Chapter 11

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Izumi POV

As Monday came along we all got up getting dressed in our uniforms except the kids. Their outfits are adorable and their hair is down. I'm so jealous of Izuki's hair it's so long, wavy and beautiful.

Since today was actually warm and not colder like it has been I put them in this but packed an extra outfit in case they got cold

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Since today was actually warm and not colder like it has been I put them in this but packed an extra outfit in case they got cold. We finished all the assignments we had and they were all pretty much caught up with it. However, we did have one fun week I got time to myself that was much needed, had dance parties, watched movies, my mom took the kids for the weekend and I didn't know why to do with myself. I was so happy to see my babies, my mom wouldn't let me face time them until bedtime which upset me but she said I need to learn to not be such a "mom" and get over it. Then she embarrassed me by telling me to basically go get laid... which I did... a few times but that's besides the point. We got back in class and Shoto gave me a look that spoke "I'm so sorry" I tossed an eyebrow but before we could talk. Aizawa came in "Nice to have you four problem children back." He greeted. "So, we are having a pro hero come in and talk to you guys. Why? I don't know I'm not a fan of it but the hero is Hawks" "oh fuck that shit." I blurted out hearing a snort from Shoto and surprised looks from everyone including Aizawa. "Well tell us how you really feel Izumi." "Are you sure you want me to?" I asked with a deadpan express. "No. No I don't. He should be here any second." I rolled my eyes as the others just looked at me. The door opened and in came Hawks. "Hey everyone. Hey baby bird." He said looking at me. "I am not a bird and I'm not your baby." I said glaring at him. "Ouch... still hard to get." "The only thing you'll get from her is her making you a plate of chicken nuggets." Dabi said proudly. "Feisty. I like it on you Izumi." "I will kill you with a smile on my face." He shivered a little. "Aren't you supposed to teaching us and not be a fuck boy?" I asked innocently hearing Shoto chuckle. "Right didn't see your "boyfriend" back there" he said glaring at Shoto. "I'm not her boyfriend I just said that so you'd leave my best friend alone." Shoto said in a monotones voice. "So you're single." "No she's not and I will turn you to dust if you think about hitting on her or touching her." Tomura said "You're supposed to teach them Hawks." Aizawa said slightly glaring. "Right... so let's start then."

I zoned him out until I heard my name. I looked up and he was looking at me. "Can you answer it?" "Answer what?" I asked. "What's the difference between a hero and a villain?" I just looked at him like he was stupid. "A villain is someone you heroes call monsters and cold hearted beast when in reality they are just hurt, broken and pushed away by society including heroes. Some use villainy as I cry for help because heroes looked past them but yet they are the first ones to help someone in need when they are broken and hurting. All villains come from trauma pushed onto them because of their looks, their family, their quirks and so forth. Heroes are people who didn't get pushed away because they have flashy quirks and about 90% of heroes don't give two fucks about anyone but themselves, fame and fortune. They are also the cause of villains turning into what they are or have been. Some "villains" cry out begging for a hero to save them but they walked right past them without a care in the world because no one will see it or put them in the media for it. Does that answer your question?" I asked and everyone looked shocked. "Or, would you rather me say this. A hero is a person who always goes plus ultra and does what they should, follow every rule and save everyone even though it's literally impossible?" I added and everyone as speechless. They finally snapped out of it and Hawks spoke again "uh... well okay then. Can a hero be a parent and still do their job?" "Yes." I answered immediately "and how so?" "It may be hard and stressful but no matter what your kids should come first. Hero work isn't easy but if you think about it being for your kids than you can do it. It may be stressful, nerve racking and over all hard to do but when you end your shift you get to come home to your family and have those kids look at you like your the number one hero and they count on you for anything and everything and that's what makes it the job easier, and notice you to keep doing your job no matter how hard it gets." I answered truthfully and once again everyone was shocked. "You sound like you have experience but we know you don't so how do you know that?" I looked at Tomura "Because she has two children." He answered for me and Hawks looked ready to pass out. "You have what!?" He yelled and I nodded. "I have a son and a daughter. They look to me like Japan looks at All Might and it makes me want to continue to do what I do. I will do anything for my children no matter what it may be." I answered proudly. "Would you kill someone?" "Yes." "Would you turn to villainy for them?" "What the fuck kind of question is that?" Toga asked and a lot of us agreed. "You said anything." Hawks shrugged. "Listen here chicken bitch. I went face to face with all for One in my own damn home and threatened to brutally murder him. If you think I'm scared of you or that damn hero commission you got me 6 ways of all fucked up. We all know you're the favorite toy for them and it wouldn't surprise me if you ran your mouth to them when you left because I don't want you. Let's get one thing clear Keigo." I started and walked up getting in his face. "I don't give a flying fuck if you are the number two hero or if you send the commission after me. I will turn to villainy to protect my kids and hell I'll even call All for One to fight by my side as I wipe out that entire quirkest bullshit child solider and buying fucking commission before you or them put even one finger on one of my children. So pick your next move wisely, because I am not scared of you and I will protect my children no matter what the fucking cost. Understood?" He looked horrified at that but nodded. I smiled innocently "Good, I'm glad we could have this talk then." I said and skipped back over to my seat sitting down scaring the hell out of everyone. "Shouldn't I be the one who threatens people? I'm the dad you know." Tomura pouted. "Yeah I'm their uncle!" "Hey you aren't the only one Jack ass!" Shoto yelled back to Dabi. "I'm apart of that also!" Kacchan yelled. "I'm the aunt!" Toga said proudly. "I'm the mother. I bet all of you. Even you Tomu, I had to push your son out of me. Do you know how fucking painful that was? Or to carry him for 9 months?" I asked and he shut up real quick. "Well damn." Aizawa commented.

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