The Challenge

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Evans pov
I am sick and tired of having sex, have you ever heard a man say that? Well if not, now you have, Joan is always and I do mean always in the mood to have sex. It's not that I'm not attracted to her, she is fine as hell but I can not keep up with her. Another reason is that I'm tired of pretending that I don't like Eden, I've tried to block her out but I can't. She's all I think about, all I want to talk about and I can't stand the thought of us never being together. Wait a minute I never told you guys what happened two weeks ago.
I'm sitting under the tree at our usually spot patiently waiting for Eden and still no sign of her. As soon as I start to get up she comes out of the school doors looking as gorgeous as ever. She looks happy and then I see him coming right behind her. They're just casually laughing and enjoying each other's company until she finally sees me. She waves goodbye to him and then walks toward me. "Hey Evan what's up?". Nothing I just wanted to talk you because I missed seeing those beautiful eyes of yours. I smirked at her but she just laughed at this what it feels like to be friend zoned. So, who was your friend. Now keep in mind I already know who he is because he went to my old school and I literally despised him. He stayed taking the females that I liked or had a crush on which pissed me off. Now it looks like he's going after my Eden, who the fuck does he think he is?! "Well, I wasn't going to say anything but I don't know I met him a week ago, he's a new transfer student. His name is Ace and I think I'm starting to like him..." she started doing the cute blush she normally does around me and my heart sank. I can't believe she's actually moving on, well I kind of ruined my chances of being with her when I got in bed with Joan. "Um hello, earth to Evan" Oh yeah I'm sorry, I zoned out for a minute. "Well I was telling you about how me and him are going to the movies together this Friday" That's great, I'm glad you're happy. "Thank you, well 4th period is about to start so I'll text you the details later but you and your girlfriend can come to the movies this Friday too if you'd like" Thanks for the invite but I won't be able to make it, Joan is a cheerleader and I'm going to the football game to see her perform. "Oh ok well I'll see you around then, bye buddy!" Ouch, I hate that she calls me buddy now, it makes me so angry. I can't believe Ace goes here now, I can't wait until this stupid bet is over then I can win Eden over for good.
*flashback ends*
Ever since the day they went to the movies together, they've been inseparable. I still have two weeks left of this fake relationship with Joan. I guess I should get ready for school now, I shouldn't wallow in my pain forever.
*ding* *ding*
I roll over to look at my phone and I see that I have one text message from Joan and another one from Eden. Of course I open Eden's first because that's the woman I long to be with.
Eden: Hey so I think that Ace is going to ask me out on a date, he texted me saying I need to ask you something in person. And told me to meet him in the front of the school! I'm so excited! :D
I honestly do not know how to respond to this because I want to say, he will never respect and care for you the way I will. He will not treat you like the beautiful delicate flower that you are. He won't appreciate and love your flaws like I will, yet instead I type this.
Me: You should wear your hair up in a bun so those beautiful eyes of yours can stand out, he'll be speechless once he sees you. Be confident and go get em!
Eden: Thanks buddy!
I didn't even bother to read Joan's text I'll do it later I have to go get ready for school before I get depressed about Eden and Ace.
Eden's pov
Oh my goodness, I am so excited about seeing Ace today! I feel like today is the day he is going to actually ask me out on a real date. I know I said I was going to wait but maybe I'll feel more like a real teenager if I date. I read Evan's text and he's so sweet, sometimes I wonder if actually likes his girlfriend or not. He's always telling me how beautiful I look every chance he gets but I figure he's just a nice guy in general, I'm sure he boosts his girlfriend just as much as he does me. Any who, I take him up on his advice and decide to put my curly hair up in a bun with two pieces hanging down, I then begin to put on some eyeshadow and mascara. I also put on some light pink lip gloss to go along with the yellow dress I was going to put on.
I got another message so I decided to walk over and see who it was. I look and see that it was Ace who texted me and I got butterflies in my stomach.
Ace: Good morning beautiful, I can't wait to see you today, don't forget to meet me in the front of the school, I have something special to ask you ;)
I blushed at the thought of me going out to dinner with such a popular, hot guy like him.
Me: Good morning :) and I won't forget I'll see you then :*
