hold my girl | steve harrington

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(Your POV, Past Tense)

You stormed into your bedroom, slamming the door, before Steve stopped it and followed you into your room.

"Y/N, I don't understand why you'd think that," Steve said, his voice somehow soft.

"I'm not an idiot, Harrington. Why else would you hang out with Mike?" You scoffed, leaving Steve with an even more confused face.

"Wait, so now you think I'm cheating on you with Mike? I'd never do that to you, or El! Also, age difference!"

"No, dumbass," You felt a little guilty for being that harsh to him, but it was nothing compared to the anger you felt right now, "Mike's sister!"

That left you both silent for a second, before he just looked confused, "You think I'm tryna get back with Nancy? Oh come on, Y/N I'd never cheat on you, especially with Nancy."

"It's not like you lied the last time you said that,"

You stumbled outside, almost tripping over and laughing to yourself. You walked over to a car to lean on for balance, only to be met with a puffy eyed Steve.

"Steve, *hiccup* what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." He said with a fake smile, subtly wiping away his tears. Unfortunately for him, alcohol makes you stupid, stumble over a completely flat ground or your words, and makes you more observant.

"Nothing doesn't make you lie to your best friend *hiccup* and cry," You said with a stupid grin. "What happened Steve?"

He took a long sigh, before telling you everything. How Nancy had called their entire relationship bullshit, she doesn't love him, something about them killing Barb. You were drunk and trying your best to follow all of this, but the last thing he said make your heart skip a beat.

"Then she said that I'd probably just cheat on her with you."

"Sh-she said that?' You and Steve were best friends, but you had always loved him.

"Uh- yeah. She said that." You were both looking at the ground, an awkward silence filling the air.

"So what'd you say to that?" You asked trying not to sound hopeful. He just found out that the girl of his dreams doesn't love him for god's sake.

"I told her that I'd never cheat on her."

"Oh." you said and looked down again, but felt Steve's gaze focused on you. It took everything you had not to blush.

"Y/N, I-" Steve began, before he was cut off by someone's really, and I mean really loud voice.

"Harrington," Billy's voice boomed. You hung your head back and groaned. "The hell do you think you're doing with my sister?"

"Billy, I-" Steve began, but you knew he couldn't take Billy, even verbally. Unfortunately, you were drunk, and had no idea your words would have a huge impact on the current situation.

"What do you think you're doing with my sister?" You slurred, grinning to yourself, ignoring the confused looks coming your way.

"Y/N?" Steve said with a worried look on his face.

"*hiccup* Yeah?" you asked excitedly.

"You might wanna stop talking." Steve hissed.

"Hey, nobody tells her what to do but me, you got that Harrington?" Billy was somehow louder than before, so you rolled your eyes and began to speak.

"My god, are you seri-" You started before getting cut off with a slap from Billy, leaving you shocked, Billy still mad, and Steve somehow looked even more mad than Billy. You figured that out after he punched him in the face and pushed you in his car and sped off.

"Holy shit Harrington!" you laughed.

"I'm gonna die tomorrow, aren't I?"

"Don't be ridiculous Steve, he's gonna murder you and I tonight." You said with a straight face, making Steve laugh.

"Hey, um, if you don't wanna come home to Billy tonight, you could always stay at my place for the night," he suggested.

"That'll put Billy over the moon." You slurred, drawing meaningless shapes on the window of his car.

"Well, my parents aren't gonna be home tonight, so I could use the extra company." he said, making your smile fade. He and his parents had never been close, which you could relate to, so you didn't want Steve to be alone tonight.

You arrived at his house, and he lead you inside.

"Hey, Steve, do you mind if I take a shower? I gotta do something about this stupid Halloween makeup." You swear you saw his cheeks redden.

"Yeah, sure. I'll just get some spare pyjama's for you." he said and you walked into the bathroom. You took off your clothes, opened the shower door and instantly closed it. You picked up a spare towel and wrapped it around you, "Steve?" You called out, poking your head through the bathroom door. You heard really fast and loud footsteps and Steve was standing right in front of you.


"Could you help me with the shower?" you asked, slightly embarrassed.

"Sure," He said and went to walk in, but hesitated, "Are you..." he gestured to where your body should've been while it was hidden behind the door.

"Oh," you chuckled and opened the door all the way to show the towel around you. He nodded, and opened the shower door and leaned forward.

"Yeah, it's confusing," He said making you laugh slightly. In no time the shower was running, but you didn't get in. Instead you got lost in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. You stared at each other for what felt like forever, until you leaned in, your lips feeling like magnets. Finally, you , and time slowed down, and you were the only two people in the entire world.

If only it could be like that forever

"My god Y/N, why do you always assume the worst of me?" He said throwing his hands up in frustration. You quickly put your hands up in self defense and flinched. Steve looked horrified and felt tears at the back of his eyes.

"Y/N?" he asked, his voice trembling. After realizing what you had done, you looked away in shame, "why did you do that?"

"I-I, I didn't mean to, Steve, I'm sorry!" You cried, a single tear rolling down your cheek.

"Y/N," Steve soothed, before you wrapped your arms around his back and buried your face in his chest, "You know I'd never hurt you."

"I know Steve, I know," you reassured, taking a heavy breath, "Just instinct."

You immediatley regretted saying that.

"What? What do you mean instinct?" He asked looking down at you until you met his eyes. You wondered how his voice sounded so calm and soothing during this, but you shook it off, answering the question.

"My dad. And Billy. Well, Billy got it from him, but still." you said with a sigh.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." he apologised, his hand softly stroking your hair.

You looked up at him with dreamy eyes, "I love you."

That was the first time you had said it out loud, and it was perfect. For you and Steve.

His eyes lit up and he pulled in for a kiss, "I love you too Y/N, Hargrove."

A/N: ngl, my whole mood after rereading this was just 😣😑

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