And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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Tonight Mikey had called for an emergency meeting to talk about what had happened but since we were still waiting for everyone to arrive, I stayed sat on the steps next to Mitsuya and the twins.
"Just give me oneee~" Smiley begged,"No! I brought them for Mikey"I stated slapping his hand away.
"How come he gets all of them?!"Angry also joined in while Mitsuya looked at me with the same puppy dog eyes as the twins,"Really,you too Mitsuya?!"
"HEY! It's not my fault your cookies are the best" He defended.
"You guys are the worst!" I opened the box up,"Mitsuya take one and you BOTH have to sharee one!" I said watching them take out two cookies and now leaving four. I rolled my eyes seeing the three of them happily munch down,"Y'all couldn't wait for me to make more another day?"
"TOKYO MANJI GANG EMERGENCY MEETING WILL BEGIN NOW!!" I hear Draken's voice making me get up and make my way to stand next to Takemitchi and Chifuyu still holding the box in my hands. "YESTERDAY MEMBERS OF OUR GANG WERE ATTACKED IN VARIOUS PARTS OF TOKYO!! IT WAS THE WORKS OF TENJIKU A GANG FROM YOKOHAMA!!" He announced. I could hear members whispering amongst themselves trying to figure out if anyone knew them.
"We still need more information.We'll start with the first division,the ones who were attacked first step-forward!!" I stepped up alongside side Takemitchi and Chifuyu,"The ones who attacked us referred to themselves as Team Mochizuki!" I responded.
"It's a squad led by Jugem's ex-leader, Kanji Mochizuki! They're probably Tenjiku's main force!"Smiley added,"He's not their main force" Mitsuya butted in.
"He's not?"
"They also have the Haitani Brothers"
Mikey and Draken's expressions turned into a worried one at hearing him mention them. Our members started to freak out a little as they spoke about them,"The ghost of the ninth generation Black Dragons we crushed.."
"Madarame's part of the S-62 generation, too"
"So,members of the S-62 who normally wouldn't have a reason to team up have done so under Tenjiku.."Mikey sighed,"WE AREN'T GONNA TAKE THIS LOSS SITTING DOWN!! NEXT TIME,WE'RE GONNA BE THE ONES INVADING YOKOHAMA" now that sounds more like it. I looked beside me to see a worried Takemitchi, "You okay?" I asked resting my hand on his shoulder.
"I have a feeling this is going to play right into Kisaki's plans" he said.
"Turn that feeling into conviction" Chifuyu told him,"Huh?!"
"You're a little stupid, sometimes"I facepalmed.
"You're able to see the future but still vowed not to go back"Chufuyu explained,"What's wrong with going back when you need to?"
"How about you go back and talk this over with Naoto"I finished off hearing screams and cheers all around. I'm guessing the meeting was over. Chifuyu and I told Takemitchi to leave as soon as possible to which he did so he could get answers before coming back. Watching everyone get ready to leave I made my way up the steps where Mikey and Draken were now seated at,"You not going home yet?"Mikey asked looking up.
"I wanted to give you these before I left" I opened the box to show him the treats inside,his eyes lit up as he looked inside.
"You made me your special cookies?!"he said reaching up to grab them,"There was six but the twins and Mitsuya took some,sorry.."
"It's okay, I get to know they were made specifically for me" I smiled. He set the box down next to him before standing up and wrapping his arms around me,I could feel my cheeks start to warm up at the touch. I felt his lips on my cheek giving me a small peck,"Thank you,angel"
"N-no..p-problem" I managed to stutter out. Get it together. I usually wasn't ever this nervous around him but I just couldn't help it when he does stuff like this.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I backed away nervously,I could see the smirk on Draken's face as he looked at me making me send him a glare to which he laughed off.