The idols as iconic sapphic songs (with headcanons)!

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I know what you are. I know you like girl in red. Don't lie to me. You really thought you could hide? I could smell the fruitiness from a mile away.

...well that's okay cuz I like girl in red too <3 It's October, so it's time to fall in love but with a sapphic twist on it!

Callie - I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry

- She probably figured out her feelings before you did. And she's not a patient person! The moment it dawned on her, she went to ask you out on a date. She loves being in love, and to be in love with you, her absolute sunshine... Why bother hiding anything when she could be kissing you instead?

- Her bubbly personality increases by ten times when you're around. Sometimes she makes dumb jokes like "Omg I just kissed someone who's not a guy!!! I'm so silly :3" or "Hope my boyfriend won't mind it if we spend the night together 😈😈" She thinks she's funnier than she really is, but give her a laugh anyway. It makes her so excited when you do.

- Loves having girlie type days with you, doing things such as shopping or having slumber parties or anything else stereotypically girly. She could still do these things with a more masculine partner, of course, but doing them with you just hits different.

- Also loves sharing her stuff with you. Not anything gross ofc but stuff like clothes, blankets/pillows, cherry chapstick 😳 Yes, she only wants the cherry flavor. It's her favorite. And whatever tastes like you. Take that as you will.

- Don't ever put yourself down. If Callie finds out about it, she won't stop overwhelming you with affection until you see how much you mean to her. In her eyes, you truly are irresistible. She'll back that up with evidence if she has to...

Marie - Jenny by Studio Killers

- The two of you were sharing beds and changing in the same room and doing other """best friend""" activities before Marie realized her feelings. She usually isn't so dim; She doesn't do stuff like that with her other friends. That's why she was initially embarrassed about her crush and had a difficult time being open about it. None of your friends were surprised once your relationship became public. To them, it was only a matter of time.

- Not one for PDA. Being an idol, she has lots of eyes on her, and the whole world doesn't need to know how soft she is for you. (Not your fault for being too cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) But behind closed doors, she's all over you. You'll be chilling out together all day, laying across each other's laps as she uses stupid puns/pick-up lines on you. Marie won't admit it, but she's as dorky as Callie is.

- There are some exceptions to her no PDA rule. If she gets upset over something, she won't push you away when you offer your support, as long as you're insistent about it. If she gets jealous-- really, really jealous-- she'll press up right against you with crossed arms and a seething stare. Don't remind her about it or she'll get grumpy.

- She knows you very well. Since she stays up late every night, you end up having lots of late night conversations. The type that are really deep and makes you feel like a different person afterwards. You're just good at reflecting off each other and being understanding. It's a kind of intimacy she couldn't share with anyone else.

- But even knowing that, Marie gets insecure about your relationship sometimes. She's got it all and yet she worries about losing you to others. You love her so wonderfully, after all, and there are people who would die to feel that kind of love. There are still moments where she acts full of herself, but deep down, she knows how lucky she is have to you. That's why she cherishes you so much.

Pearl - Slumber Party by Ashnikko

- Pearl isn't quick to fall in love, but once she does, she knows that you're special. You're so special that you inspire her to write a song for her confession. She even got Eight to help her write it since they like poetry. ("Eight! What's another word for shawty?" ",,uhm,, why not just look up the synonym?" "What the heck is a synonym?" "...We have lots of work to do")

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