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"Hey E please don't be scared of me" What the hell is happening right now is this all a dream?! "How do you go from threatening me to being nice to me within a couple of hours?" I just stared at him dumbfounded at his sudden kindness. "It's complicated, just know that I want to be your but it's bad for my rep, I made the varsity football team this year" I smiled because I was genuinely happy for him but I'm still pissed at his excuse for breaking my heart. "I love you, E" he tried to hug me but I backed away. "What the hell is wrong with you? First you say that you're just not feeling it anymore and now you're saying you were just trying to protect your rep?!" We sat in silence for a moment before I continued, "That is bullshit, if you don't want to be seen with me because I'm a lame freshman why are you risking it now" Again nothing but silence I scoffed at him and was about to walk away until he grabbed my arm again, damn I forgot how strong he was. "Hear me out, I know it's a shitty reason but-" I interrupted him, "A very shitty reason but continue" I wanted to hear his stupid excuse so I could move on with my life. "They said they were going to bully you if I'd kept you around" I was now confused what the heck did he mean by that? "They said they would try to get with you" I started laughing and soon fell on the floor while he looked at me like I was a lunatic. "That's funny to you?" He looked furious with me but I didn't care I mean if he couldn't get into my pants then how would a bunch of dumb jocks do it? I finally stopped laughing. "That is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard, if you couldn't do it in two years what makes you think they could?" He sighed, "Oh they weren't planning on waiting they were just going to take you, whether you wanted to or not" I paused for a long time, that sounds terrifying. I sighed and only had one thing to say to that. "Cameron, the fact that you would even still hang out with them is astounding, nice to know how important I am to you" With that I turned around and ran off I can't believe that he would even want to still be apart of a team of douche bags after what they said they'd do to me. If he really cared he would've quit the team and chose me but he didn't he broke my heart and chose them. Now the bell has rung and I have yet to eat, great this day just keeps getting better and better.
I'm worried about E, she seemed so sad this morning and I hate that Cameron broke up with her right before school. I want to hurt him but I'm not going to for Edens sake. Well I'm on my way to my third class of the day. Oh let me introduce my myself I'm Neil, also know as the "over protective" brother. I don't do much besides watch over Eden and the little ones. I have no love life because I choose not to date. Honestly I think it's easier that way, no lies and no secrets. Oh and in my free time I like to play video games but that's pretty much it, well I've made it to my boring history class hopefully I don't fall asleep in here. "Alright class pull out your text books and go to page four-sixty-two, jimmy you will be reading the first paragraph. I already know this is about to be a long class because jimmy can't read well.
~very long paragraph later~
"Alright now you guys are going to write some notes over that paragraph and you'll turn it in and be done for the day, school is ending early due to an emergency" That's weird, I wrote my paragraph and turned it in.  I have to find E, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I wonder what's going on the teachers have all told us to go home and it's not even 12:30pm yet. "Hey E" What the hell?! "Um Cameron?" He grabbed me and pulled me into a dark closet with him. "What are yo-" before I could finished he grabbed my face and kissed me. I have had such a strange day first he says he wants to be friends with me and now I'm kissing him in the janitors closet at school. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I can't help that I'm in love with him. It felt like we made out for hours but in reality it was only a few minutes...I finally pulled away. We both were silent for a while as we tried to catch our breath. "I still love you E" I was speechless I wanted so badly to say I love you too and that we can just meet in secret forever. But deep down I knew that what we had and how he felt is gone he's only doing this because he's lonely. He doesn't love you if he did he wouldn't be friends with those jerks who like raping girls. "Please say something E" I sighed. "I can't be with you Cameron..." "But you kissed me back and I know you felt the sparks" "Yea I still love you it hasn't even been a day yet...but I can't be with you Cameron we both have to move on this relationship is toxic" He grabbed me and tried to kiss me again but I turned away. "You broke up with me and even if what you told me is true I can't be with someone who hangs out with rapists, you are the company you keep" I felt him move away. "So you want me to quit the team..." "No! You don't have to hang with the guys just to play football, I would never ask you to quit something you love doing but I'm telling you I'm done playing games. I need to be on my own now, good bye Cameron" With that I left the janitors closet only to be greeted by my angry brother. "I have been looking everywhere for you and I found out you're making out with the douche bag who broke your heart!" "Calm down Neil she doesn't want me so I'm leaving" I saw my brother getting ready to follow him but I grabbed him. "It's ok let's just go home, okay?" Me and Neil walked home laughing and talking together and we finally found out why the school had closed early. There was a teacher who fell out and they think there's a stomach bug going around so they sent everyone home.
Authors note
Alright so kind of a terrible end to an update but I need to update so here ya go! Hope ya enjoy!

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