And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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I ran down to him as fast as I could ignoring the pain in my back, "KEISUKE!" I tried shaking him. He still had a pulse but he wasn't moving,I looked down to where Mikey and Kazutora were. The two were about to fight,I stood up trying to make my way to them and stop it but the pain was too much that I couldn't run as fast. I pushed myself as much as I could to reach them,"Don't do this. Keisuke wouldn't want this!" I begged standing infront of Mikey.
"Stay back,y/n. Shouldn't you be bleeding out?" Kazutora grinned. I just wish things would've turned out differently,I didn't want any of this. I just wanted us to all be together again like when we were kids.
"Fine,if you wanna get to Mikey then you'll have to kill me first" I said.
"That's fine by me" he charged at me but I stayed still, not even a flinch.. I waited for the feeling of his fist but it never came. That's when I felt myself being pushed causing me to hit the ground. Looking up I saw Takemitchi who was the one that had pushed me out of the way,"What the hell?!" I shoved him off of me.
"You can't do this,y/n" he said,"Let me go! I can't let them fight!" I struggled to get out of his grip but it was too late even when I did. Mikey was already beating Kazutora,there was no stopping him.
"MIKEY" the sound of my brother's voice caught my ear,"MIKEY!!" He yelled once more making the short blonde stop himself from continuing.
"You got mad just for me?" Keisuke smirked,"Thanks,man!"
"KEISUKE YOU HAVE TO STAY DOWN!" I yelled watching him struggle to walk,"I'm not gonna die. This wound ain't gonna kill me so, don't worry about it" that's when my eyes widen. All the noise around me tuned out as I watched the scene unfold. I ran to him with tears already rolling down my face,"You are not gonna kill me" Keisuke stated stabbing himself in the stomach with the knife.
"YOU IDIOT!" I screamed as I got to him,"No..why did you do this?!"I sobbed as he collapsed on to me. I laid him down setting his head on my lap,"I did it for all of us..." he smiled up at me,his hand reaching to wipe my tears.
"There could've been another way,you promised me...."
"This was the choice I made,I'm sorry" he answered,"Takemitchi. Come closer." he ordered him to which he obeyed as he leaned down next to me. Kiesuke explained to us why he was after Kisaki,"Toman was formed by the seven of us,no matter what happens Pah's the only captain of the third divison"
"Baji-san.."I heard Chifuyu whisper.
and the one who brought us together, Y/n" I gave a weak smile as he spoke,"Toman's founding members and their angel are my treasure" my head fell on to his chest. This couldn't be happening. I could hardly breathe,it felt like I was suffocating.
"I died on my own. Mikey has no reason to kill Kazutora.."he grinned,his blood dripping on to my hands.
"Please,don't go..." I cried.
"You'll always be their angel" he smiled. He was my other half. I refused to believe this was happening. This was just all a bad dream. I didn't want to lose him,we were like two halves of the same soul. We were always together,how was I supposed to survive without part of my heart?
"It's about time. I'm startin' to hallucinate" he let out a weak laugh,"Takemitchi,you remind me of Schinichiro-kun somehow. Mikey,Y/n and Toman...I'm leaving them in your hands" he finished off. Chifuyu rested his hand on Keisuke's chest,"Chifuyu.."
"I'd kill for some Peyoung Yakisoba right now"
"I'll go buy you some.."
"Will split it right?" Chifuyu could hardly hold in his tears as he nodded,"Thanks,Chifuyu."
"I love you,y/ their angel while I'm gone..."
"NOO!!" I screamed. His breathing came to a stop,I couldn't feel his heart anymore. I held him close to me as I sobbed,"IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!PLEASE COME BACK!!" the moment wouldn't process,I refused to let my brain process it. He made a promise to come back.
"COME BACKKK!!" I punched the ground,"Please...please...just come back"I felt Chifuyu wrap his arms around me as we both cried. He was gone and there was nothing I could've done to save him. I could hear Mikey fight with Kazutora from behind but I didn't care enough to stop it,not this time. Keisuke was the only thing I cared about. I knew Takemitchi would handle it. Keisuke made the right choice leaving Toman in his hands.
I could hear the sound of sirens start to get close but I wasn't about to leave,"I'm staying" I told Chifuyu,not letting go of my brother's body. He didn't try to change my mind,all he did was nod. Everyone scattered away leaving me to wait for the cops to show.
"I-I'm sorry,y/n-chan." I looked up to see Kazutora on his knees on the opposite side Keisuke's body,"I forgive you"I said to him,I knew my brother wouldn't had wanted me to hold a grudge forever. This wasn't his fault,Keisuke had made his own choice all on his own. I reached to grab Kazutora's hand and intertwine it with mine,"He loved you so much,you were a brother to him.." I told him watching his tears drip down on to his body.
The cops had arrived soon enough. The battle was over. We won and as much as I wanted to be happy,how could I? All I could do now was live without him.
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