The truth

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Evans pov

I cannot believe I am trapped in a closet with Eden and she is practically naked, how did this happen? I didn't want people to see us mostly for her sake because I know that she isn't someone who just gets with any and everybody. So I did the first thing that came to mind which meant going into a closet and waiting until this class was over. I will be stuck in a closet with Eden while she's half naked for about an hour and 20 minutes. Shit, I'm a guy and she's hot, this is going to be the longest hour and 20 minutes of my life.

Eden's pov

This is turning into a disaster, what if someone finds us and I still haven't made my clothes reappear. I cannot believe this is happening right now, I need to figure out how to either make my clothes reappear or just disappear. Okay, remember what mom was telling you, you need to focus and think about what you want to do, then do it. How in the hell am I supposed to know if I disappeared or not, its pitch black in here! Okay Eden calm down, close your eyes and focus. "Pretty eyes" Evan whispered as he put his hand on my arm to feel where I was. "Don't do that" he literally sent chills up my spine, why does he have such a strong effect on me. "Sorry, I was just trying to feel where you were" I sighed, "We have to get out of here now". "I know but when we do we still need to finish our talk and you need to tell me what the hell is going on with you. I'm tired of all these secrets". I was starting to get frustrated with him, I mean after all he's the one who just magically caught feelings for another girl after kissing me twice and then starts dating the girl he supposedly "liked" at his old school. "You don't get to question me and my secrets after the shit you did. Joan was never mentioned before and it seemed like you had genuine feelings for me. And if you didn't or don't have feelings for me then why did you lead me on like that? I honestly don't even know why I thought I could trust you. I am done with this conversation. Also even if everything you said about Ace is true I still would not want to be friends with you anymore." Evan grabbed me and I could feel his lips almost brush up against mine and I literally froze in the spot I was in. He brushed some of the curls out of my face, leaned in and kissed the side of my lips and then started to kiss my neck. I almost let out a moan until I realized that this was wrong on so many levels we are both involved with other people. So I backed up as far as I could but I hit one of the brooms in the closet and it fell down then made a loud thud. This caused the people in the classroom to all get quiet, oh shit this is it, I am going to get in so much trouble. No wait I can still save us maybe, alright Eden remember your training! I whispered to Evan, "Hold on to me, just trust me" He was confused but he did as he was told and held me, I really hope this works. "Whoever is in this closet skipping class is going to be in big trouble" said a random teacher. He opened the door only to find nothing, "I suppose we were just hearing things folks lets get back to work then". I held back a laugh because I heard someone say, "Mr. Clark we got ghosteses". Literally everyone in the classroom started laughing because honestly it was kind of funny. I forgot that me and Evan were holding each other and when I tried to pull away he wouldn't let go. "If I let go they might be able to see me and I have no idea whether or not I will end up half naked like you". "Oh right, well this is still pretty awkward". "We should try to get out of here". He tried to move but I wouldn't budge, "Are you crazy, just because we're invisible doesn't mean everything we do is, as soon as we open that door people are either going to scream, run or both. We need to be smart about this." We sat there in silence for what seemed like forever, I cannot believe what a giant mess this has become. I feel bad for Ace I was supposed to meet up with him for lunch and here I am in another man's arms (literally). I am a bad person, ugh I can't think about that right now I have to figure out how to get us out of this mess.


Ace's pov

I feel stupid, Eden stood me up at lunch today and has yet to text me back. This is not how I am supposed to feel she is supposed to feel stupid, used, and abandoned. I'll show her and it is going to happen when she least expects it to. "Hey Ace you want to meet up after school?" I scoffed and turned around to reject her until I realized that it was Joan, Evan's girl. I raised an eyebrow and then smirked back because I knew that I could use this to my advantage. This is how I will get her back this will be my revenge. "What time babe?" She took my phone and put her number in it and told me she would text me the time later. I will inform her that I want this to be our little secret for awhile. Then when the time is right I will not only humiliate Eden but I will also humiliate Evan as well, this is almost too easy. However, I will take her virginity before I do any humiliating because that'll just be the icing on the cake.

