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Another AU! >:) This time it's a pet mermaid au! I divided the 7 and made one group mermaids (merpets?? Lol) and the others remain the way they are. (And I made Blythe their owner lol). It's basically a mermaid AU where merpets live freely in the ocean, away from the land, but curiosity gets the best of them when things start falling into the ocean, and the merpets begin sneaking up towards the beach, especially in this specific chapter... Also, if they stay on land for a period of time, they lose their fins until they get back into the water.
More will be revealed in time. :)

Life under the sea was a thrill.

For merpets, it was like a haven. There was never any real danger present, save for the occasional fishermen here and there, but at this point, they've learned how to hide. Away from any humans or pets.

How was it any different?

Well for one thing, the land pets didn't have fins. They had things called paws or feet. It's something they didn't have. Well, unless they stepped foot on land that is...

It was another peaceful day in the land of Utopia, where mermaids, mermen and merpets lived in harmony. In their land, they weren't treated as "pets," as the land animals were. They lived their own lives.

Somewhere near the coral reef swam 3 merpets. Penny Ling, a panda, Sunil Nevla, a mongoose, and Minka Mark, a spider monkey. They were currently on their way towards the coral reef, the pink spider monkey carrying a small brown bag in her arms.

"These people and their messes! Sometimes, I wonder if they throw all these things in the sea on purpose!" Penny sighed as the three swam towards a hidden area, where many objects laid flat.

"Well, if they don't want it, it's their loss!" Minka giggled as she dug through the bag, "I mean, look at this!" She pulled out a chew toy in the shape of a bone, "It's practically NEW!"

Sunil raised a brow, "Perhaps someone threw it in by accident?" He asked, concerned, "Maybe we should return that one?"

"Hm...yeah... I guess so." She shrugged as she handed him the bag, holding the chew toy, "Though, I know Zoe would love this, maybe you're right..." she sighed. "Maybe I could go and find the owner! It would make returning this a bit easier-"

Sunil gave her a knowing glance, "Minka, you know the rules." He reminded, "We're not supposed to be seen by the land pets or humans. Otherwise-"

"Our society will be in grave danger." Penny and Minka rolled their eyes, finishing his sentence.

"Oh, I wonder what it's like up there?" Penny Ling looked up, the sun shining through the water, "Do you think pandas exist up there?"

"Wha—Of course they do!" Sunil said, "Why wouldn't they?"

"I mean, there aren't really many of them here..." Penny sighed. It was true. Though there were pandas living among the ocean, it was rare to see one as a merpet.

Minka noticed Penny Ling's expression, offering a hand on her shoulder, "Don't sweat it, Penny! Maybe one day we'll find out for ourselves! You know, if we're ever allowed to..."

"I highly doubt it..." Sunil sighed, "You all know how Jerry can get whenever we bring this sort of thing up."

All three sighed. Jerry Ferguson, one of the very few merpets who was a hedgehog, was the leader of the merpets. He's been around for a very long time, and he's always been a strict one. No one really knows why...

If there was one thing Minka couldn't stand, it was restriction.

Minka crossed her arms, "Maybe just a quick peek? It's not like he's going to find out. Besides, you did say we should return this...right?"

Littlest Pet Shop Human AU: Side Stories and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now