Chapter 5

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Izumi POV

We headed out and decided to walk "So where do you want to go?" "No idea. Didn't really get to plan this out." Tomura said making me giggle. "Dinner and a movie?" I suggested. He nodded and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. "I'd like that." I smiled and we headed over to the main part of town. We walked past a couple places and decided on an Italian restaurant. He held the door open for me and I walked in with him behind me. "Table for two?" The hostess asked "Yes please" she nodded and grabbed menus taking us to our seat. "Your waiter will be with you shortly." I thanked her as she walked away and we started looking at the menu. The waiter came over and got our drinks and order. "I'm sorry.. for leaving you." Tomura said out of no where. I looked up at him and smiled softly. "Don't be sorry, I understand. I forgive you for it." He still looked upset "you really didn't try to be with anyone else?" I giggled "No, I knew you'd come back one way or another. I didn't want to have Tenko be in that position of not knowing his real dad and someone else try to take your spot. I couldn't live with myself if that happened. I want to be a family, you, Tenko and myself and if we have children in the future. That's what I want. I don't want someone else to come in because I couldn't love them how I love you Tomura." He looked almost surprised by that. "I love you too Izumi."

We had small talk about how things will go with UA, the classes and what we are learning about. The waiter brought our food and drinks and we started eating. We continued to have small talk until we finished. I paid for the food and we headed outside to go to the movies. As we were half way to the theater we heard a scream. Tomura went to keep walking but I ran towards it hearing him run after me. I found a guy cornering a small child and her mother with a gun. I put my finger against my lips as a signal for them to be quiet. I created a small flame and manipulated it into a rope. Once it was right behind the guy I quickly moved pulling his arm up and wrapping the fire rope around him. "Decay the gun!" I yelled at Tomura who ran up pulling his glove off grabbing the gun. The guy pushed the little girl into the ground and tried to run, the little girls quirk went off but the rope around the guy turned into fire. He started yelling as he hit the ground. Tomura wrapped his hand around the guys throat as I tamed the flames. "You move at all I'll put my finger down and your throat disintegrates then spreads across your body until you are nothing but a pile of ash." Tomura said glaring at the guy. "Mommy?" I heard a small voice behind me. I turned around and gasped. There was a little girl no older than 3 looking at me. She looked like a mixture of me and Tomura. I turned to the little girl and her mother. " I'm so sorry miss! I couldn't control my quirk." The little girl cried. I looked at her mom "Her quirk is the ability to create a child between two people. And it's their genetically. That little girl is the daughter between you and the male you were with.. I'd say she is 2 or 3." I heard a thump and turned around to see Aizawa "Tomura has the guy." I turned to the mother "So I now have a daughter?" She nodded "You have 3 days to name her or she will vanish as if she was never here. If you name her she will be your little girl forever." Aizawa cuffed the guy and told us the cops were on their way. I was just looking at the little girl. "Uh. Izumi.. why is there a little girl that looks like us looking at you?" Tomura asked. "Shes our daughter." Tomura and Aizawa about died right there. "It's my daughters quirk.." the women said. "If we name her she's ours to raise... if we don't in 3 days she will disappear like she never existed." I said "Then we're naming her aren't we? I know damn well you will regret your whole life if you let her disappear. Besides. Tenko asked when he gets another sibling... didnt think he'd get one that's his age." Tomura said and I nodded. "Izuki Midoriya" he smiled and nodded. We bent down and the little girl now named Izuki ran to us. "Mommy and Daddy" we nodded "That we are princess. You have an older brother also!" I said and she looked excited. I turned around to the crying little girl and worried mother I smiled and walked up to them knelling down. "Hey sweetie, I'm not upset at you at all. You were scared and it happened." They both looked surprised but the little girl smiled and hugged me. "The important part is that you two are safe, I'm sorry I didn't respond right away I was just surprised. Also, I think you'll make a great doctor one day." The little girl looked up at me "You really think so?" I nodded with a smile "Of course I do! You could help so many people! You'll be a hero to all of those people, not all heroes wear capes and catch the bad guys. Heroes come in all different forms, doctors, police, teachers and much more. So never give up on what you want to be sweetheart." Her mom was in tears as they both hugged me. "Thank you so much! You both are our hero." The mom cried. I smiled hugging them back. "And thank you, now I finally have a child that doesn't look exactly like their father." I said laughing a little making the mom giggle. They let go and I turned and walked towards my little girl.

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