.25 .short.

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Filler Chapter.

Song: Safe and Sound

Song: Safe and Sound

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1AM.Everyone had went back to their homes to quickly get cleaned up before meeting back at my apartment while I made us all dinner and baked a few sweets for us to enjoy.The only one to arrive first was Mitsuya with his two little sisters.

"Hi,girls!"I greeted them as they walked through the door,"Merry Christmas,     Y/n-chan!" they yelled holding wrapped presents in their hands.

"You guys can go put them under the tree"I pointed seeing them run towards it,"Thanks for inviting us"Mitsuya bowed.

"Don't worry about it,I wanted all of us to be together this year"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" a loud voice screamed behind him,I looked to see Chifuyu grinning with Takemitchi and Hinata standing behind him.

"Come in! It's freezing!" I welcomed them but before I could close the door it was stopped by Draken who had Emma and Mikey at his side,"Y/n-chann!!MERRY CHRISTMAS" Emma embraced me into a hug as they all made their way in. Everyone settled down in the living room sitting in a circle so we could all see each other,"There's just two missing"


I opened the door to face Hakkai and Yuzuha,"You guys made it!" I led them in,"Take a seat anywhere you like,everyone is already here" I escorted them to the living where everyone was waiting. My brother would've loved this,seeing everyone together for Christmas. Mitsuya serving his sister's dinner while Hakkai helps him,Takemitchi and Chifuyu fighting over the sweets, Hinata and Emma in the corner talking to Yuzuha and Draken and Mikey playing videos games in the living room. The joy radiating off of everyone was all I could ask for.

I walked into my brother's room and sat on his bed holding a framed picture of us,"Merry Christmas,Keisuke" I hugged it.

"I know you're watching from up there..."I closed my eyes,"Keeps us safe.."

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