Origins: An LPS Miraculous AU

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Hey, everyone!! Before you read this chapter, I'd like to explain the AU just a tad bit. It's still in development, first of all. Second, I just wanted to point out that I based it off of a drawing edd_double_dork  drew for my birthday weeks ago, and I decided to write something that's more or less based off it! Note: it won't be exactly like miraculous, for there will be some differences here and there, especially with kwamis and powers.
Anyways, here's a little Intro I wrote. I made Master Hop the guardian of the miracle box. (He's the grasshopper from season 4 who trained Russell and Minka lol)


He just knew something bad was coming.

He felt in deep in his heart, his conscious bothering him every second of the day, urging, begging, pleading for a sign.

It was like this for weeks, but he was never able to uncover anything.

What kind of a sign was he to expect? Aside from the ocasional police siren or car alarm, there wasn't an exact sign that could confirm his fears.

Downtown City was already a bustling city to begin with. It was no New York, but the atmosphere was almost similar in terms of traffic, atmosphere, and even volume.

However, deep down, he felt that this could all change in a matter of time.

Master Hop was no stranger to danger, as much as it rhymes, but he knew that this kind of danger was something even out of his control.

It was more of a rather...magical situation.

As the guardian of the miracle box, it was his job to make sure the miraculous was never in the wrong hands. The box is his sole responsibility, and he intended to guard it with his life like he had been for the last couple of decades.

The guardian sighed as he slowly opened his eyes, remembering that his yoga class was still in session, his students currently meditating before him. Aside from being the guardian, he was also a master of Zen. He taught the ways of enlightenment, along with the art of Zen and the ocasional yoga class.

He was currently focusing, taking deep breaths as he sat at the front of the room. Master Hop followed this pattern, but deep down, he knew he wasn't fully focused...

For some reason, he felt a bit more anxious than usual, and he knew exactly why.

It was that same problem again. The thought of something bad happening in Downtown City. He just knew that the anxiousness continued to grow. Where was his sigh when he needed it?!

However, his focus was interrupted by the sound of a low whisper that rang through his ears, despite how quiet it was.

"Master! Master Hop!"

The old man turned towards one of the doors in the buildings, finding it barely open. However, the being standing, or rather, floating by the door had an anxious look on his face. Despair, nerves, fear, but it was pretty bad. Although, he was surprised that none of his students seemed to have heard the tiny creature.

"Master!" The little green being called again, "it's an emergency!"

Seeing how persistent he was being, Master Hop cleared his throat as he slowly stood up, now addressing his class.

"Now, take these last few minutes to gather your thoughts. Relax, and take deep breaths. I will be back shortly to dismiss you all for the day."

With that, the old man soon walked over to the specific door, locking it behind him as he entered the room.

"Wayzz, this better be important." The Master sighed anxiously.

"Apologies, Master, but this really is most important!" Wayzz defensively stated, "It's about the moth miraculous!"

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