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Song: Venom


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We had arrived to the location the battle was set to take place. Members of Tenjiku were gathered all around as we entered. There might only be fifty of us present but that was enough,even if we were up against four hundred of them.

"TOMAN HAS ARRIVEDD!!" we all yelled. I took the lead with both Takemitchi and Chifuyu by my side. I noticed Kisaki watching us from above. I plan to get rid of that stupid smug look off his face.

I, now, stood a few feet away from Izana,"Nice to see you again,Angel"he greeted.

"Izana.."I muttered. His eyes scanned me up and down,"How will you handle this clear disadvantage? Do entertain us,Toman!! YOU GO FIRST,SHION!!" He said.It was the one on one fight that came first. The boy known as Shion stepped up,a smirk plastered on his face. I noticed he also had a tattoo on the side of his head,"WHO WILL TOMAN BE SENDING?!"

Takemitchi took a step infront of me,"It was my idea to still fight tonight. IT SHOULD BE ME!!" Shion broke into a fit of laughter,"STOP JOKING AROUND TOMAN!"He continued,"The only mvp besides Mikey,Draken,Mitsuya and Smiley is the girl. I'll fight her!" He pointed directly at me,all eyes turning to me.

"You'll be fighting me,you don't get a chance to fight her. You're not even worthy enough."Peh-Yan's voice said,he gave me a gentle smile before making his way to the front.

"Tokyo Manji Gang acting third division captain, Hayashi Ryouhei!!" Shion scoffed taking a step closer, I knew Takemitchi was scared. I rested my hand on him,"Peh-Yan is strong. Don't you worry"

Not even a minute into the match and Shion was already down,"Looks like your member was all talk" I grinned.

"Light up the beacon for battle"


I turned to Takemitchi,"On your orders,Captain"he smiled. This was it,the battle would start any second now and all I had on my mind was to win no matter what. "LET'S GOOOO!!!"


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The fight had began,I was already surrounded by a bunch of Tenjiku's soldiers. Most weren't as strong and they seemed. One after another they dropped,taking out five at a time was nothing. "Takemitchi,FOCUS!" I yelled punching the guy that was going to attack him from behind.

"I want you to crush Kisaki" I said kicking down one of the guys,"I'll protect you" I assured him. Chifuyu came towards us.

"I'll open the path for you guys!" Chifuyu told us.

"Come on,we have to finish this! Stay close to me!!" Chifuyu beat down the guys infront so we could get through while I took care of the guys trying to attack Takemitchi. Suddenly,I heard Peh-Yan's scream making me come to a stop to find him on the ground. I was too distracted that I hadn't realized Takemitchi being held up from the shirt by the one that had attacked us the day we went to the Shibuya station;Mocchi.

"Not so fast!!" I yelled kicking him from the side causing him to drop him.

"I'm not losing to you again you piece of shit!"I turned to Takemitchi,"You go on!"I ordered before going back to Mocchi.

"Bring it on little girl!"


I saw his eyes making sure I didn't meet them as much, and I put my fist onto his nose. I can see blood trickle down as he looks up to me with an angry stare.I take the advantage and keep going. He might be bigger than me but it didn't matter,my fist hit his face once more before kneeing him in the stomach. It's like I could smell his fear start to build up, I knew he was aware he was starting to lose. He tried moving quicker but it was no use,I caught him everytime.

"You're pathetic" I looked down to him,I had beat him till he could hardly stand. Tears started to stream down his bloody face,I could care less. My fist collides with the side of his cheek one last time before he finally lays there, unconscious.

I looked around trying to spot Takemitchi but there was too much going on that my eyes couldn't find him. I ran trying to search for him only to end up finding Angry and Hakkai instead. The Haitani Brothers were beating them,it looked that Ran was hitting them with a baton.

"ANGRY!!" I made my way to them pushing anyone who got in my way back. The closer I got,I could hear Hakkai and Angry arguing.

"YOU IDIOTS!! PAY ATTENTION!" I screamed seeing the two brothers hit them from behind knocking them down,Hakkai and Angry tried to keep fighting but they were too strong.

I went to them as quickly as possible,"Hey!" I got their attention. The Haitani Brothers looked at me with grins as I stood infront of the two on the ground,"Fight me,instead!"

"Sounds good to me" they both said in unison,charging at me. I tried dodging their hits but I wasn't able to read their movement all too well,they were just as people described them. The baton Ran had didn't help my situation because while I tried hitting Rindou,Ran hit me from the back with his baton making me fall forward.

"Fuck...shit hurts.."I did my best to pick myself up but they both kicked me down at the same time.

"Y/N!!" I heard Angry cry out,turning my head to see him with tears in his eyes,Hakkai laid next to him passed out.

"Your little angel isn't as strong as we thought"Rindou laughed lifting my head up by my hair.His other hand wrapped around my neck,"Look how pretty she is when she's all bloody" Ran told Angry who was watching them.

"STOP DISAWREADY YOU DUMMIES!!" Angry sobbed, I hated seeing him cry. He was too kind and if it was up to him then he wouldn't even be fighting in the first place.

I gave a weak smile,"You guys are done for.." I said to the brothers who were now giving Angry confused looks.


"You guys made made him cry,my poor baby" I laughed,coughing up blood.

"What the fuck are you laughing about?!"Rindou asked me pushing my head back on the ground,"Angry doesn't like it when people hurt me" I grinned watching Angry stand up. Things were just getting started.

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