mother. She smiled at me, "Thanks Evan". "We're here now Evan make sure you text me 40 minutes before they close so I can have enough time to get to the mall before it closes" I sighed damn it mom this is embarrassing, I thought. Okay, mom I'll text you if we're done before then. "Alright sweetie you two have fun, I love you" Ugh. "I love you too mom". We got out the car and started to walk around the mall, I forgot how hard it is to go shopping with girls they literally go to every store.
-20 minutes later-
Eden's POV
"Are we there yet?" Yea Evan we're almost there just a little bit further and we'll see the maternity store. "Thank god" I laughed, I'm so glad Evan came with me, he's the best friend a girl could ask for. However, that's just it I want him to be more than a friend to me but all he wants to do is be stuck in the friend zone. I wish I was pretty enough to get Evan to notice me and I also wish I'd picked a different outfit to wear. I decided to wear a white half shirt with my black jean shorts and a pair of Jordan's. I have on no make up and my hair is just in a messy bun but it's because we aren't here to speak of our forbidden love. We're here for my mom to pick out something for her special day. "Finally". Me and him walk inside and he immediately clings to me because he's in a foreign place. I look at a couple of outfits and they're alright but none of them speak to me. Just as I'm about give up I find the perfect long pretty dress for my mother. It was perfect it was a cute little sundress that flared out at the bottom and had sparkles on the bottom half of the dress. This one is perfect! "Uh yea can we go now" I laughed at his response I swear some boys just don't like to go shopping, okay go ahead and call your mom I've got to head home anyways. "Why?" I have to watch my little brother and sister. "Oh okay" as we're waiting on his mom he starts acting weird.
Evans POV
I should just do it, just say I want to take you out. It shouldn't be that hard. Shit I don't want to mess this up but I don't want to wait around either. She could find another guy she likes to hang out with or something I don't know. Is this how girls feel when they're trying to tell a guy that they like them. This shit sucks, no wonder some of them go crazy. "Evan what's wrong?" "Uh um, hey can I talk to you about something but over there in that dark alley where no one can hear us" as soon as I said it I immediately regretted it. Damn it she's going to think I'm a creep. "Not like that! I just I need to talk to you about something important" She started laughing at my now red face, "Sure" we walk over to a quieter area and she gestures telling me to go ahead. I opened my mouth but no words came out and she's just looking at me confused. I walk closer to her and she backs into the wall behind her.
Edens POV
Um first of all what the hell are you doing sir?! My body is tense because I have no idea what's about to happen, maybe I shouldn't have agreed to talk in a more "private" area. He whispers in my ear, "I'm going to take you out pretty eyes and it's going to be epic" he backs away examining me as if he was waiting on me to respond. Well at least I know he's not a rapist. "I would love to but it has to be somewhere I've never been before, got it?" He let out a breathe I didn't know he was holding in, "Alright pretty eyes, well I think my mom is here so let's go home"
-20 minutes later-
Evans mom drops me off at my house and I tell her thank you as I get out of the car. As soon as I get in the house I'm greeted by my sister Sophie and my little brother Noah. "E come play with us! We missed you!" "I missed you too guys, where's Nellie?" They both looked at each other and then giggled which caused me to raise my eyebrow, "He's upstairs with his giiiiiiirlfriend" I shook my head I can't keep up with Neil and his girlfriends. "Well go on up and it's bath time so go grab your pjs" I swear my brother never watches them it's like I'm the only older sibling around here sometimes. I pass by my brothers room and hear noises that should never be heard to get to the bathroom. I go in the bathroom and start running the water for their bath until all of a sudden the door shuts. I go to reopen it and it doesn't open, what the hell. I take a deep breath and call my younger siblings to come open the door. "Noah! Sophie! Come open the door please!" I hear their tiny feet running down the hall but they stop and I get irritated at this point. "Guys this isn't funny come open the door" Then I start hearing screaming so I try to open the door until all of a sudden I'm thrown into the wall. Oh no....not again. Then and only then do I see part of the dark figure. "Hello darling have you missed me" His voice was low and creepy but I couldn't let him see that I was afraid I had to fight back. "Noah! Sophie! Stay away from the door and go get Nellie, now!" I heard laughter, "No one can help you, I have you all to myself" I was thrown against the wall and then thrown into the mirror and it hurt like hell. I tried to keep my eyes open but all I could see was darkness clouding over me, is this how I die?
Nellies POV
What is all that damn noise?! E must be home playing with Noah and Sophie. Just as I was about to put a condom on I hear screaming followed by frantic knocks on the door. "I'm busy! Go play with E!" They don't stop, "Give me one sec I'll be right back" the girl huffs in frustration but I don't care I walk over and open the door to see two scared little kids. "What's going on?" "E-e is stuck in the bathroom with it" What the hell are they-oh shit. "Hold on I'm coming E!" I run to the door with all the black smoke around it only to find out that it won't open. "E! Damn it E fight! Hey Noah Sophie go grab a phone then call mom and dad, then hid in your room don't open it for anybody! Got it!" The sniffled but nodded their heads and did as they were told. "E! Fight!" Soon the black smoke was gone and I busted the door down only to find my sisters head bleeding as her body lay limp on the floor. "E don't you do this get up! No! You can't die!" I hear foot steps so I turn around "I thought I told you-" I was shocked because it was the girl I was with before all this shit went down. "Can can you call 911 please" tears threatened to fall from the girls eyes but she nodded and went to do so. All of a sudden I feel E move.
Edens POV
"N-Neil?" I feel my brother squeeze me as tight as he can, "Don't ever do that again damn it!" "Hey I healed fast so that means I've got my powers" I smiled at my now calm brother. "Yeah E I always knew you had it in ya"
Authors note
Kind of a sucky ending but now all of the parts are up and there should be no confusion! Alright I think I might post on my other story next I don't know but hope everyone enjoyed until next time!

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