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More of the royal AU! :)


He didn't think the news would spread this fast.

But it did.

It spread like a wildfire that couldn't be put out. Just about everyone knew of what happened. Well...there were many different versions of it. But one thing's for sure, Vinnie was definitely aware that no one knew what had really happened.

About a couple hours into the party, people began to notice princess Minka's absence, the guards searching the entire castle for the bride to be, but no sign of her. Her poor father looked like he was about to faint, as the guests began to panic.

That had been last night.

Vinnie, Sunil, Pepper and Penny Ling we're gathered in Vinnie's bedroom, the prince merely pacing around. One part of him knew Minka was okay (due to how excited she had been as soon as she had come back to Vinnie after her encounter with the said kidnapper), But another part of him did worry about her. Was it right to put all his trust into this guy he didn't even know? Minka had shown some enthusiasm when she mentioned how honest he had been with her, and he could have sworn he saw her blush a couple of times at the mention of Russell's name...

Having noticed his best friend's pacing, Sunil perked up, immediately placing a hand on his shoulder, Vinnie looking up at him.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine." He reassured with a small smile.

"Guys, what are we gonna tell the others?" Pepper suddenly spoke up, a hint of fear in her voice, "What if they find out the truth? What's going to happen? What would they do to him? Or her? Or you guys?"

Penny sighed. They had decided to tell Pepper about their entire plan, seeing as how she had already been suspicious from the start. At first, the princess had been stunned, full of questions and wanting answers back. However, her main concern had been on Vinnie, especially since he would potentially be leaving the kingdom for a while. Where would that leave Pepper?

Pepper and Vinnie were very close, the two having the most fun when they were around each other. Then being siblings, they were always in sync, as if they knew what the other was thinking. They weren't twins, but they did have an unbreakable bond...

"I'm sure they'll be okay." Penny Ling finally reassured with a smile, "I've known Russell for quite a while. He's many things, but he isn't a suspicious figure. Trust me."

Sunil nodded. He hadn't met Russell just yet, but Penny Ling wasn't one who lied, so he took her word.

"Well, I think it's time." Vinnie let out a sigh as he turned towards the others, "All I gotta do is play the part and we'll be all set."

"Wanna add in a few tears here and there?" Pepper couldn't help but joke, "it'd totally convince mom. You know how she is..."

Sunil rolled his eyes, "All he has to do is convince the king and queen of venturing out to find his fiancée. It shouldn't be that hard..."

"See, that's part of the problem, mister." Pepper raised a brow, "you don't know our parents like we do, and usually, our dad is the stricter one of the two."

"And if our dad doesn't agree to something, neither will mom." Vinnie frowned. However, as if on cue, the door to Vinnie's bedroom swung open, revealing none other than Tangier, one hand already against his forehead, as if he were worn out.

"Oh, dear brother of mine, are you alright?" The blue haired prince immediately dashed over to his younger brother, pulling him into a hug, "You must be worried sick! Your poor princess is somewhere out there with some kind of monster!"

"Uh...y-yeah!" Vinnie let out a shaky sigh, "I'm really worried..."

"Surely, you're planning on going after her, hm?"

That made Vinnie perk up, "Wait, you think I should go?" He asked, surprised. Vinnie wasn't expecting Tangier of all people to even suggest it. "Why?"

"Why not?" Tangier shrugged, "Surely you wouldn't trust any of the knights here to do it without you leading them? Oh, no offense..." He coldly glanced at Sunil, who said nothing back. The two didn't like each other, at all.

Sunil had seen the prince's behavior at the party, especially towards the princess, and he did not like it one bit.

"I mean, he would obviously make a great leader." Pepper interjected, placing a hand around Vinnie, "I say he should go!"

"I second that." Penny encouraged, "But perhaps you should bring some of the knights here with you. Who knows how far you'll be going."

Vinnie smirked, "I think I'm good with one..." His gaze landed on Sunil, who suddenly stood still.

"Him?" Tangier couldn't help but scoff, "But he's merely a rookie! Surely you'd like to take the captain of the knights with you?"

"I think he's needed here." Pepper frowned, "The Captain is the strongest we have, and if anything happens here, we'll need him!"

"You mean you'll need him for yet another one of your antics..." Tangier muttered, Pepper having heard him. Penny couldn't help but giggle. Captain Cuddles, the best knight they had, was certainly an easy target for princess Pepper when it came to pranks. Despite how devious she was, the girl did hold a soft spot for the commander of the knights.

"Hey!" The girl fumed, walking up to the older royal, "You take that back!

"Guys, it's okay!" Vinnie intervened, standing in between the two, "I'll just take Sunil with me! What can possibly go wrong?"

"A lot." Tangier merely said.

"Dude, they're not little kids, just let them go!" Pepper rolled her eyes, "and if they die, that's on them." She joked.

Tangier furrowed his brows for a moment, before finally letting out a deep sigh.

"Fine." His gaze landed back on Sunil, "You realize how difficult this will be? It will be just you and the prince. Whatever happens to him will be your responsibility." His tone was stern, eyes icier than before, "and whatever you do, don't come back until your assignment has been done. Got it?"

Sunil merely stood still, processing everything Tangier just threw at him. He had a point. If it was just Vinnie and he, he had an obligation as a knight to protect his prince. But was he even capable? Vinnie seemed to have full faith in him, but did he have faith in himself? After all, he is just a rookie... Despite them knowing that the princess was in good hands, or so Vinnie claims, they still have to venture outside of the kingdom by themselves. It wouldn't be like the training he received in the palace. No practicing, no reruns, and no mercy...

But for Vinnie, he was willing to sacrifice it all.

"I understand." Sunil nodded, kneeling down before the royals, "I'll take full responsibility of what is yet to come."

Vinnie grinned as his friend's enthusiasm. It was all going according to plan! He knew Sunil had his back, and he would have his. No matter what they'll come across, they'll face it together.

"Then it's settled." Tangier stated, "You have till dusk to prepare." The older prince began walking out of the room, "I shall let mother and father know of our decision."

"But will they agree?" Penny Ling asked, "We haven't even gotten the chance to talk to them ourselves."

"Oh don't worry." He chuckled, "Surely, mother and father will agree. After all, they've trusted me enough to travel on my own. I'm sure it'll be no different for my dear brother, now won't it?"

"I guess you have a point..." Pepper shrugged.

"You'll see. Everything will be just fine." Tangier smiled as he quietly exited the room, closing the door behind him. As the others in the room celebrated, the blue haired boy walked down the hallway, maintaining his posture. The royal chuckled to himself, a wicked smile forming on his face.

"Fine indeed...."

Littlest Pet Shop Human AU: Side Stories and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now