1 The beggining

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*3rd POV*

"Guys, stop!" Hange shouted at their squad while squinting their eyes towards the big figure wiggling in the distance.

"What the hell is that?" Hange said under their breath, the confusion noticeable in their tone.

They instructed their horse to move. The squad slowly neared the mystery figure which as they got closer turned out to be about 5-meter tall titan.

The titan was tied with thick ropes between two trees by its neck, hands and legs. It mindlessly wiggled its limbs trying to get out of the imprisonment.

Hange stopped the squad in front of the titan to observe this unordinary sight. It wasn't the titan itself which was so bizarre to Hange but the location and the situation the creature was in.

They were on their regular check-up mission to observe the area for irregular titans. They were on the side of the forest and not long distance from them stood a lonely run-down house with horses contently eating grass in their enclosure.

Hange was familiar with tying up their titans for experiments but it took them at least few people to get a 6-meter titan into the ropes.

Also, why would anyone keep a titan near their home rather than just killing if they had the chance? Hange thought.

Hange left the titan be and went to see if someone lived in that house. They ordered their squad to relax a bit while watching the titan if it ripped out of the ropes.

While they rode their horse to the house, Hange saw a girl walk out of it and go to the horses. The girl carried a basket from which she later pulled out a comb and started combing the horses' hair.

The girl could be in her twenties. Hange thought while they observed the lonely girl. On their way Hange passed a couple of graves. Fresh flowers were put on each and the grass around was maintained. It didn't have any indication of who it belonged to but it must have been of someone who used live in the house, maybe relatives of the girl. Hange figured.

"You have got some nice horses." Hange shouted over the fence to get the girl's attention. The girl jumped a bit and let go of her comb, startled by the sudden voice.


I heard someone's voice. It was unusual to meet someone around here other than titans. I lived far from everyone, away from any road and no one had a route through here.

I picked up the comb and looked at the source of the voice.

A person with glasses was widely smiling at me from the seat of their horse. They had interesting attire, all kinds of belts and buckles were attached to their clothes. They didn't seem like the regular farmers to whom my dad used to sell knives and swords.

I grew a bit suspicious of this mysterious visitor and when I looked at my titan, I saw a group of people in similar clothes and horses around it.

I captured that titan just a day ago because the last one died after exhaustion from my hits when I released my rage on it because of what titans did to my parents.

It was exactly 8 years a couple of days ago when a titan ate them and left my 12 year-old self fight for my life.

We were a family of smiths, making knives, swords, scissors or whatever sharp things the farmers needed. I was an only child so my father taught me everything he knew about iron molding from a young age.

I was ten when I made my first sword all by myself. My father let me have it and train with it for fun. He told me that he would pass the smithing business to me when he got older and couldn't do it himself anymore.

I was eleven when my parents finally let me ride the horse to the village to sell our products. It was fun, to haggle for prices and meet the people in the village and while doing so I learned to ride horses pretty well.

It was that time when dad ordered me to take things to the village again to sell them when I came home in the evening and I lost all I had.

A titan somehow found its way to our home and was holding my parents. When I shouted at the titan with tears in my eyes, he turned to me with smile on its face and like to mock me put both of my parents in its mouth and bit down.

I was devastated, I thought my heart stopped beating at that moment and started beating at a different pace from then on. I knew I could kill him, but not now. I knew I wanted revenge from that titan. I wanted him to feel the pain it gave me.

I went to hide in the forest and after that titan left I went home. I started plotting my revenge. I wanted it to suffer so I got the longest ropes we had and took my sword.

As I expected the titan came back looking for anything more he could eat. I was waiting for him in the trees to throw a noose around his neck to immobilize him to then cut him up with my sword. I didn't know if my plan would be successful but I was ready to die if it didn't work. I wanted to revenge my parents' death and if I died in the process it didn't matter to me.

To my surprise my plan work. I killed the titan even if it took me a long time to cut him into little pieces. And that thrill that I felt while killing that titan was something that got my energy back. I was getting drunk on that thrill. Drinking away my sadness for my parents.

From then on I wanted to kill as many titans as I could. I didn't care if I died while killing a titan, the thrill always took over me to make me forget my own life and see only the pitiful life of the titans that needed to be ended. Over the years, I improved my techniques and my weapons to make the killing less laborious and more efficient.

I learned to capture titans to try out my new techniques and weapons to see how they would react. I still saw my parents' limp bodies in the titans' mouths when I killed them which made the determination to kill them all bigger.

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