28 To Live For You

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11:00am (The Same Morning "After")

I shift my body, slowly coming back into consciousness after my sleep. The sensation of someone playing with my hair being the first thing I feel.

I crack my eyes open, tenderness overflowing my heart when I see Tristans face. His eyes darting away from my hair and onto my sleepy state. Us still embraced in the same position we were the night before.

I inhale a deep breath, taking in his dishevelled look, hair all poking out in different directions. His cheeks are flushed a light pink shade. Nothing beats seeing him like this. My lips curl into a smile before I dig my face into his neck, wanting to get more sleep. My arm wrapping loosely around his shoulder.

I feel his hand move my hair out of my face, leaving a tingling sensation on my skin, before he leans in to press his lips onto my cheek. "I'm gonna have a shower.." He says lightly into my hair before leaving a kiss on it.

I murmur to him pretty much half asleep still. He breathes out a laugh before shifting his body slowly untangling with mine.

I groan into the pillow in objection. Latching onto his arm as he tries to get up. "If you don't want me to go then just come in with me." He grips onto both of my hands, lifting me up in a sitting position while I stay limp, not wanting to get up. "Noo. Stay. Cuddle." I stare at him with tired eyes.

He shakes his head with a grin tugging at his cheeks in amusement. He slings my arms around his neck before lifting me up by my thighs, and wrapping my legs around his hips. Our bodies bare pressed against each other.

I let out a content hum into his neck, feeling aroused by his actions. He carries me into the bathroom, then to the shower.

His grip on me loosens before putting me down, the cool tiles hitting my feet. His hand rests on my waist as he reaches past me to turn on the tap with the other.

I flinch at the contact of cold water against my skin, slowly getting used to the temperature as it got warmer, I lean my head back in the water, wetting my hair, feeling Tristans hands travel from my waist, to my back, slowly getting lower before they're on my ass.

My eyes shift onto his, catching him gaze over my bare figure, then looking back up at me. His hands massage into my ass before he pulls our hips together. Our lips only now a few inches apart, I catch a smirk tugging on the ends of his lips as his gaze switches between my eyes and lips.

I feel my heart skip a beat before I reach my hands up to the sides of his face, to pull his lips onto mine.

He leans into my lips, making us step back into the water, and we melt into eachother for a long time. I feel myself go into a haze. With our kiss getting deeper, I feel dizzy, our tongues whirling together in perfect cohesion.

Tristans hands trailing up and down my body, making me twitch at the tingly feeling.

Tristans P.O.V

I slowly pull away from our kiss, opening my eyes to see Hannah's tired eyes, her lips curling into a wide grin. I copy her expression, until my eyes dart onto the drops of blood fading from her skin as the water washes over her. My heart drops.

She leans out of the water, closer to me and looks me in the eyes, her eyebrows crease at my still face. She leans in to press a kiss on my cheek, and I wrap my arms around her in an embrace. My head placed in her neck, and I feel my heart warm up when she wraps her arms around me. Our chests pressed together tightly.

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