cookie dough and kissy faces | robin buckely

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(Your POV, Past Tense)

You jumped onto the end of the line of Scoops Ahoy, which happened to be behind Erica and her squad.

"Could I try the peppermint stick?" Erica asked, using her best innocent voice. Just as the worker was about to give in, you cut in with a groan.

"For the fifth time today, Erica?"

She spun on her heel and faced you with her hands on her hips, "Have you ever heard about the-"

"Oh, blah, blah, blah, have you ever heard of one sample per customer?" You sassed with your arms crossed. Erica let out a huff and stormed off with her friends. You walked up to the counter, satisfied with yourself, ready to order some to die for cookie dough ice cream.

"Thanks for that, Erica can-" she started before letting out a groan.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not too happy to see you either, at least I pretend to be fine with it." you sighed, rolling your eyes at Robin.

"At least I pretend to be fine with it," she repeated with a mocking voice as you rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, keep rolling your eyes. You might find your brain back there." she finished with a fake smile. You returned her fake smile, then immediately glared at her.

"Can you just scoop me some cookie dough and leave me be?" you asked with a sigh. She sighed back and turned around.

"Harrington! I need a break, and a cup of coffee." she said and walked out the back door, before whispering something to Steve.

"Hey, (Y/N), what can I get you?"

"Just one scoop of cookie dough, please." Steve nods, grabbing his scooper.

"Hey, what's up with you and Robin? Aren't you guys good friends?"

"Where'd you hear that?"

"Oh, no where. It's just," he starts, then looks behind him to see if anyone's there, "she's just always talking about you and stuff." he says and you get a confused look on your face.

"She does?" you asked, getting more confused by the minute.

"Yeah. Weird, right?" you nodded slightly, slightly dazed by this new information, "Well, here's your cookie dough." he finished, handing you the ice cream.

"Thanks." you replied half heartedly, taking the ice cream. You started eating your ice cream, while you walked over to the coffee shop. You scanned the shop, before walking over to the counter.

"So apparently, you're always talking about me." you whispered to Robin with a smirk. She whipped her head around to you and gave you a hug.

"Wait, who said that?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Steve." You explained.

"God, that little shit!" She groaned.

"Hey, it's alright. I know I'm really worth talking about." she rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Dream on, (Y/N)." she joked as you slung your arm around her.

"Can I have some of that?" You asked, pointing to the coffee, before she shrugged your arm off and stepped away, "Ok, message received. I'll just buy my own."

"No, not that, dingus," she said and pointed to (Your Sibling's Name).

"Oh, shit! What are they doing here?" you hissed.

"Ah, shit," Robin cursed before facing you again, "they're coming over here."

"What do we do?" you whisper shouted urgently.

"Maybe we shouldn't stand so close?" Robin suggested, making you scoff.

"Come on, Robin, this is a serious situation, needing a serious solution."

Before either of you could come up with a solution, (Y/S/N) came skipping up to both of you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" They greeted happily.

"H-hey (Y/S/N)! Wha-what are you doing here?" you asked in the most awkward way possible.

They pointed over to Max and El, who after last year, (Y/S/N) was always around, "We're taking El shopping for the day," they replied, before their eyes fell on your beautiful girlfriend beside you, and you immediately got nervous, "who's this? Your girlfriend?" they asked in a mocking tone, which made you pale.

"Ha! What are you talking about?! Don't be so-"

"Yup." Robin answered simply. "I'm Robin."

(Y/S/N) looked at you in shock, but then smiled from ear to ear, "Y/N and Robin, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-"

"Shush!" you cut them off, placing a hand over their mouth.

They giggled at both of you, before rushing off to their friends. You couldn't help a smile play on your lips as you saw (Y/S/N) whisper to the girls, before they all high fived and pumped their fists.

"Aww," Robin started, "Who knew Y/N had a soft spots for kids."

You rolled your eyes and faced her, "Seriously? Outing me to (Y/S/N)?"

"Oh, come on, Y/N! You've been so obviously in love with me for years, I'm surprised the dingus doesn't know. And besides," she defended, before gesturing to (Y/S/N) and their friends, giggling at you and making kissy faces, "They're totally cool with it."

You sighed and laid a head on her shoulder, when she burst out laughing.

"Uhh, Robbie? You good?"

"I-I'm sorry, I just," she laughed, clutching her stomach, "Y-you y-yelled at a-a child, a-and her st-stupid friends for m-me!"

You rolled your eyes at what she said, "I mean I did want the ice cream but," you put your hands up and purse your lips, "whatever floats your boat babe."

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