Another Target

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Without thinking any further about it I agreed going on a date with him...

He didn't tell me were we where going, he only told me that he would pick me up here at 7.
Just got out of the shower when i looked at the clock: 18:30/6:30 pm. Shit. I was late already.
I quickly put on some light makeup, since my hair is naturally straight i blew dried it and rushed in to my room putting on a black and white collar dress with a pair of black pumps i quickly grasped my bag and rushed down stairs. Gard, i'm a lucky. I thought when i heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey" Ilhoon said leaning against the door frame scanning my body making me shift uncomfortably, he chuckled by me actions "don't worry babe, you look amazing" he said as lust took over his stare. i gave him a offended look "perv" he just laughed putting his hand out offering me to take it, but i just pushed through him out of the door.
"so where are we going?" i asked "you worry to much" he said playfully "i'm sorry that i'm worried for my safety when i'm going on a date with a complete stranger, that likes to lurk on me and gives me horny glares" i said sarcastically "alright, alright,  what do you what to know about me?" he asked with a smirk plastered on his handsome face. 
I wanted to ask him so many things but for now i think that "What were you doing at the cube building?" is enough, " i work there" he just said casually "What!? No, you are not!" i didn't believe him. Yes, he was hot but not idol material? Or was he? "i'm a idol? i'm in Btob" he said with a disgusted look on his face "you don't like it?" i asked. I was confused most people would be thrilled to be an idol but he... "No, the CEO want's me to be all cute and fluffy" he said making a grimace. I laughed with the thought of Ilhoon trying to be cute and do aegyo. Ilhoon stopped and gave me a death glare but then said "let's go inside" he said looking at a small cute cafe "i thought it would be nice to talk and get to know me over a cup of coffee" he said laying him hand on my lower back pushing me lightly towards the entrance.

                                                         ----------ILHOON'S POV---------

I had chosen a table in the back of the little cafe so nobody would spoil my plans.
Park Hee Rin or Park that i like to call her took a seat in front of me smiling at me. She is loosening up. Well that was faster than expected. Some of the girls takes days to soften. This one is brave.

"Okay, Ilhoon i don't know if i'm crossing a line now, or this is to random but... it was just wandering... if... if i could see you do something cute!?" Park asked with a goofy grin on her face. Aiish this girl! I gave her a 'Are-you-serious' look but he just nodded her little cute head eagerly. I sighed loudly starting to do the Gwiyomi acting cuter than ever before, the smile on her face got even bigger. 
When i was done doing my cute little dance she clapped "Omo! You're so cute!" she said still with a big smile "Yeah, whatever... can you just order?" i said irritated. Aaaw... She thinks i'm cute? Normally when people tell me i'm cute i just get annoyed but this time it was different? I wonder why? She is just another girl or should i say target.

                                                    ----------PARK HEE RIN'S POV---------

Okay, i must admit it. He's cute and he seems harmless, plus he's an idol he wouldn't hurt me!
Also why should he? 

After some hours talking about what music he's group has made, i promised to go home and download their new album. We also made fun of some of the idols at Cube and some of the staff. 
Honestly i had lots of fun so much fun that i forgot the time.
"Shit, i'm sorry Ilhoon i need to go! It's already so late i need to go home!" i said in chock realizing how late it was "hey, calm down it's alright! I will follow you home. i'm not sure about the way tho..?" He said lowering his voice at the last part "What!? You don't know the way home? Why did you even bring me here then?" i asked starting to get upset since i needed to go to work tomorrow. "Well, i know the way to my place but when we get there it will be to late for you to go home." he said calmly. How could he be calm right now? Oh right, he is not the one that needs to go to work tomorrow and can't find the way home!
"Look i have an idea..." he said "What is it?" I asked. It's better going to be good otherwise...
I have to go to the Cube building again tomorrow. So what if you stay at the dorm with me? Just for tonight?" 
What!? Is he serious? I don't wan't to say yes but it's the only solution right now?
I hesitates be for saying: "Okay, but only for tonight"....


Hi! I hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry for the late update but i wasn't home Thursday and Friday i got sick.
But there it where for you guy!

Seee ya' next time!

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