19 Healing

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I woke up laying on the ground. I felt my side sting and when I touched it it was wet. I hissed when I moved my legs, trying to get up.

Shit, this is bad. What happened. How did I end up here.

I looked around but couldn't see much since my vision was limited to a height of a small cat because I was laying down. I noticed a big bloody puddle that formed around my wound. I watched the street in front of me for a minute.

No one in sight.

Where is everyone. Did they leave without me?

The ODM gear felt heavy on my body since most of my strength left me. I started slowly unbuckling the belt around my hips and thighs to ease the uncomfortable feeling. A Series of hisses and sighs followed every move I made.

"Y/N!" A distant shout startled me, making me accidentally hit my wound with my elbow. I hissed once more. I looked towards the direction the shout came from and saw Levi hurriedly ride his horse to me.

A small smile formed on my lips. Somehow seeing him comforted me. I knew I would be safe if he was with me.

My head slowly dropped to the ground and my hands left the buckles.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He jumped down from his horse and crouched next to me.


"No don't, it will only tire you. It was a stupid question anyway. Obviously, you're not okay." He looked at my bloody side and sighed.

"Y/N, I need you to be strong because I'll have to get you on up on the horse so we can both get to the camp. It'll probably hurt but I know you can do it." He warned while carefully picking up my body. My muscles were tense from the pain that intensified when Levi started moving me. I tried not to hiss to not make him worried.

After he put me on the horse, he slowly climbed up as well, seating himself in front of me.

"Lean on me so you don't fall." He said quietly.

My hands wrapped around his sides and I rested my head on his shoulders. I felt his breath hitch when my hands clasped together in front of his stomach but his body loosened again when I comfortably sighed out into his back. He motioned his horse to slowly start going.

My breath proceeded to be slower and fainter with our way back and Levi noticed. Even though his heartbeat and the warmth of his body were lulling me to sleep, Levi would from time to time squeeze my thigh to keep me awake.

"You can't fall asleep, we're almost there." He reassured and whipped the bridle to tell the horse to pick up the pace. I was trying hard but the exhaustion got the best of me and my eyes slowly closed and my hands fell limp down Levi's sides. That last thigh I heard was his cursing upon noticing me losing consciousness.

*Levi POV*

"Could you stop pacing around? I can't concentrate." Hange groaned above Y/N's body.

After I was done with Kenny and went for my horse, I informed Hange about the situation and instructed them to quickly get to the camp and prepare tools for Y/N's operation. Her side was badly bleeding from when Kenny stabbed her to get back at me.

Even though Hange was supposed to be the best surgeon in the camp, I couldn't help myself feel anxious.

It was all my fault. I should be there with Y/N and not let her go just with Connie. I should have predicted it. If I was there none of this would have happened.

"Shit." I punched the table that held all the surgery tools, making a loud crinkling noise.

Hange jumped up, startled from the sudden commotion. They turned to me with their bloody needle and thread.

"Listen, I know you're scared...I'm too but if you do something like again, I may injure Y/N even more." Hange gruntled annoyed.

I knitted my eyebrows at Hange's disrespectful tone. I wanted to get angry at them but I only managed to sigh.

They were right. It's Y/N's life in their hands and I wouldn't forgive myself if I'd make it worse because of my stupid actions.

"I'll leave you to it. Just tell me when you move Y/N to her room after the surgery." I sighed out and left the room.


My eyes slowly opened and I blinked a few times to adjust to the lack of light. My hand slowly traveled to my side and I felt bandages on it. It didn't hurt so much anymore. Someone must have patched me up.

I moved my head to the side and saw Levi sitting in the corner next to the window, looking out. A faint light of a candle was lighting up his face. He looked tired. I noticed a cup in his hand out of which steam was coming out. I looked towards the table to see the heaps of cups, probably now empty.

Ah, how many did he have.

I waited for a bit and then smiled at him.

"You know if you keep drinking so much of your tea, I won't be able to keep count." I snickered.

His eyes quickly shot towards me. His face was startled but then quickly softened. He looked to his hand and then to the cups on the table and smirked. He got up from the chair and came slowly to me. I scooted over to make room for him to sit down on the bed.

When he got comfortable on the bed, he watched me for a while without a word. His eyes were soft and caring. None of the usual strain and anger was there.

His eyes suddenly looked at my hand like he wanted to hold it. I waited for him but nothing happened.


Ugh, fuck it.

I pulled my hand out of the blanket and took his hand. His eyes widened but he quickly put his other hand on mine. His hands were warm from holding his hot tea.

"How are you feeling?" He softly asked.

"Could be better but I think I'll be fine." I chuckled. A bit of red was hinting at my cheeks from his soft caressing on my hand.

"That's good. Y/N, I'm really sorry for what had happened to you. It shouldn't have and the blame is all on me. If it wasn't for my poor choices it-"

"Captain...uh Levi. Don't worry about it. I'm fine now and that's all that matters." I smiled at him to reassure him. He only sighed. He clearly still blamed himself and wouldn't let it go.

"Who was that Kenny guy anyway. Do you know him?" I asked.

"Uh, he...he's...I knew him for a long time..." It surely had to do something with his past.

"I get it, I won't probe you about it further. 'No questions about personal life'." I quoted him with a chuckle. He looked at me uneasily and then sighed.

"No, I can't keep going like this. I can't hide from my past and act like it never happened. Y/N I want to tell you and I will...one day." He sighed once again. He still couldn't do it and I wouldn't pressure him.

"It's okay Levi. I have my faults too. We can slowly work on them together." His eyes looked hopefully into mine and I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"...there are other things that need fixing quicker." His expression turned into a confused one. "...like your tea addiction. We gotta work on that." I chuckled and his smile followed.

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