Run Away With Me?

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First chapter! >:D this is for a human AU I came up with where Vinnie is a prince and Sunil is a knight in training. After an arranged marriage was in the process of being set, Vinnie decides that he had enough of palace life and wants to run away. More is yet to come 👀

"This isn't fair!"

Vinnie groaned as he plopped onto his large bed, sulking and whining. Today just hasn't been his day. In fact, it was probably one of the worst.

The young prince immediately grabbed a pillow, letting out a huge sigh as he screamed into it.

Why just WHY did this have to happen?! Why couldn't it have happened to his brother, Tangier? Or even his sister, Pepper?! Why HIM?!

Vinnie flailed his arms around the pillow his head was resting on, throwing it out of the bed and near the front door.

"Your highness, you should be more careful!"

The new voice made him raise his head up as a new face walked into the room. Sunil Nevla: A knight in training for the royal family and Vinnie's childhood best friend.

"Dude, I told you not to call me that." Vinnie rolled his eyes as he jumped off the bed, Sunil coming closer.

"My apologies." Sunil chuckled, "I just happened to notice you as I was walking by. And judging by the way you were just screaming into that poor pillow just now, I assume that something isn't right?"

"You think?" Vinnie groaned as he jumped back into his bed, this morning's conversation replaying in his head. He really wish it were true, but judging by the way his parents were speaking, and how silent his siblings were, it was no joke. Heck, it wasn't even April yet! Even Pepper, the prankster in the royal family? had been dead silent.

"Ah, right..." Sunil looked away for a second, realizing what the prince was thinking, "that..."

"Yep..." the green haired teen spat out, "the marriage proposal."

The king and queen had decided that it was high time that their kids were old enough to rule the kingdom of Ongrove. Though he was the middle child, the royals decided that someone needed to be it. Arranged marriages were common in their kingdom, and Vinnie just happened to be the unlucky duck who was currently trapped in one. Pepper had been the last "victim," but her brash personality and many jokes and pranks scared off the poor fellow, much to the disapproval of her parents.

"I mean, I don't even know her!" Vinnie sighed as he looked up at the ceiling, "and she's from Cedarside! CEDARSIDE! What kind of a name is THAT?!" Vinnie groaned,"I don't even want to rule this stupid kingdom! Let alone a Cedarside..."

Sunil gasped, "Your highness! You shouldn't say things like that!"

"Dude, I told you. Enough with the formalities." Vinnie sat up again, "No one's around! Besides, I'm just a regular ol guy. Like you!"

Sunil raised a brow, "A regular ol guy who happens to be the prince of Ongrove? Please."

Vinnie nervously grinned, "Okay...maybe not so normal..." he stood up once more, walking over to the large window besides his bed. The large town was in view, the sun barely rising. He noticed many people already out and about. Truth be told, but he wasn't as familiar to the town. In fact, most of it was still a mystery to him. The view from his bedroom window was always a stress reliever. Day after day, he saw the way people lived. Though, there were some days that weren't as good, they still managed to get back up again.

In fact, he's heard many rumors regarding the royal family, especially around the current King and Queen. Vinnie never paid any mind to them, simply because he just thought it was petty gossip from the townsfolk.

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