And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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"Takemitchi-kun!! Are you okay?!"
"Naoto?.." I looked to my side seeing Mikey laid on the ground next to me,"Mikey-Kun!!" I shook him. Naoto shot him. I picked him up to lay him on my lap so I could hold him. His blood dripped on to me,"Naoto Tachibana, huh?"Mikey managed to say.
"Thank you. Takemitchy,probably wouldn't have done it.."he said as I held him close,"Mikey-kun!!"I cried. He looked up to me giving a weak smile,"It's over. My life was nothing but pain.."
"Don't say that!! I'LL GO BACK!! I'LL CHANGE EVERYTHING!!" I sobbed.
"I get to be with my angel,again..."
"NO,MIKEY-KUN!! I'LL DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO MAKE SURE THIS FUTURE DOESN'T HAPPEN!! I WON'T GIVE UP!!" I begged,he looked at me with gentle eyes as he let out a quiet chuckle.
"You remind me of,y/n...always trying to save everyone.."he said,"She would've loved seeing you again" I felt his breathing stop as he finished his last sentence. "Mikey-kun?" I tried shaking him once more but nothing. I brought him close to my chest,hugging him tightly. I was going to change this future. I needed to.
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PAST.YEAR 2006. It was getting late and I was walking back from picking up my Toman uniform from Mitsuya's place,I had accidentally ripped it and since I didn't know how to sew the only right solution was to just ask Mitsuya to fix it.
"I love the rain but did it really have to rain on the way homeee~" I whined to myself feeling the rain on my skin.I really should've brought an umbrella.
I was passing by the park when I heard familiar voices talking as I walked. I peaked over the bushes spotting Chifuyu speaking to Takemitchi who was sat on the ground. It's freezing,what the hell are they doing out here?
"Hey,guys!" I greeted making my way over to them.
"Future Takemitchi is back" Chifuyu said pointing to him,just when I was about to speak I felt him embrace me. He started to cry on my shoulder, "Takemitchi,are you okay?"I asked worried.
"You're alive!"
"Yes, I'm very much living. What happened?" I looked at him as he pulled away,"Y-you died again...everyone did" he kept crying.
Poor boy had seen so much and yet here he was doing his best to save us all once more. I put my hand on his back trying to comfort him,"It's okay. Don't cry,you're here again. We have another chance to change the future" I gave him a smile causing him to cry even more. He dropped down on the grass and hugged my legs,"Mikey-kun needs you!" He cried out. My cheeks started to feel warm hearing what he had said.
"Takemitchi,let go of Y/n!" Chifuyu grabbed him pulling him back hard enough to make him let go,"S-sorry,Y/n-chan!" He apologized sitting up. I patted his head with my hand,"It's alright but please,never do that again" I said to him.
"Right! Sorry about that!" I laughed lightly feeling the rain stop,"Would you look at that? It stopped." I smiled. I sat down on the wet grass next to him while Chifuyu stood infront us,"I use to think Mikey-kun was from another dimension,that he was different from me" Takemitchi said.
Chifuyu laughed as he looked up at the clouds,"Yeah. I get that" he grinned.
"But that's not how it is,he's our friend. I want to do everything to support him and be there for him through anything!"Takemitchi stood up,"I've decided that I won't be returning back to the future until I become the leader of Toman!" He vowed. No one had ever said that and it coming from him suprised me,"Let's start small,first." I suggested.
"I'm with yah through it all,partner!"Chifuyu assured him.
"Count me in too!" I added.
"Promise me something,Y/n-chan?" I turned to Takemitchi,"What is it?" I asked.
"Please,don't die.Toman is nothing without its angel.."