14. Magnolia's Pt.2

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Ana looked around, nervous and uncomfortable. The waiter was my cousin, so we wouldn't be bothered much. "You look amazing. I mean, you always do but especially tonight. Your hair looks....a lot less destroyed than I left it this morning.". I could sense her blushing as she giggled. "You stink a lot less than you did this morning.", I gasped exaggeratedly when she said that. "Well you always smell nice so I have to keep up.", I reached over the table and intertwined my fingers with hers, and kissed the back of her hand softly. "Jay, we're in public.", she raised an eyebrow at me sternly but her smile sent a completely different message. "You're right, I'm sorry.", I moved my chair to sit right next to her and placed my hand on her knee, squeezing it just slightly. "Hello, welcome to Magnolia's. I'm Mateo, I'll be your waiter for tonight. I'll give you two a moment to decide what you would like.", we thanked him and he disappeared to the other side of the restaurant. I raised my hand, sliding it up her inner thigh, "See anything you like? I hear the lobster is good.". I wanted to make sure she knew she could have anything she wanted. 


"I'm going to be honest, I don't understand what anything on this menu means. How about you just pick something for me.", I was nervous and I didn't want to look stupid in front of the waiter mispronouncing something. He laughed, "Time to confess, my uncle and his wife own this restaurant. The waiter is my cousin, so there's no need to be nervous.". He pointed at a section on the menu, "You always liked mac and cheese. Try the brown butter parmesan lobster risotto.", things were about to get very unsexy. "I'm lactose intolerant...". His hand left my leg. "Uh, maybe try the sous vide lobster with lemon basil orecchiette.", his voice sounded like he wanted to laugh, "You know, I could just crack a window.". "Won't be necessary tonight, thanks though."

"Speaking of tonight,", I could feel his breath on my neck, "You up for a movie? We don't actually have to watch it though.". I felt a chill run down my spine as he let his fingers linger up between my thighs. "Are you guys ready to order or do you need more time?", I looked up at him with my mouth open but no sound came out. "She'll have the sous vide lobster with lemon basil orecchiette and a gimlet cocktail, I'll have the lamb bolognese and a Stella Artois." He spoke so eloquently and gave him the menus. The waiter looked at me to confirm, I nodded and he disappeared into the kitchen.


She shoved my hand away and looked up at me with a devious look on her face. She fanned her face and adjusted her dress.  "It's kind of hard to form a sentence when you do that.". I buried my hand deeper in her dress, "Doing what?". I'm not ashamed to admit I was rock hard under the table cloth. She grabbed my belt, unbuckled it, and stuck her hand in my pants. I felt a sudden sharp cold that almost made me fall out of my chair. FUCK. She had stuck an ice cube in my briefs. I shuffled around trying to get it out, my cousin was approaching us with a rolling cart that had our dinner. "Here you go, Ms.Anabelle. Julio, let me know if you need anything else.". Jay struggled for words. "Thank you, we're good for now," I said softly with a smile. He looked at Jay, "Mhm, all good." he finally blurted out. The waiter turned around, rolling his cart back to the kitchen.

 "Ohhh, you are so gonna get it!", my voice a low rumble. She played it off innocently, "Gonna get what?", she took a  slow sip of her gimlet. "How did you remember I liked mac and cheese? We haven't even spoken in like ten years. I feel like you're a completely different person. I mean you look like a completely different person, maybe it's just the haircut, which looks super hot by the way.", I put my hand at the nape of her neck and pulled on her hair slightly, bringing her lips closer to mine. I kissed her, tasting the lime and her sweet lip gloss, taking in the scent of her perfume. She smiled, looking down at her plate, "Looks delicious.". I kissed her again, "So do you.". 

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