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6PM. It had been hours since Y/n had left the hospital, Draken and Mikey wouldn't get out of their seats. I knew how they felt not knowing wether Emma was going to ever wake up. Their heads weren't in the right place. Hina had came to visit. My heart stung to see her cry.

"Mikey-kun..." I said standing infront of him. He looked almost lifeless,"This might seem like a thoughtless thing to say but,today's our show down with Tenjiku. Mikey-kun,without your orders we can't make a move." he remained silent,he eyes fixated on the floor.

"The one who tried killing Emma-chan was Kisaki!"I lowered my head,"Y/n,she put her life on the line to protect her! She tried and I need you to try too...for Emma"still no words came from him. I didn't know what else to say to convince him to fight but I wasn't going to push it,"I'll fight Tenjiku alone if I have to.."

I sighed. Still no reaction,I turned away from him and left him there. It wasn't going to end like this,not while I was here.

Song: Pray for me


7PM."It's me again..." I fell to my knees,"I need you right now."I cried hitting the hard ground with my hands. I felt so weak,I wanted this to be over. I wanted the fighting to just end,I wanted to be gone. I should've just died.

"Stupid,Takemitchi.."I faced the sky,"Why did you have to save me?.."I was tired,I was tired of losing people. Tired of seeing the ones I loved hurt, I didn't want it anymore. I didn't want this life but it was all I knew how to do.

"Without you,I'm all alone.."I sobbed looking at Keisuke's grave. I needed to hear his voice in times like these, he was the only one to ever know what to say to pick me right back up again.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me from behind,"Huh?" I jumped up. I turned to look back seeing Chifuyu and Takemitchi.

"What are you both doing here?" I wiped my tears.

"We came to look for you, the battle is gonna be soon you know?" Chifuyu said plopping down beside me,"How'd you know I'd be here?..."

"Because whenever you would have a problem you'd instantly go to your brother and well...he isn't physically here anymore" He was right though. Keisuke always helped me when I felt lost,he was like my rock.

I laid my head on his shoulder while Takemitchi sat on the other side of me,"I know I'm not much but I have your back.." Chifuyu says.

"We're gonna get through it together" Takemitchi added.

I gave them a smile. Just when I felt like I was on the edge, they came to my rescue. They always did. Ever since I lost Keisuke they both have had my back through it all,I couldn't be more thankful to them.

I grabbed ahold of both their hands,"We have a battle to win boys" I said with a grin. It was my time to stand without Mikey and Draken with me. We had to do it on our own this time and if I was gonna spill blood,I was going to do it for them.

8PM. "LISTEN UP EVERYONE!" I yelled getting their attention. The boys and I had made it back in time to meet with the rest of Toman,"Just not long ago,our leader's kid sister got sent to the hospital and is now in a coma!!" everyone started to talk amongst themselves.

"Both our captain and vice captain won't be joining us against the battle with Tenjiku!"Chifuyu said,"An army without a king is just a mob...there's a 100% chance we'll lose" Inupi spoke,"We shouldn't be fighting today" Way to motivate people. Members were starting to agree with him.

"If we back out now and prepare,Toman will have more of a chance of winning" Takemitchi sighed,"But,Toman is going after Tenjiku tonight."


"Who put you in charge?!"

"Go and fight yourselves!"

"This meeting is over!"

I understood why they wouldn't wanna fight after this,especially with Mikey and Draken not present but I wasn't going to stand here and listen to their comments. As everyone started to walk away I decided to speak up,"YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF PUSSIES!!" I yelled with a laugh making them all stop and stare at me.

"YOU SAY YOU'RE PART OF TOMAN,WELL YOU AREN'T SHOWING IT!!" I screamed,"I,alone can take on all of you!! I can beat every single one of you to dust and I'm not about to stand and watch you all run away like a bunch of babies!! I'LL PROTECT YOU EVEN IF IT KILLS ME"I pointed to them.

"I'll join you guys!" it was Akkun,"It's always like this,you three never know when to give up.."

"Count me in!!"

"Me too!!"

"Takemitchi, isn't the type to pick fights he knows he's gonna win!"a familiar voice was heard,"I follow angel and if she follows that idiot then he must be worth fighting along side" I smiled seeing Smiley appear. He was in a wheelchair next to Mitsuya who was brought by Hakkai,"We snuck outta the hospital" Smiley grinned.

"Take these two with yah"Mitsuya smiled gesturing to Hakkai and Angry.

"We aren't letting you guys carry Toman's burden by yourselves. Got that?!"Hakkai said.

"Are you guys insane?!" Inupi questioned but I shook my head,"It would be insane if we didn't even try. TODAY WE WON'T BE RUNNING AWAY,IF WE RUN AWAY NOW THEN THAT'S THE END OF TOMAN!!"I announced.

"WE GOT NO CHOICE BUT TO PROVE TO THEM THAT EVEN WITHOUT DRAKEN AND MIKEY-KUN!! TOMAN ISN'T GONNA LOSE THIS FIGHT" Chifuyu yelled. The sound of them chanting started to fill my ears. We needed this,we needed that energy. The feeling of my brother's presence gave me faith, faith in all of them.

"LET'S GO!!"

"LET'S GO!!"

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