Part 12

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I wake up, Niki still sound asleep on my lap. I smile and check My phone 10:23 am which is early for me. I silently get up from the couch and head to my room. I sit on the floor staring at the ceiling. It hasn't been that long, but I think I'm catching feelings for niki.... she makes me feel safe and less stressed. I stand up and look out the window.  I watch the flow of the city for about ten minutes than I walk to the bathroom and put on some eyeliner. After that I decide to change my clothes and do my hair.
Your outfit:

It's a little different form what I usually wear, but I like it

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It's a little different form what I usually wear, but I like it. I leave my room and decide to go out to the grocery store. I wanna surprise niki so I should but is food and make her dinner. I grab my phone and my bag. As I pick up my phone I notice I have 13 missed calls from Kassie. "Oh fuck me." I whisper walking out the door.
Once I step outside I call Kassie. "Yo what do you want so urgently?" I stay as she answers. "Hi y/n, incase niki didn't tell you Already she won't be home a lot today because she is visiting her friend, she leaves at 12:00 pm." I hang up on her after she says that, cause I get that she's just trying to get me to see her. Something I don't want to do.

I call a cab and get inside of it. "Good morning!" Says the taxi driver. "Yo hi can you take me to uhh, this place." I say, showing him the grocery store on my phone. "Sure thing, your not from here are you?" He says talking the fastest I've ever heard someone talk. "Uhh no I'm not I'm from America." I say in a dry tone. He starts talking about random shit as I look at my phone. I just ignore him, when I suddenly get a text from niki. I smile, and click the notification.

                                  Niki :)
Niki: Hey y/n. Where are you?

Hey Niki I went to the grocery store.

Niki: okay, just wanted to say I won't be home, I will get home at about six my friend wants to make a video with me. :)

Okay see you then. :D

Niki: bye <333

Bye niki <3

I exit Snapchat and have a silent panic attack.
She put hearts. I think to myself.

Butterflies- nihachu  x female reader Where stories live. Discover now