Chapter 8

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Aizawa POV

After Izumi's breakdown and they walked out I sighed turning towards everyone. "This is why we told you to leave her alone. We understand that you all want to know about this but give her time. She just added three people to her schedule along with having to take care of Tenko. Not even I knew about him, only Nezu did, on top of getting hit by a quirk that gave them their daughter. She's been running around doing everything for the 5 of them and her father called me warning me about this. Iida I understand your strict with rules but even Bakugo knew not to continue with her and sat at her desk. She is going through a lot right now, and I'm sure sooner or later Endeavor is going to come knocking on her door and I honestly feel bad for him if he does it now. You're training to be heroes but that doesn't mean you need to know every single detail about someone. Us as teachers don't even need to be involved in personal lives unless absolutely needed. Look at All Might, he had no right to go to her home and take her father and Tenko out of that house. If anyone should have gone to her house it should have been myself or Nezu. Yes, it was concerning due to Shigaraki being a villain but it's not my place either. We learned that Izumi and her family are very close to the Bakugos and yet Katsuki himself didn't even know about her life and he didn't even ask and he, out of everyone here, had every right too. So leave her alone, I know some of you have been and she knows that. So those that haven't bothered her, how she reacted wasn't towards you." I explained and a few people looked upset but the ones who knew nodded understanding. "They're right, you all need to fuck off and give her space. I get it, they are adorable kids but it's not fair to her. I may be an asshole but even I know my limits with her. Also, to add to that when you all pointed her out at the mall over the weekend and someone said the villains were with her. Tenko thought you were calling him a villain, when a 3 year old boy cries to his mom because he thought you were calling him a villain.. that's bullshit. They had to tell him they were villains and they shouldn't have, they shouldn't have to tell a 3 year old little boy they were villains because you couldn't keep your damn mouth shut. It brought unneeded attention to them that they didn't need. You also don't even know their stories either, you call them villains but do you know what made them turn to villainy? Villains aren't born, so from now on just don't even fucking talk to them until told other wise." Bakugo said surprising me, I didn't think he would stand up for the trio like he just did. The class just looked at him as some wore guilty expressions.

"Alright let's start class.."

Izumi POV

Tomu carried me out of class and outside we all walked around until he found a bench. He sat down with me on his lap with Dabi and Toga next to me. We just sat there enjoying the sounds around us. It was peaceful and made me feel a lot better. "Is it bad I'm not sorry for flipping out?" I asked to no one in particular "No it's not." Tomura answered first. "It's not hard to tell your stressing out kid, we could all see it but Izumi." Dabi started, I put my head up and looked at him. "You aren't alone, you're not a single mom anymore. You have Tomura back and you have me, and Toga if she's up to it. I get it we were villains but that doesn't mean we don't have hearts. I'm not saying that you believe it I'm just saying that we will help you. You added another toddler to your family unexpectedly and you are doing an amazing job so far Izumi. You raised a miniature Tomura by yourself also. Sure you had help but it was all you, you dealt with everything a mother has too without his father being there. He's here now Izumi, let us help you, I understand having to feel like everything is up to you. I really do, that's how I felt with my siblings. I'm the oldest, I had to help my mom with all 3 of them, Shoto was the biggest pain in the ass I've ever met. You'd think he was a chill baby but good god did that kid babble and crawl around like it was his damn job, then when he started walking he wouldn't stop. He used to break out of his crib and you'd hear him running around his room giggling like a crazy person. Hell some nights I wouldn't even wake mom up, I'd just stay up all night with him until he crashed and sometimes he didn't crash until 7 in the morning and Mom would come check on us and we'd be on the floor with him laying on top of me. So I get it, I do, I may have left when he was 5 but I know how to raise a kid Izumi, just remember they aren't my kids so I'm gonna be the fun one like I was with my siblings when our father wasn't around. The point of all of this is, you are not alone anymore Izumi, you have all of us." Dabi said and I couldn't stop myself from crying, I hugged him tightly as I cried. "Thank you" I cried he held me tightly "You're welcome Izumi." "I don't know much about kids but I'll try for you Izumi, I'm learning each day we go about them and they are amazing kids girl. Don't forget what I told you also." Toga said I smiled and hugged her "I won't, I appreciate you all so much." I said wiping my tears they all hugged me until we heard someone cough behind us.

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