A misunderstanding? Yea, right!

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"I'm Jimin"

"Well, nice to meet you, Jimin. I'm Hee rin" i said not knowing completely what to do.

"would you care to dance with me? Hee rin" Jimin asked sending me a little smirk.

"Hm... Sure" i said hesitantly. He then took ahold of my wrist and dragged me out in the middle og the dance floor. The smell of sweat and alcohol was strong and i immediately started to feel hot. 

"come on don't be scared just move to the beat" Jimin yelled over the music. 

I slowly started to move my hips from side to side swaying to the music. Soon i felt Jimins hands on my hips and his body close to mine swaying along with me. 

After some time of close dancing with him he started to move his face close to my ear and neck, firstly biting my earlobe and then moving further down to my neck leaving small kisses. Honestly i was a bit tipsy and didn't think clear and Jimin was hot and his kisses felt good so i just let him forgetting everything about Ilhoon. Eventually i turned around ready to kiss him and just as he was about to place his lips on mine i remembered Ilhoon and pushed Jimin slightly but just enough for him to know that we should not do this.

"I'm sorry i can't do this" i told him pushing myself through the crowed just wanting to get away from this embarrassing moment. God, i was about to cheat on Ilhoon. Get a hold on yourself girl. I think i need a break i thought going for the bathrooms.

As i got near the bathrooms i saw a guy who had pinned a girl in a short dress up against the wall and they where violently kissing. The guy looked awfully familiar but i couldn't really point out who its was since his face was buried in the girl. As i got closer to the couple i stared to realize who the guy was.

Omg this can't be true. I just rejected a guy because i didn't want to cheat on him and now i find him here sucking on this girls face. On believable.

"Il-Ilhoon?" I nervously asked hoping the guy would turn around and be some stranger so this would be an embarrassing misunderstanding. But unfortunately that was not the truth so i got a cold hard slap right in the face by the sad reality when i saw Ilhoons face. Obviously he knew he fucked up his face was an open book and i knew the only thought that was going through his head was 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...'

I couldn't bear this anymore so i just turned around and hurried out towards the bar and dance floor hoping that i could disappear into the crowd. I heard Ilhoon running after me screaming lame excuses and saying it all was a misunderstanding. But i'm sorry i don't buy that bullshit.

Just as i got out of the bathroom hallway i looked back while walking in a high speed and bumped into a hard surface when i looked up a saw Jimins face that was both confused and worried.

"HEY! Rin, please listen to me it's all a big misunderstanding!" I heard Ilhoon say coming towards med and Jimin. I then looked up at Jimin "What's goin-" I cut him of by placing my lips on his bringing him into at passionated kiss wrapping my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

The kiss lasted till both of us was breathless and i unwrapped myself from him and turned around to look at Ilhoon who had froze in his spot with a shocked look on his face.

Jimin rested one of his arms around my waist while looking at Ilhoon with a little smirk on his face.

All of the sudden i could see Ilhoons expression change from shocked to angry.

"What the hell do you think you are?" Ilhoon said stepping closer to me and Jimin "how dare you kiss with my girl!?" he said again raising his fist slightly so i could see his white knuckles.

"Excuse fucking you!?" i said starting to feel my anger boiling "Why can't i kiss hot strangers when you can?" I was ready to go to war with this jerk of a boyfriend.

"I already told you it was a misunderstanding!" He protested

"Yea, right Ilhoon!" unbelievable "I don't buy your bullshit Ilhoon! That was obviously not a mistake!" I was now on fire. Why couldn't he just be a man and stop lying and just tell the truth. But i guess he doesn't have the balls for that.

"I think we should leave now" Jimin said taking my hand dragging me out. When i looked back i saw Ilhoon standing back with a pissed of look in his face looking like he was ready to kill someone.

When we got out of the club i started apologizing for what just happened and asking if he was okay and stuff like that.

"I'm okay but as an apology you have to buy me a drink sometime" He said

"Let's make it coffee. Okay?"

"Sure, just give me your number and i will text you ok?" he said and i gave hime my number.

I gave him and hug and a kiss on the cheek thanking him for that he helped me.

When i was about to leave i looked behind Jimin and saw Ilhoon looking sick of jealousy. But that is not my problem he did this himself so i just turned around and walked away while i shout goodbye and see you soon to Jimin.


Now i'm finally back after a long and stressful April.

I finished my last performance last week and is done for now.

Now i only have 2 tests tomorrow and 2 reports that i need to turn in and can take a break and return to my normal everyday non-stressful life.

I hope i didn't lose to many of you guys since its about a month since i updated last.

Anyways love you bye!

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