Splatoon 3 catchup!

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Now that Splatoon 3 is approaching its release date, it's time for me to add Deep Cut and New Agent Three into the list of characters I write for!

A few important notes: I won't write for Big Man in a romantic sense, he's going to be a platonic side character. I will use She/They pronouns for Shiver. New Agent Three will continued to be referred to as Bow and Little Buddy as Arrow. I'm still getting used to these new characters and writing their personalities, so please be patient with me!

And with that, let's get them caught up on what they missed!

Would they squidbag? (Or... swimbag? Because it's called swim form now? Whatever)


- Though I have a feeling she can get competitive, I can't see her doing it. She's pretty levelheaded and wouldn't pull something like that out of nowhere. But she might make an offhanded remark or two if she gets frustrated...


- Nope, she's a sweetheart! She doesn't want to hurt people's feelings too badly. But she's always welcome for a party!


- They'll do it to piss off people they don't like. And also because breaking the rules is fun! Even if it's not techincally a rule, it makes them feel good and that's all the reason they need.

How they show their love


- She isn't very flashy when it comes to this, but everyone can tell that she's fond of you. She's subconsciously always trying to impress you, because unlike everybody else, your opinion actually matters to her. She likes to impress others by showing YOU off as well. You're gonna be the power couple of Splatsville.

- As much as you mean to her, you're not immune from her sass. If she catches you slipping, she will make jokes out of it. Though never to the point that it feels hurtful. She knows what she can and can't joke about. It's simply her way of flirting~

- Very observant and considerate when she needs to be. She won't make a huge deal out of it, but she'll go to your side when you're in need and prove herself as your most loyal companion. Which she also sees as another way of showing off. Oh well <3


- You and Shiver may win as the power couple of Splatsville, but when it comes to cutest couple, nobody can beat you and Frye! She's a sucker for PDA and likes announcing your relationship to the world. Sometimes in embarrassing ways. She unironically has a "if lost, return to (Y/N) shirt" and it's probably come in useful once or twice.

- This girl is the embodiment of good vibes and she never stops sending them your way. Her great sense of humor, the sweet way she speaks about you, how she perks up everytime you come around- It'll put a smile on your face.

- Adores physical affection. Literally any kind, giving or receiving. Her favorites include hand holding, sitting in each other's laps, piggy back rides, and forehead kisses... That last one isn't very hard to do on your end


- It's all about quality time with them! They love being with you, and you know what else they love? Trying new things! So you'll be going on a lot of trips and vacations. They also like camping/being outdoors in general, but if you're not a big fan of that, they can work out a compromise. As long as you're together!

- And when you're together, you'll get to see a softer side of them that nobody else sees. Bow seems pretty edgy and rebellious on the outside- And they are! But they're also a dork. People will call you crazy when you claim that you've seen them dress Arrow in hotdog costumes or see them trip over nothing but air. You really are special to know this side of them.

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