-back to Eden's pov-

After what felt like hours, the class was over and I felt both of us release a breathe that we were holding in. I told Evan to peak his head out first to see if everyone was gone and they were. He waved for me to come out but I sat there and stared at him in awe. "What's wrong?" He is in nothing but his boxers, I look him up and down and feel myself start to blush. He looks confused until he realizes that he's just in his boxers and being the evil guy that he is he says, "You like what you see?" while smirking. I shake my head and slap myself so I can snap out of it. I come out and roll my eyes, "please there would have to be something for me to look at" He laughed probably because I was still red, I hate that he can make me blush in just the blink of an eye. He shook his head, "So are you going to fix this?" After I got over the fact that he was half naked I started trying to figure out how to fix this. "Okay well I have powers.." I just went ahead and told him since there was no way to lie my way out of why I can turn myself(and now others) invisible. Evan looked at me for a good 5 seconds before he started busting out laughing! I glared at him because I was literally telling him my deepest darkest secret that no one can knew about and he laughs at me. Tears started to well up in my eyes, damn it I hate that I'm so sensitive and cry easily. "Hey pretty eyes, don't cry, I'm sorry for laughing but you have to admit that what you're saying is pretty bizarre" He had a point but I mean what other explanation could I give him, there is none. "Look, no one is supposed to know but long story short me and my family all have our own special powers. Mine for example is the ability to turn invisible, I won't expose my other family members because that's their business but you get the gist of it. Anyway, we are currently training to fight off this evil dark figure who wants to kill my family and I'm honestly not sure why. My mom knows but she won't tell anyone. So basically no one knows this but Cameron because we were together for so long and to be honest with you I was running out of lies to tell him." I just looked at Evan and he looked like he was genuinely trying to understand and process what I was saying. "Wow, pretty eyes this is a lot to take in, I want to believe you. I mean I kind of have to believe you but you have to know that what you're saying sounds crazy" I nodded understanding that this is quite a bit of information (for someone who doesn't know about powers) to take in. "Alright, I am choosing to believe you pretty eyes but no more secrets okay?" I nodded smiling it felt good to have Evan as a friend again. "Okay now that you've explained to me what is actually going on how do we get our clothes back" I started to blush again realizing that we were both still in our under garments. "You wanted the truth so here it is, I don't know how to get our clothes back" Evan's eyes got big, "What do you mean you don't know? I have to meet up with Joan after school and I am pretty sure my girlfriend is going to be suspicious of me if I show up in nothing but my boxers. What the hell pretty eyes?!" I was about to start apologizing but then I realized that while we were trapped in that closet together he didn't seem too worried about what his girlfriend might think. "Oh don't act like you care about her now, you kissed me twice while we were in that closet!" He paused for about two minutes before responding, "That's only because you're a girl and I'm a guy. I knew you were in nothing but a bra and underwear so I figured I would take advantage of that" What he said stung and a couple of tears fell down my cheeks I am so sick of Evan and Cameron doing this to me. I will be happy, also me and Evan may be friends now that we know a lot about each other but I will never date him. "Okay you've made it clear that you don't have feelings for me you don't have to keep rubbing it in. And stop making moves like that on me if you don't care that's just disrespectful and cruel to me. Anyway our clothes should be in the closet I have been trying to use my powers this whole time to get our clothes back. I am going to go change first." I went in the closet and cried for about 10 minutes I'm sure he heard me but I needed to let it out. Why are guys so cruel? I kept sobbing as I put on my clothes so I could leave before I further humiliate myself.

-Author's note-

Alrighty so I have posted another chapter! See I told you I would get it together eventually. Also update on my life my summer is about to get super busy but I will try to continuously post(as I have been) on wattpad every Thursday. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter happy reading!

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