idiot | steve harrington

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pairings: Steve Harrington x male!(adopted)Henderson!reader

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pairings: Steve Harrington x male!(adopted)Henderson!reader

warnings: fluff, slight angst(?), bad communication between siblings, jealousy, homophobia, mentions of anxiety, swearing

request: me

Y/N sat against the gym bleachers, his eyes scanned around the gym that was slowly filling up with more students. The lights reflecting off the decorations making it harder to focus. He just wanted to meet Dustin at the doors, and get out of there. There's a reason he only agreed to helping with decorating the Snowball, and not chaperoning.

He let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the curly haired Henderson, standing up from the seats as he walked toward him.

"Dusty-" Y/N began, but stopped abruptly, "What happened to your hair?"

Dustin's face fell at the question, furrowing his eyebrows at the question, "What do you mean?"

"Why does it look like a mini Steve Harrington's hair?"

Dustin rolled his eyes at his brother, "He helped me with it, there's nothing wrong with it."

Y/N widened his eyes slightly, "I didn't say anything was wrong with it, it looks good, you look nice."

"Thanks," Dustin mumbled, before he changed his tone, asking his brother hopefully: "So what are you still doing here? Did you decide to stay and help out?"

"No," Y/N said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, you won't have to put up with me during your big night."

"Oh," Dustin felt his shoulders slumping in disappointment, "Right."

Y/N smiled at Dustin, patting him on the shoulder, "But you have fun tonight, ok?" Dustin nodded, plastering on a smile, "And you and your friends make sure to have an awesome time."

"Thanks, Y/N."

"Remember Steve will pick you up at tonight, if he's not there, then look for my car, but-"

"If you're not there, then ask Jonathan if he can give me a ride with Will. I know."

Y/N smiled weakly, nodding at Dustin before saying his goodbye's and walking out of the gym.

Y/N and Dustin hadn't been the closest of brothers lately. Ever since Steve Harrington came along and acted like another brotherly figure, Y/N felt like Dustin wanted nothing to do with him, and was drifting further and further away. Dustin however, thought that Y/N just didn't wanna be seen by his 'embarrassing little brother', and was just passing on the big brother duties to Steve.

How those thoughts came to be? Neither of them knew. They both knew they were irrational thoughts, but that didn't matter.

Y/N sighed as he pushed open the school doors, the cold December air hitting like a baseball bat. He wrapped his arms around himself, squinting his eyes as he walked toward the maroon BMW outside by the school.

He tapped his hand on the window, grabbing the attention of Steve, who sat in the driver's seat.

"Y/N, hop in." Steve pushed open the car door, greeting Y/N with a wide grin. Y/N slid in the car, shutting the door behind him.

"Jesus, it's freezing," Y/N whispered, feeling his body slowly warm up in the car.

"So," Steve began, "how was the first five minutes of the Snowball that you had to get to early?"

Y/N sighed, "I wanted to help out, and they said I could get there early to help out."

"Right." Steve drawled, "So how was Dustin?"

"Very clearly brainwashed with advice from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Steve asked, his expression suddenly serious.

Y/N rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about the Farrah Fawcett spray he hasn't shut up about."

"Wha- he could've heard that from anyone!"

"Oh yeah, that explains him saying: 'Steve told me about the Farrah Fawcett spray, I need it for the Snowball.'"

"Little shit." Steve muttered.

"God, he hasn't shut up about you ever since saved him from that stupid demo-dog."

Steve's eyebrows furrowed in concern, "Hey, what do you mean by that?"

"Come on, it's obvious he sees you as an older brother, Steve. Why do you think he's always getting car rides from you?"

"Because you don't have a license?"

Y/N paused, blankly staring ahead.

He hadn't thought of that.

"Y/N," Steve began, "You're a good brother. Trust me, I'm not the only one Dustin doesn't shut up about."

Y/N smiled weakly, looking down at the floor of the car, before Steve stopped him, gently gripping his chin with his thumb, lifting Y/N's head up to make eye contact, "Now would you stop worrying, babe?" he asked ever so casually, contrasting to Y/N's sudden feeling of panic, "Tonight we're meant to be-"

"Shush!" Y/N hissed, turning his head away from Steve, who grew concerned at Y/N's sudden change in demeanor.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"You can't call me that, Steve!" Y/N whispered, the fear clear in his tone.

Steve's face fell as it dawned on him why Y/N was acting the way he was. He turned his head from side to side, peering through the window, "There's no one around, Y/N." he reassured, his tone soft and gentle.

Y/N was unconvinced, nerves getting the better of him as he avoided eye contact with Steve.

In a matter of seconds, the car started up again, and Steve slowly drove off and away from the school. The barely audible music from the radio played faintly as Steve drove along the road, sneaking glances at his anxiety-ridden boyfriend as he drove.

"I'm sorry." Y/N finally spoke up, breaking the painful silence.

Steve sighed, sending a sympathetic look toward him, "Y/N, you don't-"

"No, Steve." Y/N huffed, hitting his head against the headrest of the seat, "I do this every time. We have a good moment together, and I fucking ruin it."

"It's not your fault, Y/N." Steve said, his tone full of sincerity. Y/N looked at him in disbelief as he continued, "Y/N, I get why you're nervous about it, you don't have to be sorry."

"Well you seem to have no problem always looking like you wanna kiss me." Y/N mumbled, the teasing hint in their voice bringing a smile on Steve's face.

"Have you met me? I'm a dumbass who doesn't think shit through, Y/N. You're not wrong for being cautious. It sucks that we have to be, but..." Steve trailed off with a sigh.

"Yeah." Y/N sighed, their nerves calming down as Steve parked the car behind a building where Y/N was sure no one would be near.

They sat in the car, a comfortable silence falling, when Steve spoke up. "Plus, I've been through much worse than an asshole telling me who I can't kiss for me to not want to kiss you."

A grin immediately played on Y/N's lips at their boyfriend's comment as they stifled a laugh.

"What, don't laugh, I'm serious, who wouldn't wanna kiss you?" Steve added, smiling at his giggling boyfriend.

"You can be a real idiot, Stevie." Y/N said, pressing his lips against Steve's. They pulled away, smiling at Steve's blushing cheeks, "But you're my idiot."

A/N: I didn't mean to get into Dustin and Y/N's relationship so much just to completely move away from that, but imma go more into it in a part two

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