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As a gentleman, I can't share the rest of what happened last night. My muscles were in more pain and had more soreness than any crazy workout I had ever done. Her arms laid limp on my chest. I lingered my finger up and down her arm, caressing her face, running my thumb over her lip. I took her into my arms, we both slept naked because we were hot and sweaty after...well you remember. She scrubbed her eyes awake, looking at me like she was surprised I was there with her. "Am I having that dream that dream again?" She said rolling her eyes. I grabbed her face and pulled it up to me, kissing her. She climbed on top of me, kissed and sucked on my neck, which only made my morning wood more stubborn.
I could feel his hardness under me, bare. I teased his neck, scraping my nails on his chest all the way down to his stomach. He leaned his head back further into the pillow, gripping my hips to grind onto him harder. I let him into me slowly, still sore from last night. He grunted, resisting the urge to thrust his hips into me. I wanted more but my body couldn't take it. He reached down to rub me softly, his warm fingers felt soothing enough to let him in deeper. I kissed him to distract myself from the twinge of pain, losing myself between his big soft lips. Every second with him was so satisfying, it's like he could read my mind like he knew everything I wanted and needed before I did. He wrapped his arms around me, my breasts flailed around as he nuzzled his face into them. It was so weird to physically feel and see him not only be okay with my body but to want my body. All of it. The way he looked in my eyes, at my body, and the way he touched me was so different from the way Chris ever did. I hadn't been with anybody else. Last night I was so scared to be with someone else, thinking that I was the reason everything always went wrong. But this...this felt so fucking right. My arms got weaker, I could barely hold myself up, my body was overwhelmed with pleasure. It felt so intense I didn't even know how to handle it. Jay rubbed my back to calm me while I slid myself on and off of him. 


I knew kissing her neck would help her get there, so I took my sweet time doing that. "It's okay baby, take your time.", she looked so beautiful, even with her makeup from yesterday smudged and her hair disheveled. Her lips parted just slightly like she was thinking about something that wasn't letting her accept what she was feeling. "Just look at me. Don't think about anything else. Just feel it.", I lifted her off me and got in between her legs. I kissed her, enticing her with just my fingers. I wanted to ease her mind, but I didn't know what to do. I moved my kisses lower until my lips were between her legs. I rubbed between her thighs to warm her up, she was shivering so I pulled the blanket up and over her head. I put her legs over my shoulders and followed every cue she gave me. She leaned her hips higher and higher into my mouth. I dug my tongue into her and buried myself between her folds. I let as much of her as I could into my mouth, thrashing my tongue until she finally gave in. Her thighs squeezed me closer to her, I couldn't breathe but with her here, I didn't need to. She finally released me, "Sorry, I got carried away.". "Don't be sorry, I like when you get carried away.". Her warm slickness welcomed me in easily. "God, you feel so good." she whispered in my ear, it caught me off guard, she was usually softly panting. It felt good to know I felt even a fraction as good to her as she did to me. I lost control of my hips, with her hair bunched up in my hands. She kissed my chest and left hot scratches on my back, I got goosebumps all over my body. My toes curled as she moaned into my ear, I heard her gasp when I threw all of myself into her as I came. I collapsed over her, she planted small kisses on my shoulder and hummed. I hoped she was satisfied because I was drained. What I couldn't satisfy was the voice in the back of my mind asking; What was she thinking about?

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