19. Breakfast

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Clouds of steam came out of the bathroom when she opened the door. Her hair was in a bun, with short wet frizzy curls around her hairline. She looked different with no makeup on. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but I preferred the way she looked without makeup on. Her face was so soft, her eyes were dark, her brows were bushy. 

"Was the water alright?", she was shivering."Yea, it was nice and hot, just a bit chilly out here. It smells good out here.", she grabbed a mug and poured herself some coffee. Slowly stirring sugar into her coffee, she dropped her towel. I froze for a split second, closed my eyes, and turned away. I didn't know if she did it on purpose or by accident. I felt her soft fingertips slide down my back. She was behind me...naked. I almost fucked up my pancake, mid-flip. "Oops.", she walked away and up the stairs, looking back at me. Oh...my...god. "Aye, where are you going? Wait, come on! Let me at least brush my teeth!", I took the pancake out of the pan and added it to the stack on the counter. She hurried up the stairs with her coffee, giggling. You are so gonna pay for that.


I don't know what came over me. The way he looked at me when I came out of the bathroom made me feel like he could see right through me. I felt like his hands were on me, even though he wasn't even near me. I wandered around his drawers while I finished my coffee, looking for a sweatshirt and some socks. I put some moisturizer on my legs, that shower goo was really drying and I did not want to look ashy. I only had my underwear from last night, so I had to go commando. I heard three hard knocks on the door, my heart started racing. "Breakfast is ready.", Jay opened the bedroom door slowly. His eyes roamed over my body, the closer he got the hotter I got. I could feel my heart pounding between my legs as he stood over me, looking down at me. He dropped his towel, "Oops.". He was rock hard. In broad daylight, it looked intimidating, girthy, veiny. The curly dark blonde hair on his chest was glistening in the sunlight. I could see his muscles tense up and his nipples harden in the cold. I watched him get dressed, even his ass was jacked. He put on a pair of navy blue sweatpants and a black tee shirt. "What?", he stood there with a smartass smirk. My face was burning, "Let's go eat, I'm hungry...", my voice cracked. He opened the door for me, grabbing my ass as I walked past him, I almost dropped my empty coffee mug. 

He had put out some fruit, orange juice, and a stack of pancakes. The top few were burned, somebody was in a hurry.  I served myself a few grapes and a banana and took the bottom few pancakes. Jay sat across from me, scarfing food down his throat so fast I was worried he was going to choke. I poured him some juice, "I'm not in a hurry, take your time.". He slowed down and swallowed, "Okay.", holding back a smile. I couldn't wait to get my hands all over him.

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