And in the end,I will always be their angel.
(Tokyo revengers x female reader)
I do not own any of the characters,they all respectfully belong to the creator.
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FEBRUARY 1ST.2006. I had called Chifuyu over to discuss what I had found out so far. I explained the grudge Izana holds against Mikey-kun and how he was his half brother. I told him everything I talked over with Taiju and included the part about Naoto dying which is the reason I can't go back to the future until I put an end to the rivalry.
"Do you see the pattern you idiot?!" He said to me,"Huh?! What are you talking about?" I titled my head in confusion.
"Stopping the rivalry won't even matter if Y/n-chan is dead by then?" he hit me in the back of my head lightly.
"You said it yourself, they kill Y/n in every time-line. If Mikey turns evil it's because she wasn't alive!" He pointed to me,"What if saving her prevents other stuff from happening? What if she's the answer?!"
"What are you tryna get at?"
He took a deep breath in,"the key for all of this to be over is her,save her and this all ends.."he said.
"How?! I don't even know when they'll attack,all Taiju said was that she died before the battle even began"
"Then that just means we'll have to be her bodyguards up until the battle" he answered. He could be right and I've been on the wrong track this whole time,why didn't I think of this before? I should've been testing every theory but now it was starting to make sense,"Remember Takemitchi, she's our main priority now.."
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FEBRUARY 18TH. 2006. My mom had asked me to finish buying the groceries today and I decided to walk instead since I can never safely take them on my bike without something falling off,the store wasn't too far away though so I figured I could just carry them home. "Y/N-CHAN!!" a pair of voices made me turn to see Takemitchi and Chifuyu running towards me.
"We found you!" They panted.
"You guys could've just texted me" I laughed looking at them trying to catch their breath,"Why'd you need me anyways?" I questioned.
"No reason!"
"We just wanted to hang out with you!"
"Hmmm...okayy. You guys can help me with my groceries then,the store isn't too far from here" I smiled giving them each a pat on the head before continuing to walk. It was going to get dark soon,I should've came a little earlier. But now,I at least had these two for company. "The store is across the street" I pointed looking back to see them talking to eachother and not even paying attention. They'll figure it out once I start walking. I rolled my eyes and went to go cross the street when I hear the sound of a motorcycle coming this way making me stop in place trying to see where the noise was coming from since the street was usually empty at this time.
Everything went so quickly. I felt something hard hit me against my head before hitting the concrete,I felt numb. I opened my eyes to see Takemitchi crying,I could hear Chifuyu screaming. "w-what happened?..." I managed to say.
"You were hit in a drive by,please just hold on!" He said lifting me up,"You're gonna be okay.." I closed my eyes,resting my head on his chest as he carried me bridal style.
"I don't feel anything..."
"The hospital isn't too far away,keep your eyes open" Chifuyu told me,I could hear the crack in his voice as he spoke.
"Can you tell Mikey I love him?" my vision was starting to get blurry,I started to feel myself get cold. I felt his tears falling on to me as he carried me.
"You're going to be fine! You can tell him when he visits you at the hospital!"
"Watch over Emma-chan...she's like my sister.."I whispered gripping his shirt, "....and take care of Mikey for me,he's really special..."