Chapter 6

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Izumi POV

The next morning I woke up with Izuki on top of me and Tenko cuddled next to me and Tomura with his arm around all of us. Who would have thought helping a mother and child would have given me another little Angel. Tomura started moving and woke up. "Morning Tomu" "morning" he groaned making me giggle softly. He looked at me and then to the kids. "I thought it was a dream.. I didn't think I now have a daughter after finding out I have a son." I smiled "Yeah but I'm happy" I said running my fingers through Izuki's hair. "At least I didn't have to go through the terrible twos and potty training her like Tenko... I don't think I could do that again." Tomura looked at me "Oh please he's a good kid. He couldn't have been that bad." I glared at him "Oh. He was terrible. He made mom disappear for 3 days. Dad started getting grey hair and I was losing hair from pulling it out and crying all the time. Auntie was the only one who could tame him and it got so bad he lived with Auntie for a week and came back as this sweet little child he is now. Never questioned her on what she did and I don't plan on it." I shortly explained. Tomura looked at me dumbfounded then looked to the sleeping little prince between us then back to me. "What did he do to make your mom leave?" I sighed "All he would do is scream, he would hit us, never listened no matter what we did. Mom tried being calm but she was slowly losing her shit with him. He ended up hitting her so hard she got a bloody nose and screamed that he hated her and wished he didn't have her as a grandma. It broke my mom so bad she left. That was what made us give him to auntie for the week. I felt terrible for it but Auntie was there for the whole thing. I felt like I wasn't good enough as a parent but Auntie told me it wasn't true and Kacchan even went through it at the same age and she handled it. Never once since he came back from her house has he ever been bad, talked back or gotten an attitude with us. Sometimes he will in the morning when you wake him up but I don't blame him. So yeah, he was terrible. He never said he hated me though, I don't think I could live with myself if he did. Or even if Izuki did, I literally could not deal with it. It would break my heart to much." I explained and Tomura was speechless. He soon snapped out of it and caressed my cheek "If one of them ever did, just know that they don't mean it. You're not supposed to be their friend all the time you have to be a parent also. I will always love you even if you feel like no one does. I love you Izumi." I smiled at him as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I'll always love you too mommy" I looked down to see Izuki looking at me with the most sweetest face ever. She hugged me and I got teary eyed from it as I hugged her back. "And mommy will always love you." I whispered. "So now we have to wake Tenko up.." Tomura said and I looked down.

I started running my fingers through his hair after a few seconds he started moving and eventually woke up. He sat up and looked at us "hi mommy." He said tiredly. "Goodmorning my little prince" he looked at Izuki and hugged her. "Morning sissy" "good morning brother" "what's for breakfast mommy?" He asked and I giggled "Tenko honey I think you forgot someone." He tilted his head confused until he looked over to Tomura who was looking at him. "Daddy!" He gasped and threw himself against him hugging him tightly. "Goodmorning buddy." Tomura said hugging him back. "I'm sorry I didn't say Goodmorning to you" Tomura chuckled "It's okay Tenko, how about we all get ready and get breakfast?" Tomura suggested and we all agreed.

He got up taking Tenko with him as Izuki and I laid there for a minute. "We're being lazy today. Mommy doesn't feel like getting all dressed up, but do you want me to do your hair?" She nodded and sat up "Alright let's get dressed love." I changed her into a shirt and sweatpants as I got dressed in the same outfit but with one of Tomu's shirts. We made our way into the bathroom to be greeted by the boys. This little girl already knows everything like I raised her and taught it to her and I'm so happy for it. We started brushing our teeth and once we finished I brushed her and Tenko's hair. "Mommy can you put my hair up?" Tenko asked as I was putting Izuki's in a messy bun. "I can try" he nodded and had a huge smile on his face. I finished Izuki's hair then grabbed another hair tie, I didn't realize how long his hair actually is, it wasn't as long as mine and Izuki's but it was still long and fit in a pony tail. "There you go buddy" "thank you mommy!" "You're welcome. Does Daddy want his hair done also?" He shrugged and knelt down. "Why not." I giggled and started brushing his hair, grabbing another hair tie, "do you want it all the way up for just half way?" "It doesn't matter" I nodded and put his hair up in a pony tail just like Tenko. "Alright, my turn." I brushed my hair out then threw it in a messy bun and pinned my bangs back. "Alright let's go get breakfast." I said and everyone damn near ran out the bathroom.

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