And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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3rd POV
"First Draken,now Y/n..." Emma sobbed into Hinata's shoulder,the boy she was inlove with and the girl she considered a sister were both in cardiac arrest. No one was sure either of them would survive. Takemitchi felt at fault,if only he would've just stuck by Draken's side then this would've never happened. If one or both were to not survive he'd never be able to forgive himself.
"Where is she?!"the voice of an angry Baji had walked in with his fellow friends following behind just as worried for their members,"Where the fuck is my sister?!"He yelled. His tears threatening to spill out.
"Baji,calm down. We just got here."Mitsuya said trying to not make a scene,especially in a hospital.Sadly,Baji couldn't care less about making a scene,all he wanted was his sister by his side. Healthy and safe. He stomped his way over to Takemitchi and shoved him,"Why the fuck didn't you protect her?!" Takemitchi never meant for this to happen,he already felt awful about the situation and at this point he was ready to feel Baji's wrath over his sister.
"Baji it wasn't his fault,he tried his best to protect them both"Mitsuya told him as he pulled him back, "He didn't try hard enough!"
"Takemitchy.." a voice said,everyone turned to see a drenched Mikey that had just arrived.
Everyone yelled his name,"Keep it down. We're in a hospital." Mikey said calmly before taking a seat in one of the lobby chairs,"They're both strong. Like Y/n always says,have some faith" Mikey chuckled to himself remembering all the times she would tell him that same saying over and over again. He loved them both and to be honest he was terrified. He was terrified of losing them both,they were two of the most important people in his life. He didn't want to break down infront of everyone, he wanted to be strong for them. He wanted to be strong just like Draken and Y/n always were,it was the least he could do.
The operating sign clicked,the doctors had finally stepped out to tell everyone the news. Takemitchi stepped forward to speak to the doctors first as everyone waited patiently,"They got lucky tonight.."the doctor said.
"The operation was a success.." a wave of relief washed over everyone at hearing that sentence. Baji's chest didn't feel as heavy as before,that was all he wanted to hear. His sister was okay. She was alive. Baji always tried to keep from crying infront of people but this this time it was an exception,dropping to his knees he finally let his tears spill on to the floor. He had never been more thankful to god in his life.
Mitsuya and the rest had stepped out to let all the Toman guys hear the news,"They're okay,guys!" He announced to which they responded with cheering. They might not show it much but those two were a big part of what Toman is and will always be about,they were the heart of Toman.
AUGUST 10TH. Today was my last day at the hospital,Keisuke had went home to grab me a pair of clothes to change into tagged along by Emma because I refuse to have him choose my outfit. I was feeling alot better than before, hopefully Takemitchi would visit soon so I could thank him properly.
"Y/n-chan!!" two familiar voices filled my ears,looking at door I saw the twins step inside with smiles plastered on their faces which was a rare sight considering Angry never smiled at anyone.
"How are you feeling today?"Smiley asked,they both had taken a seat on my hospital bed with each one on opposite side.
"Feeling a little better,my body doesn't feel as bad as before"I answered resting my head on to Smiley's shoulder,"Do you need anything?"
"Can you just pass me the water bottle that's over there?"I pointed to,Angry nodded grabbing it and handing it back to me. I hadn't noticed they had walked in with a bag,"What's with the bag?"I asked.
"Oh,this? Well,we wanted to bring you some snacks for when you were able to get out as a welcome back. We would've brought you flowers but we know you hate seeing them die" Smiley answered,knowing he remembered me telling him about why I didn't like flowers made me smile. I looked through the bag seeing all my favorite snacks inside along with a small stuffed animal,"Thank you boys so much" I said embracing them both into one big hug.
A knock came from my door as I let them go,Smiley stood up to open it only for Takemitchi to enter. He looked as happy as ever,"Can you guys let me talk to him alone?" I asked the twins,they nodded and made their way out to wait outside the door.
"First,what are you wearing?" I questioned Takemitchi,this boy had on a white button up shirt paired with bright red shorts and his sunglasses. I laughed thinking about how he chose his outfit in the morning,"Also,second. Thank you for being there and saving me and Draken,I know that without you then the both of us wouldn't be alive right now"
"But I could've avoided all this if only I would've just protected Draken then you wouldn't have had to get hurt for protecting us" he said, "Takemitchi-kun, wether you think this is your fault or not I am still grateful to you"I reached out my hand to him so he could grab it.
"Thank you,again."I grabbed his hand with both of mine and bowed my head,I could feel him tense up a little at my touch.
"No,no it was nothing!Don't thank me!"
"Takemitchi,shut up and just say you're welcome" I scolded,"Right! S-sorry, ma'am!" He apologized. Wether he chose to believe it or not,I was truly grateful for him. Not because he saved me but because he fought his hardest for us,for Draken and for Mikey. He saved Mikey's bestfriend,he had even broken up a fight between those two. He was our little crybaby hero wether he wanted it to be or not.