18 D day

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The next few days we were training for the big mission. Levi wanted everything to be perfect and wanted everyone to know exactly what they were supposed to do.

Eren got most of the instructing because he would be using his titan and it needed to be under complete control so he wouldn't mess up and cover the hole in time.

All this preparation and today was it all supposed to go down. Everyone was nervously clutching the horse bridles and even the horses themselves seem to shuffle around like they knew what was happening.

Levi and Hange's groups would leave together and then meet other groups on the way there.

We were nearing the titan-inhabited city and I felt myself shake. I didn't want to mess up. I knew the plan inside and out but I had this weird feeling that something was going to happen. I gulped down.

No, Y/N. Keep calm, everything's okay. Just don't lose it like last time and you'll be fine.

We were led through the wall that connected to the target city and we could already notice a number of titans in the distance.

The group now divided and most of the scouts got off their horses. Levi's group would continue more to the center of the city.

We got to a group of high buildings and Levi ordered us to leave our horses. Everyone went to take their positions.

I was readying my gear when Levi stopped me. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me to him.

"Y/N...be care-" He stopped and sighed. "...just don't fuck up, okay?" He squeezed my shoulder a bit.

When he saw my faint nod, he called for Eren and both of them flew away towards the hole in the wall.

I stood frozen, watching the figure of Levi get smaller in the distance.

His eyes...they looked so caring. Like he was worried for me. Was he really? My heartbeat a little faster at the thought.

Connie shouting my name brought me back to reality. I couldn't get lost in my head now, I had a mission to carry out. And as Levi said I couldn't fuck up.

I flew to Connie and we made our way to the place in the city which we had to clear out of titans. We started killing the titans in our given district. Everything was going fine. Fortunately, most of the titans were not tall and could be killed easily without any major problem.

When we finished Connie went to inform Levi so we could move on. Meanwhile, I decided to explore the empty houses. I came up to an old tavern. I looked through the windows inside. Suddenly a bottle flew towards me and smashed against the window. I jumped back startled.

Is someone in there? I thought everyone was evacuated. How could even someone survive here?

I carefully opened the door.

"Hello? Is anyone in here? Are you okay? I'm from the survey corps. Do you need help?" I slowly walked between the empty tables coated with dust.

I hear some rumbling coming from the back. I whipped out my sword just in case.

"Who is there. Come out." I said a little more powerfully but a hint of anxiousness escaped as well.

The rumbling stopped and slow steps followed. They were nearing the bar.

A tall man with a cowboy hat came out of the door. He had a smile on, however it was obvious that it wasn't genuine. I also noticed he had something similar to ODM gear on and instead of my blades he had two guns resting on his hips.

"No one should be here. Why are you here." I asked in monotone.

"Oh, why so cold. You sounded so caring just a few seconds ago, asking if I'm okay." He snickered. He put a bottle of liquor he was holding to his lips and gave it a sip.

"Who are you. You are obviously not a civilian." I kept a safe distance between us and watched him carefully.

He chuckled and started walking towards me. "Look at your little cape. Are you proud to be one of those scouts?" He observed me while drinking more of the bottle.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense. You need to get out of here." I wanted to turn around and leave but he suddenly grabbed me by the neck and ripped the blades out of my hands.

"Oh I will but you're coming with me." His sly voice sounded close to my ear. I felt one of his guns push against my back.

Shit. I knew I had to be more careful with this guy.

He started pushing me out of the tavern while keeping a tight hold around my neck. We came out and he started looking around in the air.

"Now where is your captain." He said to himself.

"Who are you and why do you want him." I struggled to get out of his grip which only made him tighten the grip and difficult to breathe.

"Oh, I'm just an old friend of his and I wanted to say hi." I snickered.

"Hey Levi! I know you are here! Come out and say hi!" The man shouted with a big smile.

We waited a bit. My eyes were darting in every direction, looking where could Levi be. After a minute he appeared on one of the roofs. His expression was angry and determined.

"Oh, there you are!" The man laughed not interrupted by my second round of struggling.

"Kenny, what do you want. Let Y/N go." Levi flew down the roof and landed on the ground a few meters away from us.

"Y/N? Calling them by their name? How unusual of you."

Levi only gritted his teeth. I was starting to get anxious, seeing Levi not radiating his usual arrogance but being carefully alerted. This Kenny guy must be very dangerous.

"I just wanted to talk Levi. We haven't seen each other a long time." He said with a fake friendly tone.

"If you wanted to talk, you didn't have to threaten my scouts to make me talk to you." Levi held tightly onto his blades, trying to keep himself calm to not make any move he'd later regret.

"Oh, even you don't believe that yourself Levi...but you're right I didn't want to just talk...I also wanted to see your life crumble before your eyes once again. And killing one of your scouts will evoke just that." He said nonchalantly.

Kenny looked at me and gave me a big toothy smile.

"And to my luck, I seem to catch someone who is one of the important ones, right cutie?" Kenny grassed my cheek with his gun. I don't know if I was more grossed out from this man's sleaziness or scared for my life. But both gave me shivers.

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