17. In the Dark

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I don't know what came over me. I needed answers, I didn't want her to disappear again.
"My mom had an affair. That's why my parents split up. My dad stayed in town, but my mom didn't want him around so...she woke me up one day and we got on a flight to Miami to go live with her boyfriend. Long story short when Chris and I were together, we decided to go to school together, here. I didn't look for you because I assumed you forgot about me by then. It was half my life ago. I'm here now, and I'll stay...if you want me to.", her mouth stood open but nothing else came out.
"I had no idea."
She let out a laugh that was more like a sigh of relief, "We were kids, everything was out of our control.". The room was pitch black as I stood at the edge of the bed. I could feel her hand touching my leg, making sure I was still there. "I do want you to stay. I just wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know you wouldn't leave again.", I crawled under the sheets next to her. To my surprise, she was completely naked. She kissed my chin, missing my cheek. "I want to be here. I want to stay, with you.". We laid in bed, naked, in silence. I didn't know what to say, it wasn't either of our faults and we didn't have a choice. I could sense her getting nervous, so I pulled her into my chest and kissed her forehead. "I want you to stay.". She dug her face further in my chest, I felt her hand creeping around under the sheets, "Looking for something?". She laughed her little nervous laugh, for some reason that made me even harder. "Found it.". She got under the blanket, teasing and touching me until my balls were quite literally blue from holding back a load.


He yanked me up and laid me on my back, I will say, I'm a fan of the rough stuff. I loved that he was so immense and husky he could just toss me around with little to no effort, I'm not exactly light as a feather. I was so glad my hair was tied back, I could savor all his touches and neck kisses. I explored his body with my hands while he tested my patience, I needed more. He placed himself just between my lips, sliding back and forth. He could clearly feel that I was ready, my hips leaned into every teasing touch. His body leaned over mine and his hands cupped my breasts. He kissed me slowly and deeply as he entered me, distracting me from my soreness from last night and this morning. His back was hunched, his breathing slowed and his legs were tense, and I hadn't even gotten started yet. I let my hands fall from his shoulders to his chest, just barely rubbing his nipples with my thumbs. I heard him grunt but he backed up a tad, confused about whether he should like that. I let my hands wander some more and then decided to wrap my small fingers along the sides of his soft thick neck, I squeezed until I felt his chin lean against my forehead. He moved slow and deep, he lifted my leg for a better angle. I swung my hips forward, attempting to quicken the pace but he drove his hand down on my pelvis. He slipped his fingers between my folds while he whispered in my ear, "Take your time, I've got all night.", my head leaned further back into the pillow and my nails dug into the skin of his neck. 


I felt so much all at once, it was almost overwhelming. I could barely hold it together, but her grip on my neck let me know she wanted more, and I wanted to give her whatever she wanted. I could hear her panting, her warm breath hitting my chest. She was growing restless as I strengthened the pressure of my fingers, I raised her leg higher and tried not to crush her with my weight. She convulsed with every thrust, digging her nails harder into my neck. The pain felt like motivation to keep going, until she was satisfied I couldn't be satisfied. Her cries echoed in my room, I damn near bit my bottom lip off trying to keep myself from exploding all inside her, until she finally let herself go. Her legs quivered under the weight of mine as I pulled out and erupted all over her stomach. She took my hand and used it to rub it in, "I like it when you grunt like that. Kinda sexy.", she chuckled. "Kinda?", I said having barely caught my breath. "Very.", she sucked off my fingers. She was satisfied, so I was satisfied. I shifted her body to the side so I could lay next to her, putting my arm over her body and pulling her in closer. How does she still smell so good? "Mmmm...", it was almost like time was passing by in slow motion, but my heart was pounding so fast you'd think I was in danger. I didn't have a single thought on my mind that wasn't about how perfect this was. 

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