And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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2 DAYS LATER. I was at today's meeting with all the admins to talk about what had happened between Takemitchi and the Black Dragons. I was sat next to Mikey with my head resting on his shoulder while Draken stood on the other side of him.
"Is everyone here?"
"We're just waiting on Takemitchi and Hakkai"I responded.
"I had no idea Hakkai was the little bro of the black dragons"Smiley said,"Didn't you both know? Mitsuya and Y/n" we both stayed quiet as they talked. I did know though,I had known Hakkai and his sister since we were kids.
As we waited,a knock from the door was heard;"Enter!"Mikey yelled and in came Hakkai and Takemitchi,the only ones that were left. Once we were all settled down we started to discussion on what was going to be the plan.
"Cheeky motherfuckers,let's stomp their asses"Smiley suggested.
"We already crushed the Black Dragons once,it'll be easy right?" It infact will not be easy,I knew that well. They weren't the same as before with Hakkai's brother in charge,"This 10th generation is different than the last one we beat" I said.
"Hey,Hakkai. Are you a spy for the Black Dragons? You son of a bitch." Yasuhiro said to him.
"You're the boss's little bro,aren't ya?
"Tried to hide it from us,huh?"
I quickly sat up,"Leave him alone"I ordered,"Shut the hell up,Y/n!" I glared at him getting down from where I had been sitting and walking over to him. "You wanna make me? Lay a hand on him and I'll break your face" before anything could happen Hakkai stood infront of us trying to push us apart to which I huffed walking back.
"I won't make any excuses. Hate me,beat me,do whatever you want. As his younger brother, I'm prepared for the consequences. So,LEADER!! I,HAKKAI SHIBA,TOKYO MANJI GANG'S SECOND DIVISION CAPTAIN REQUEST PERMISSION TO LEAVE TO LEAVE TOMA!!"
"Is that okay with you?"
"STOP RIGHT THERE!! I object. "
Oh no. I remember Chifuyu and Takemitchi making a plan to stop this from happening. I had told them it was a bad idea,they never listen. I watched Takemitchi try bribing Mikey with a Dorayaki first to which Mikey threw out of his hands causing Draken to yell at him. This idiot.
"What's your decision,Mikey?"
"I'll leave it up to Mitsuya since he's the second division's captain"
"Sorry,Taka-Chan. I've already made up my mind" Hakkai told Mitsuya,"Don't look so sad,Hakkai. I understand." I watched Hakkai bow his head to him,"IT WAS A PLEASURE WORKING WITH YOU!!"I chuckled walking towards Hakkai and setting my hand on his shoulder.
"He didn't say you were leaving"I hear Mitsuya chuckle as he turns to face him again,"Let me talk to Taiju! And Y/n I want you to come with me" I nodded,"Yes,of course."
"Why are they tagging along?"Mitsuya asked pointing to Takemitchi and Chifuyu. We were on our way to speak to Taiju to see if we could come to an agreement,"Huh?I was there when it happened" Takemitchi responded.
"I'm keeping an eye on him,he's a moron you see"Chifuyu pointed making me laugh,"You both are morons" I said causing them send me glare.
"eh,oh well. We're here."
We had arrived at the building and made our way inside going up to the floor Hakkai's brother stayed at. We had been escorted in and we're now sitting infront of Taiju himself. I hated this man and everytime I came face to face with him I just wanted to punch him.
"What did both of you want to tell me? Keep it short."
"I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons,me and Y/n won't see him again."
"That's funny!Thought you were here to do the opposite!"
"In exchange,set Yuzuha free" I added,I knew he was abusive and I didn't want her getting hurt. Not as long as I was here,"You're having her do something,aren't you? Hakkai's been protecting her from your domestic abuse"
"Hakkai's not leaving because he's scared of you,he's doing it to protect Yuzuha!" I watched Taiju stand up and swing at Mitsuya after saying that,before I could react Mitsuya grabbed me by the shirt pulling me back.
"I'll say it again,I'll give Hakkai so let Yuzuha go!" Mitsuya ordered,"if you accept these terms then Toman will leave the Black Dragons alone"
"If I refuse?"
"Then,it's all out war"
They both shook hands,"We got a truce" no matter wether he agreed or not there was something I just couldn't trust. I had a gut feeling he was lying and I was going to prove it because I didn't want anyone to lay a finger on Yuzuha,she was one of my closest friends and because of him I wasn't allowed to see her as much as I use to.