16. The Light

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I didn't know how good it felt to have somebody touch and tug on your hair. She looked so good in my pajamas. In my clothes, my bed, and in my arms. I felt like somebody was about to wake me up from this dream, everything she did felt so good. I put my hands on her waist, squeezing her midsection and pulling her down toward me. We drew closer until our faces were right in front of one another's. She smelled so fucking good and felt delicate in my arms. Her lips slightly pouted, I couldn't help myself from kissing her right then and there. I bound my arms around her waist, her grip on my hair got tighter and I could hear her losing her breath. I could feel through my briefs that she wasn't wearing any panties. I gripped her ass firmly, trying not to hurt her but it was hard to control myself around her. I pressed myself between her legs, she shifted her hips back and forth, grinding on me achingly slow. I pulled her hair back to kiss her neck and I heard her take a breath so deep it almost sounded like a moan, man did I miss the sound of her moaning in my ear with her gravelly morning voice. 

In less than 48 hours, we went from connecting again to not being able to keep our hands off each other. I wanted to talk and hang out like old times and catch up but I wouldn't be able to handle us not being around each other again. I commuted to campus from home for the first two years, but I needed my own space so I decided to dorm this semester. I didn't even know that Ana went to school there since she and her mom moved away after her parents chose to split up.  I had so many questions. Why didn't she reach out to me before or after their move? But I didn't want to say or do the wrong thing. I wanted to keep it like this, to keep being with her.


I felt myself at the edge, our bodies just fit so perfectly. Which was odd since he was like twice my size. I was on the verge of sweating, both from the heat and from the heat? I got up to take my hoodie off until I remembered, "What about the milk you left out? It's gonna go bad. And all the stuff in the backyard?". He got up, adjusting his briefs, which had a few wet spots on them now. "Yea, let me just get dressed and we can head down there." his voice sounded a bit sad. "We can watch the movie in here if you want, I just felt bad that you set up at that stuff and we're not there", I walked closer to him, "It was so sweet and I left the rose you gave me in the tent." He smiled at me, "I'll clean up in the kitchen, you can get comfortable in the tent and we'll watch the movie.".

I followed him into the backyard and laid in the tent while he dealt with the milk. I picked up the rose he gave me, it was a deep dark red but one of the petals was lighter. I remembered my dad's voice saying to me, "Without the darkness, we can not see light. The bad helps us see the good.". I didn't get that until now. We take good things for granted when we have nothing bad to compare them to. I wanted to appreciate tonight, all I ever knew was how I didn't want to be treated. I want to know how it feels to be cared about, wanted, and craved. 

He stepped into the tent, flipping a switch that made some dim string lights turn on and zipping up the tent. He stepped over me, putting his dick in my face, probably on purpose. He pressed a button on the projector, making the movie start, and laid next to me. "It'll be kind of hard to concentrate on the movie with you not wearing any underwear.", he smirked as he pulled a big blanket over us. I scooted closer to him, kissed his cheek, and took off my hoodie. "It's just too hot to have all these layers on, sorry.". His jaw hung loose, "Oh, you will be sorry.". I put my finger over his lips, "Shhh, it's my favorite movie.". I put my back against his chest to face the movie playing on the side of the tent. I felt his breath on the side of my neck, his hands reaching for my bra, surprisingly he was actually able to unfasten it so I took it off. He rubbed my skin, sore from the uncomfortable bra straps that barely support the weight of my breasts. His hands were a bit rough, but his touch was soft. I took the hair tie that was around my wrist and put my hair up. He kissed my shoulder, caressing my arm, "You always smell so good.", he put his arm around me and held me tightly. I kissed his arm that was around me. 

We watched the movie, but it was hard to concentrate. His dick was rock hard and rubbing right up against my ass the whole time. All I wanted to do was rip his pants off, but we were outside, and I wanted to appreciate his gesture. "Can you stay tonight? It'll be just us. No neighbors or roommates.", I put the hoodie on and he passed me my bra. 

"Yes, Sleepover! I can help you clean up." 

"Nah, I can pick it up tomorrow."

We basically ran to his room, the rose in one hand and my bra in another.  I put everything on his dresser and as soon as I was under his sheets he turned the lights out and closed the door. I could hear him shuffling around to take off his clothes, and then it was silent for a moment. I reached my hand out and felt him standing next to the bed. "Everything ok?", he was making me a bit nervous standing there like that.

 "Why didn't you ever reach out? Or come to see me. You just disappeared and never spoke to me again. My mom told me your parents split up and you moved away. I know we were only like ten but you were my best friend. You disappeared for over ten years after we spent basically every day together. Yes, I like you now as more than just a friend. But I also liked you back then. As more than a friend. And I know you did too. So why did you just forget about me?"

I was not expecting that.

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