After I send the message I slip on my pink wedges with pink and white bows on them, grab my backpack and then head downstairs. *Gasps* "What?! Eden is actually ready on time for a change and actually looks presentable?!" I glare at my older brother, Shut up! Just hurry up and eat breakfast before we miss the bus! "Aw honey you do look unusually nice today, what's the occasion?" *sigh* Mom I just wanted to look nice today. "Nah, I know the real reason she got all dressed up today" Neil smirked at me as he said this. "She's going to get asked out by this guy named A-" I ran over and stuffed a piece of toast into my annoying brothers mouth. "Oh I see, this is for a boy you like" Mom was now smirking and I was probably as red as a tomato right about now so I decided to leave the kitchen and say my goodbyes to my younger siblings. Noah! Sophie! I'm about to leave so come give your big sister a hug! They both ran down the stairs and practically tackled me when they saw me. I started laughing, I love you guys so much! "We love you too E! Are we going to play hide and seek when you get back like you promised?" Yes we are, I promise I won't forget, we'll play right after I get back from school. "Yay!" It's scary how in sync they are sometimes. "Alright E, lets go before me miss the bus" I'm coming, alright I've got everything I need for the day, my lip gloss, my backpack, and my phone. Me and my brother continue to walk to our bus stop it was silent until he decided it was a good idea to start talking. "So Ace huh? Well if he tries anything I'll kill him" I laughed but he was dead serious. No killing anyone Nellie! I actually like this guy and it's finally a guy who might actually like me back, unlike Evan. "He didn't deserve you anyway, but I'm glad you like Ace he seems like he'd be good for you" I started blushing, even my brother likes him and that is saying something because he normally hates any guy I'm interested in. The bus was finally here, my brother said he was going to let me go first just in case he had to beat a guy up for looking at me. I sighed and continued onto the bus and he probably had every right to be worried almost every dude on the bus was checking me out. I think it's just because I rarely wear dresses, but I turned my head slightly and I could see my brother giving dudes the ultimate death glare. I laughed and kept walking towards the back I finally found an empty seat and sat down. "You want me to sit next to you?" No Neil I can handle myself, go sit next to your normal crew. "Fine" He went back up towards the middle of the bus to sit with his friends. I sighed and decided to pull out my head phones so I could tune everyone out with music. The bus ride was peaceful so far, no one had come to sit by me which was a relief, I loved having the seat to myself. Unfortunately for me I spoke too soon, I felt somebody sit next to me and instantly got irritated. I looked to see who it was and it was Evan, really dude? I am trying to get over you but if you keep popping up that won't happen. I just turned back around and decided to just ignore him. "Eden" I pretended not to hear him. "Eden" He is really starting to annoy me now, I just wanted to have a peaceful bus ride to school. "Eden" I took out one of my earphones so I could respond, Yes? "I've been calling your name for about five minutes now" I shrugged, well you have my full attention now. "Well I just wanted to tell you that you look gorgeous today" I blushed, why does he still have this effect on me. I shrugged again, "Thanks , hopefully Ace feels the same way. I'm so nervous"
Evans pov
I can't believe she did all this for Ace, and he probably isn't even going to care. I guess there's nothing I can do though, of course she's moved on I was a jerk to her. I kissed her twice and said that they meant nothing which probably hurt her feelings. If only I could go back in time and stop myself from calling Joan like an idiot.
You look perfect and he'd be a fool to think otherwise.
"You're so sweet to me, thank you"
Edens pov
Evan smiles at me and I smile back, he actually made me feel better about seeing Ace. He may have hurt me but at least he still knows how to be a good friend. I would like to get to know his girlfriend, who knows maybe we could end up being great friends one day and then we could all hang out together. The bus has finally stopped and everyone one is getting off. After I get off the bus I start walking towards the front of the school (where Ace told me to meet him) and as I get closer to the front of the school it seems like a path is being cleared for me. When I come to the end of the path I see Ace on the top of the steps of the school which is also right by the front door. Once I see him I am speechless he's wearing a white buttoned up collared shirt, with black slacks and some white converse. He also had a bouquet of red roses in his hand along with a teddy bear in the other. At this point I am overwhelmed with emotions, I can't believe he's doing all of this for me! Am I really that special? "Are you coming up here or am I going to have to come down there and get you myself" I immediately started blushing, well I suppose I should go up there, here goes nothing.

Authors note
So I've been having a bunch of ideas! And I decided to go ahead and update again! Oh and updates may be a bit slower but that's because I'm editing my first story that I ever wrote on here! And there is a lot of editing, it was/is so bad! I'm also working on the second book for my first story because it's going to be a series and I'm writing this one! So just be patient with me please I'm also trying to have a life outside of writing anyways thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, until next time :)

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