Houzuki Siblings Headcanons

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A really popular headcanon in the Splatoon/Coroika fandom is that Pearl, Emperor, and Prince are all siblings. I really like this one because it ties the two universes together and it's just super cute to think about tbh. I don't incorporate the headcanon into my fanfics because I haven't found a good way to do so yet, but I still wanna talk about it a bit! So here we go. 

First off I'm gonna explain the family tree and that family drama everybody loves ✨

- Pearl is actually only half siblings with Emperor and Prince. They all share the same dad (The mega rich dude that owns Enperry, who I will call Father Houzuki for shits and giggles) but have different mothers, which explains why they look/act so different.

- Father Houzuki was with Pearl's mom first, obviously. It was a love at first sight type of thing. They were young and stupid so they rushed into marriage and had Pearl. Unfortunately, they found out quickly they had a lot of differences, especially ones that would affect them long term. So they divorced. Pearl's mom had priority custody over her and she only saw her dad on weekends and holidays.

- Shortly after that, Father Houzuki was feeling really lonely and guilty at not getting to see his daughter as often. It was starting to badly affect his mental health, so guess what he did? Made good decisions? LMAO y'all really thought huh

- No. He rushed into another marriage with a woman he met only a year after divorcing Pearl's mom. They soon had Emperor and Prince. 

- ...As you can see, Father Houzuki is really bad when it comes to relationships. And making decisions. It's honestly a wonder how Enperry hasn't ever gone bankrupt.

- He's not really a bad person at heart, though. He loves his children equally and wants them all to succeed. He did spoil Pearl a bit more than his sons though. Partly because she's his only daughter, partly because of subconscious guilt of not getting to see her more often. 

- However! The torture was not over for him yet. His new wife, Emperor and Prince's mom, was found cheating on him with a different man. (She was also found out to be a gold digger all along lol. It's kinda sad but surely not surprising ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) So they divorced as well.

- Wanna know the real shit though? Literally none of the Houzuki siblings were sad to see the bitch go. Pearl never liked her to begin with (Besides just the obvious reasons for being her step-mom, she could tell from a young age that woman was a gold digger. She often tried to tell her dad which resulted in lots of arguments) And she was always a bit too critical of Emperor and Prince, saying things like "You two are part of a rich family, act like it." 

- If anything, they were all relieved. Father Houzuki was still extremely sad over it, of course, but he's slowly healed since then. The experience at least helped him make better decisions. He currently doesn't have plans to marry ever again. 

- Meanwhile, Pearl's mom has been doing pretty good. (Something tells me she was the chill type of mother who gave Pearl a lot of freedom, so I'm sure she's still chilling to this day.) She actually gets along pretty well with Emperor and Prince too, good enough to act as their mother figure after their biological one left. 

- Despite this, Father Houzuki and Pearl's mom aren't ever gonna get back together. But they can tolerate each other enough to carry small conversations at family gatherings, which is enough for the Houzuki siblings.

- And if you're curious about whatever happened to Emperor and Prince's mom, she's traveling on a cruise on the other side of the world. Hasn't made a single effort to communicate with any of her family. It hurts them a bit, but they all know deep down that it's probably for the better. 

Now some random stuff!!! Finally we can stop with the angst

- There is only one person in the world who can truly get under Emperor's skin, and that's Pearl. She relentlessly teases him to the point that it almost makes him snap. (She occasionally teases Prince too, but Emperor is a lot more fun to mess with because of his reactions)

- When they were younger and watched TV together, Pearl would point at an ugly character on TV and say "That's you" to him. It never failed to piss him off. 

- ...Who am I kidding, she still does that.

- The two have gotten into plenty of fights over the years. Some uglier than others. There were actually a few points where their caretakers or Father Houzuki himself had to come between them. That's how bad it got.

- Prince never got involved in these fights since he was so much younger and was naturally sensitive anyway. Both Pearl and Emperor knew he'd burst out into tears if they so much as raised their voices at him, and like hell they were gonna get into trouble for that.

- Even so, he would still start bawling if he ever witnessed their fights. This was actually pretty successful at making them stop arguing. One of them would be like "Good job dumbass, you made our little brother cry" and then they would team up to make him stop crying before one of the adults saw. 

- Pearl and Emperor can still get into some nasty arguments, but Prince learned how to cope with it after he got his character development. (He realized that it's not his fault both of his siblings aren't as mature as he is. He won't say this to them, of course, but that's the honest truth about it. Funny how the youngest grew to be the most mature, isn't it?)

- Actually, one of the biggest things they argue about is their heights. Pearl is extremely short while Emperor is extremely tall, so you can imagine all the insults they throw at each other. Petty things like "Sorry, I didn't see you down there" and "How's the weather up there?"

- That's another reason why Prince isn't involved in this stuff- He's the only one who's an average height lmao

- Emperor was an early bloomer who quickly grew to be tall, which made Pearl mad. She didn't want Prince to do the same so she tried to stunt his growth. (Remember that one myth about putting heavy rocks in your pockets to stunt growth? She definitely tried that.)

- It didn't work, of course. Prince still grew taller than her. She thinks it counts though because "At least he's not as tall as Emperor"

- Unsurprisingly, Emperor and Prince were actually at Pearl's Calamari County performance. Prince wouldn't stop crying for a whole hour after she broke the speakers. Emperor still randomly brings the story up to this day, mainly to embarrass both of his siblings.

- I headcanon that Prince also got into baking after his character development. Pearl began stopping by a lot more when that happened. Usually just to say hi and steal the entire tray of cookies when his back is turned. He's gotten used to it at this point. 

- Overall, the Houzuki siblings do care about each other. They've been through slightly different experiences, and they never talk about it out loud, but they're there for each other. They definitely had to be after the drama with Emperor and Prince's mom, so they're still like that today. 

- Pearl is always willing to give out her wise big sister advice. Emperor doesn't show it at first, but he can be very protective over both of his siblings. (Yes, even Pearl. It's a "I'm the only one who can make fun of her" type of situation) And Prince is usually the one to bring them together, asking how they're doing and if they want to go do something later on.

- It's just one of those unspoken things that they care. They don't consider each other as "only half siblings" but full ones. 

Nevermind this got way too cheesy at the end. Quickly go back to the angst-! 

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