Chapter 4

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Izumi POV

We all gathered in the car and I was proud of Tomura putting Tenko in his seat correctly. "So, close mall or far away mall?" "Far away." They answered immediately making me chuckle. "Alrighty, let's get going." "Exactly how far is the far away mall?" "An hour and a half." "And the close one?" "30 minutes." I answered and stopped at the end of the drive way backing up to the garage. "I forgot the stroller." I said putting it in park I hurried to get to the garage and grab the stroller and put it in the trunk and closing it, I got back in putting my seat belt on and was ready to go again. "So far away or close mall?" "Close one, I don't think we could last that long in a car together." Dabi answered making me giggle. "Alrighty, let's try this again." Everyone nodded as we made our way to the mall.

Once we got there, trying to find a place to park was enough to make me irritated. Was I was driving down the aisle I stopped to let this person pull out. He started and then stopped "are you serious?" I mumbled. I waved for him to move but he just sat there. "Oh my god. Move!" He slowly backed up as I was about to lose my shit. "OH MY GOD GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE GOD DAMN SPOT AND FUCKING GO!" I yelled and everyone looked at me. "Mommy said bad words." I looked in the mirror "Sorry baby, mommy will try not to do it again." He nodded as Dabi and Tomura looked proud of me. I looked at this dude was still backing up. I gripped the steering wheel. "We have been sitting here for 4 minutes and he still hasn't gone forward yet." I mumbled. Finally the guy started driving but slowly I finally pulled in and parked the car. "We made it!" I cheered as everyone hopped out the car as I shut it off. I got the stroller out of the trunk and put Tenko in it. "Let's start this shopping trip shall we?" I said smiling. "You're scary." Toga commented "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so upset with that." "Nope don't apologize." Toga said as we started walking in.

We finally got into the mall and several people looked at us. "Can't people mind their own business?" I mumbled to no one in particular. The three just laughed at me as we made our way into the first store. "Alright, go shop." They nodded and went off in different directions. I walked with Toga as she started picking out outfits to wear once she was done I made my way over to the guys who looked confused. "Uh, you guys need help?" They shook their heads "No, they literally don't have our sizes in anything here." Tomura answered sure enough they didn't have really anything for guys. "Alrighty, let's cash out and go to the next store." They nodded and walked with us to cash Toga out. I paid and we made our way to the next store. The guys immediately ran to their side as Toga and I stood there for a second processing what the hell just happened. We looked at each other then back to them and they already had their arms filled with pants. "Well then. Let's go shopping." She nodded and we went to the girls side. I couldn't help but get myself some clothes, once we met up with the guys I was wondering how the hell they were even carrying those clothes. They put the piles down at the register and the lady just looked at us surprised before scanning them. It took forever but I finally paid and we walked out. Toga had the least amount of clothes now as the guys looked proud of themselves. "Now Tenko's turn" I said as we walked into the kids store.

They all ran to the boys section before I made it into the store. The lady who worked there just looked at them then to me. "I'd say they are more excited to shop for him than you are." She said laughing. "I'd say so. They don't even know his size though." She laughed harder and wished me luck. I walked up to them "Do you even know his size?" I asked and they all paused and looked at me "3T" they said together and I shook my head "Hes a 4T and can wear a Small in boys as well." They sighed and started exchanging the sizes out making me giggle. I found a few cute outfits for him and some shoes as well. They all came up to me with stacks of clothes. My mouth dropped as I looked at all of them shocked. "I- uh why so many?" I managed to ask. "Don't worry, we got bigger sizes for him to grow into." Tomura said I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. "I hope Nezu doesn't yell at me for this." I mumbled softly. Tenko was just sitting in the stroller being quiet. I bent down next to him "You okay buddy?" He nodded "I'm sleepy mommy" he said yawning. "You can go to sleep baby, mommy will wake you up when it's time to eat alright?" He nodded and laid back in the stroller closing his eyes. I walked to the counter as the lady was scanning everything. I wasn't planning on dropping so much money on clothes for him but I also didn't think they'd shop for kids so I didn't say anything. I paid as they grabbed the bags "do you want me to carry anything?" I asked "Nope you're good. Just keep doing what your doing" Dabi answered. I nodded as we walked to another store, no one got anything there or the next couple stores. "Lunch?" I asked and everyone quickly agreed.

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