Things i never felt before

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                                                  -----------PARK HEE RIN'S POV------------

I woke up tangled in black sheets and legs. I had on a black oversized shirt with a nice calming scent. 
I was enjoying my comfortable and warm position when i realize where i were. 
Shit... How could i just let go like that last night? Girl, you need to get a grip.
I tried to untangle myself from Ilhoon's body with out waking him up. Right now i just wanted to go home. Luckily i succeeded without to much trouble. i quickly grabbed my things and sneaked out. 
It's not like we had sex or anything but i couldn't help but feeling a bit uncomfortable 'casuse i know if he haven't stopped me last night i wouldn't have been able to hold myself back. 

As soon as i opened the door i saw 12 curious eyes looking at me. I only recognized 2 of them from last night: Eunkwang and Hyunsik. 
"So you are 'the girl' Hyunsik was talking about" a guy with medium brown hair said while waving me over.
"Come over here and present yourself. Or are you scared that he will wake up and notice that you are running away" he said again. How rude is this guy?
If we push aside the fact that he was really rude was he really good looking, kind of cute too.
However i walked over to the table and hesitated a bit before saying:
"Uuuhm... My name is Park Hee Rin" Giving them a small smile.
"How long have you and Ilhoon been 'hanging out'" a guy with a snapback asked and gave me a wink. Cocky.
"Sorry but i don't think i got your names? i said starting to get annoyed by their rudeness. 
"Guys please, be nice to the girl! It's not her fault that Il is like this. But anyways, i'm Eunkwang" Eunkwang said. 
The rest introduced them self. Apparently the guy with the medium brown hair was called Minhyuk and the one with the snapback was Peniel. The rest was Changsub, Sungjae and then Hyunsik but him i already knew. 
Just as Minhyuk was about to talk again the door to Ilhoon room opened. He had a disappointed look on his face looking down in the ground when he came out but as soon as he looked up to see all of us talking his face lighted up and he made his way over to us.
"I thought you left" he said and put his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.
The guys in front of me all had a choked look on their faces when Ilhoon laid his arm around my waist. They literally looked like they saw a ghost or something. 
"Y-you... H-he, he..." Changsub said. pointing from me to Ilhoon.
"Yes, Now shut your mouth and put your hand down it's rude to point at people" saved by Hyunsik...

Ilhoon had pulled me into his room again. He quickly started to apologies for them being rude.
While he was ranting about how rude they could be i cut him of saying:
"Actually, i should get going..." 
"Oh, alright... Uhm, just keep the shirt on-" He smirked taking a step towards me "then i have a excuse to call you" he was whispering the part in my ear. 
He kissed my lips softly and lead me out.


Now i just wanted to home and sleep but i knew i cloudn't... i had to practice one last time before tomorrow. Tomorrow was my first live performance as a dancer. And HyunA's first live performance with her new song. 
I was actually thinking of inviting Ilhoon backstage to see me dance but after last night is just wanted to be alone. I overstepped my boundaries. Originally i wanted to get my first kiss with my husband on my wedding. But that was not how it ended and last night i thought it couldn't get worse so i decided to carry on. I don't know why i it's such a big deal to me it's not like it was my virginity i lost last night... But i should be more careful in the future 'cause when i was with Ilhoon i was ready to lose it all. 
He makes me feel a way i never have felt before. He made me wan't to do things i never wanted to do before, things people go to church for doing.


I orginally ment to post this yesterday but i injured my knee and got prevented by it...
I'm sorry about that but it's up now!

But just so you know, in April it will be hard for me to post every week. 
I have a school play coming up where i have the lead role, 3 birthdays including my own.
So i will be really busy but i will try as hard i can to keep it up.

See ya' soon! :D

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