First Day

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An idea I had in mind c: the video of Russell being introduced into the daycamp showed up in my feed and I decided to write something based off it... HighschoolAU when the others met Russell when he moved to Downtown City back in elementary school!


School was something Russell Ferguson an extent. Sure, he was smart, prepared and just a tad ahead from the others, but there was one thing Russell Ferguson just couldn't master no matter how hard he tried.


The young boy sighed as the hoards of students in front of him all ran through the hallway. It must have been recess time, he thought as his hand clutched tighter to the one person he wanted to stay close to. If anything, he didn't want her to leave his side. The thought of being alone only made him grip her hand tighter, continuing to walk alone the hallway.

"Did we have to move?" His little voice piped up as he looked up anxiously, "Because, you know, i was doing ok back in my old school! Sure I was alone and quite frankly was viewed as an oddball....b-but I was okay!"

A chuckle came in response as his mother soon stopped and knelt down to reach his height, a warm smile on her face.

"Oh, don't be like that, sweetie." She playfully grinned, "You're going to love it here! Remember: It's a new beginning for all of us." She reminded as she rose his red cap to have a better look at his green eyes, "and I know you're going to love it here. Trust me."

Russell couldn't help but sigh. He had been told that his mother grew up here before she and her family moved elsewhere. Perhaps she was right? Downtown City was huge compared to where he had previously lived. It wasn't as small, and it was a larger community than his previous town where everyone practically knew each other. Perhaps this was what he needed? A chance to start over. He had been working on his people skills. For a 3rd grader, everything should (hopefully) be in his favor...

"I guess you're right..." he finally said as a small smile formed on his face.

"Of course I am." She playfully chuckled, "and just in time too! We're here."

Russell looked up and realized they had already walked to his assigned classroom. Room 12, the door read as that same feeling of nervousness returned. Sensing his doubt, his mother looked down once more.

"Remember: you are a smart kid. You have nothing to be afraid of! You're Russell Ferguson: the smartest person I know! Maybe smarter than your father..." she added at the end with a little chuckle.

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle as well. His mom always found a way to make him smile. Sure, she was a bit...energetic at times, but she was also caring, compassionate, and above all, the best mom ever.


After having talked with the teacher's assistant and saying goodbye to his mom, Russell was now on his own, the teacher's assistant having offered to lead him towards the playground.

"Do you see those numbers right there?" She pointed, the young boy noticing a row of lines with numbers painted on each line. He nodded.

"As soon as recess is over, you have to line up in the respective line." She explained, "Since we're room 12, you line up there! Don't worry, as soon as you see everyone running back here, you'll know when to come back."

He nodded again as he looked back at all the students. Some were playing in the grass, while others were on the playground. There were many trees around as well, some students playing around them. Some were on the swings, and others were using equipment such as jump ropes and tetherball.

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